"My mother is a princess, I have been unhappy after getting married, I have known my father, I have born me, my father is a civilians, I'm raising me. Later, I died because of the death, my mother died in seven years ago. Only about my grandmother, my grandmother personally took me back.

Because my identity is still a matter, the Queen's grandmother does not want to cause public opinion controversy, only give me the count, did not let me restore the identity of the prince, and say that I am her episode.

But she is actually very good for me. Ying country has no respect for me, including Wenhai's foreign countries, I also have three points to me, in fact, Ming people know that my true identity, just everyone's heart, no one dares to reveal Stop. "

"It turns out!" Blue Qian Yu suddenly realized, "It is no wonder that the warm minister gives you a face. I wanted to ask him before, even his secretary didn't pass."

She did before the Wenhai, I tried to meet him in the Wenhai, I tried to meet him, I want to set the pocket, I can't avoid it. Tonight, he didn't give her a chance to talk, but it is so much The face of people hit a message.

Later, Qin Wei was humiliated her, and Wenhai in order to show the image of the good people I used to help her solve.

Said wearing, Wemewood Today, please come, just let her be a jumping beam clown, let the guests discuss the topic discussed.

"It doesn't matter, wait until he will come back. When you have something to say, I will tell him, I will help you tell him, as long as I don't violate the discipline, I believe he should help you." Louis at Mist smiling her.

"Well, thank you!" Blue Qian Yu nodded, "When I arrive, let's go in."

"Well." Louis Boker supported Blue Qian Yujin Hotel, the general manager personally came to welcome, and asked them to go to the study, but also said that everything is Wenhai ...


On the road, on the road, Koni Seck is still on the road, the passenger is unfolbened: "The owner, why is the Louis Earl say that the Blue Qian Yu is in the Century Dynasty? She is clearly in the half-mountain hotel. This will not be blue Qian Yu's trick? We really should go to see it. "

"The Earl of Louis can't be sin." Wenhai low said, "My company is ready to enter the Ying country market, please come to you, now he personally opens a small thing, how can I refuse?"

"I see him is haloed by the blue thousand fans. Maybe it is to help her cover, deliberately call you back." The Wen dynasty is angry, "Blue Qian Yu is now not in the Century Dynasty, it is estimated that it is also half the mountain hotel I am intimate with Han Xiu City. "

"Well." Wenhai is ambulances, "Han Xiu City waste, there is no mind, sooner to take out, let him be self-destroyed. The contract of Qin family tonight has signed, and the night is also collapsed. The big interest is already in the hand. Although he still uses the value, it is not very big. Other things will come slowly, even if there is no him, I can slap the Qin Xiang and the night home, put the two property income in the bag. "

"To the right, the owner"! "Wen Dynasty was busy.

"Yes, how is Xiao Han recently?"

"He is with Qinshiya in Hong Kong. The last time Qin family's pressure is very serious, and now in order to save the loss, it is busy with the head every day."

"It doesn't matter, his company is just a small number, I am a big head here, and my property is his property is his, Night flames, Qin Jia, Xiao Qi, no one is good."

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