"That night is ignited with his wife?" Xiao Han is eager to ask, "They also died in the car accident?"

"Not." Xiao Jinpeng said, "The car accident is very serious, your mom is driving, death, night ignition and his wife sitting behind the seat, he protects his wife at the crucial moment, he is seriously injured After three more months lying in the hospital, his wife injured is not very heavy ... "

Xiao Han's brain sea thoughts, is it because of this, Wemeworhendai believes that Mummy is related to the night home? Is this a car accident? Is there any other hidden love?

Night ignition is self-timing, and it is enough to see him to see himself, what is his wife? ? ?

If the night is at all, he doesn't love Mommy. Why do you have to work with Mommy after marriage?

Also or said, is it just Mommy? ?

Is Mommy love a man? What happened to her with the Wemaihai?

This complex problem, like a strip, woven into an intricate network, so that Xiao Han is like.

"It's strange." Xiao Jinpeng said, "After the car accident, the night combustion and his wife fled a robbery, but two years later, they had a car accident, and the two came with a driver to drive into the championship. On the spot death! "

"Yes, the thing is sensitive to the world." Zhu Min plugged a sentence, "At that time, the Wemai said that it is your mommy back to them."

Xiao Han frowned tightly, is it concerned about the death of the night? ?

"Why do you suddenly ask this? What is the relationship with Xiao Qi's case?" Zhu Min was looking for a chance to ask Xiao Qi's things.

Xiao Han did not speak, no more, and accelerated again, quickly arrived at the airport and the Si Hui and Qin Xia.


Nanyuan Hospital, the sky is bright.

Han Xiu City has been sitting for five hours in Qin Wei's hospital bed. She finally woke up, he quickly held her hand: "We, you finally woke up!"

Qin Wei slowly opened his eyes, pale his face without blood, and the original bright scorpion did not have any luster. He looked at Han Xiu City in Han Xiu City. : "What are you doing here? Roll out, roll out -"

"Weier, don't be excited, listen to me ..."

"Roll ----" Qin Wei's half sentences don't want to listen, hysterical roar.

"I beg you, don't like this ..." Han Xiu City squatted on the ground, smashing a few slaps, crying and begging, "I know is wrong, you hit me, even killed me Yes, don't be difficult, I see you, I am really distressed. "

"Killing you?" Qin Wei cried and cleared. "I really want to kill you, you killed my child, you damn, you will die with Blue Qian Yu !!!"

"Yes, I should die, I am not a person ..." Han Xiu City smokes his own slap, the face is swollen, the mouth is overflowing blood, "I would rather hurt yourself."

Qin Wei twisted the head, didn't want to see him despicable, desperate cry -

"The child has been more than four months, I have a belly, so I am killed by you, Han Xiu City, which is not good for you? You just just a normal staff, if not me, you Can you have today? Why do you want to be this ??? "

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