Said, Blue Qian Yu is elegant and hurriedly ...

Louis Calla looked at her back, his face became stunned. He invited her three times tonight. She did not agree. Is it true that she really disgusted her? ?

Wemewood looked at the direction of Blue Qian Yu, and his eyes were very complicated. Is this woman deliberate? What did she know? ?

Qin Wei was anxious to call Han Xiu City, and suddenly turned off, where did the bastard go? Isn't it going to be with Blue Qian Yu? ? ?

Qin Wei, the more you want to get rid of, change to Han Xiu City's head of the martial arts, Yoshin Wu is an answer: "Miss Qin!"

"What about Xiu City?" Qin Wei was eager to ask.

"This, I am not very clear." Yamashi Mountain said, "Isn't the banquet not allowed to bring your bodyguard? I have been waiting outside, I have not seen the owner."

"Give me a look, right." Qin Wei's voice has begun to become excited.

"Miss Qin, what happened?" Wenhai came over to ask.

"Nothing." Qin Wei is a bad temper, but also knowing, but knowing that the ugliness is not good, let alone do not figure out, she doesn't want to speak.

"Show City?" Wemewood has guess a few points, testicity, "I just received his phone, he said that there was a hurry to go, I thought he left with you."

"He called you? When is it?" Qin Wei immediately asked.

"It is about half an hour before." Wenhai turned out the mobile phone record to Qin Wei, "Oh, no half an hour, twenty-three minutes."

"I called him twenty minutes before he shutd down." Qin Wei's brow frowned tightly, and he couldn't help but low. "It seems that he only will treat you. No matter what I. This king is eight eggs, he is looking for it. "

"Maybe there is something." Wenhai said that "You don't want to be so strong, treat men, should be gentle, otherwise it will only be counterproductive."

"Wen gentle? If I found him, I am sorry for me, see how I packed him."

Qin Wei said this sentence, the gas is rushing, continue to call while walking, "Yamoto, people have found no? How come alone? How do you do something? Hurry, you must find him."


Wenhai looked at the back of Qin Wei, frowned, and he felt that the things tonight were not so simple, that blue thousand feathers were really problematic.

Thinking of this, Wemewood made a gesture, with a followed back to the back, whispered: "Let you stare at Blue Qian Yu, have she not made abnormal move?"

"She has been walking in the garden, and there is ..." As with the warm sea ear, "Han Xiu City is also going to the garden, they will take a walk, behavior is very embarrassed, because I don't dare to happen, I have a bit Far, didn't listen to what they said, I saw Blue Qianfei gave him a mission, and he hurriedly drove. "

"This woman really has a problem." Wenhai's eyes narrow, quickly order, "It is estimated that she is tempting Han Xiu City, and the two are about to go out, she must set up a trap, you hurry to find Han Xiu City, remind him Don't go up. This idiot now has the value, and he knows that I am too much, if he planted, I will trouble. "

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