Just when Han Xiu City is preparing to hurt Qin Xiang, the Blue Qian Yu and Louis Earl are already on the way back.

Louis Earl has been chatting with Blue Qian Yu, talking about the weather in the United States, Ying national style, the first blue thousand is still warm, and discussed with him. Later, she didn't want to talk, I don't know why, her heart I always feel a little faint, it seems to have something bad.

I thought about it, her mobile phone suddenly rang, it is Le Le, she is busy answering the phone: "Le Le!"

"Where are you?" Leigh anxiously.

"on the way home……"

"Your car is still parked in the alley, what car do you go back? Who is you with?" Leager.

"Earl with Louis, don't worry, he is a good person."

"It is not this problem now, there is a big event." Le Lee is in a hurry, "Is the car of Louis not White Bentley? Car license number xxxxx?"

"Yes ..." Blue Qianyu explored the window, Le Lexian car has been opened, she hurriedly said to Louise Earl, "Rouza Earl, trouble for your driver to park."

"Parking." Louis Puddown first ordered, and then frowned, "What happened? Who is the person who called?"

Blue Qianyu has not come back and reply, Leizie has already got off the car, and the blue thousands of feathers immediately opened the door: "Leager, what happened?"

"I will go with me." Leigh is anxiously pulling her.

"Wait a minute." "Louis Mist is not happy," Who are you? Why is this a VIP? "

"Earl of Louis, you don't misunderstand, he is my brother." Blue Qian Yu immediately explained.

"Brother?" The Earl of Louis is a little accident, and then the happiness, "Apologize, it seems to be me misunderstood."

"Earl of Louis, I just knew that you helped my sister tonight, but I have an urgent thing to take her away. I have the opportunity to talk to you next time."

Le Lee said this sentence, directly pulling Blue Thousand!

"Sorry, thank you tonight." Blue Qian Yu said to Louis Earl.

"Remember to contact me, I will wait for you." The Earl of Louis reluctantly looked at her.


Le Le took the car on Blue Qianyu and urged it immediately; "hurry to Nanyuan Hospital."

"Yes." The driver opened the car to the South Yuanyuan Hospital.

Question: "Why is it going to Nanyuan Hospital?"

"You are still very embarrassed???"

Leighful is very annoyed -

"Just now Zhao Jun called me, saying that you may be dangerous, call me to pick you up, I ask him to ask you, I know that you have done so many things tonight, why don't you tell me early?? ?

Although you are very smart, the planned cloth is very good, it seems very only, but there is also a sparse, now Qin Wei is abortion, Han Xiu City lost the chips, it is very likely to be alone, it is unfavorable to Qin Xiang, The criminal is planted to you, and you can't get it in the Yellow River. "

Blue Qian Yu stunned, the horror asked: "Qin Wei is abortion? How did Zhao Jun said to me?"

"He is afraid that you will know that you will be uneasy, so I didn't tell you." Leigh said nothing.

"How is this? I just want to reveal the true face of Han Xiu City. I didn't think about hurting Qin Wei. Why did they make things like this?" Blue Qian Yu is unrest, "If you are really like you said, Korea Xiucheng will be unfavorable to Qin Xiang, then my sin is even greater. "

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