"What do you mean?" Han Xiucheng panicked about God, panicked to Qin Wei, "Don't talk ..."

"I personally is a personal card, and you have teatched my things before, my phone has a recording."

Qin Weiji hits the mobile phone, watching him with sadness -

"In fact, when I was in trouble, I was shaken. At the beginning, we quoted it, just let Xiao Han and Xiaa are separated, but I don't understand why, why do you want to put a knife on that bed? , Make things so serious, people who die die is not my mom, it is other people, it is not the result I want. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Han Xiu City denied the facts, it seems that there is something like this.

"I was afraid that I was afraid again, I didn't dare to face the truth, and I will continue to be confused by you, but I always feel uneasy, so many things, I recorded it.

At that time, I didn't have to doubt me, and I didn't even have a lot of wrong things, until the child missed, I started regret, but I still didn't recognize your true face.

Even if I do something, I didn't think about you, but just now, you will show your horse, I know that all this is wrong, wrong ... "

To be here, Qin Wei has been tearing, "I have been laughing at Xia, saying that she has no eyes, and she likes Xiao Han that kind of flowers, now I know, in fact, the people who really have no eyes are. I, I will like you of this kind of human beast-hearted beast ... "

"You don't think I don't know, you said that so much nonsense is to mislead me." Han Xiu City has interrupted her words. "You want me to believe that you really have my evidence, do you think I will be deceived? It is impossible, it is impossible. "

"You don't believe that it is not important. It is basically that the judge will believe."

Qin Wei was handed over the mobile phone to the Director Harley. The Director Harley was preparing to pick up. Han Xiu City suddenly excitedly rushed to take the mobile phone, Leles exclaimed: "Protect the certificate!"

Several policemen immediately went to grab the mobile phone, Han Xiu City immediately put the mobile phone out of the window, excited smile: "No, no, you have no evidence that I have problems, there is no evidence ..."

"You grab the mobile phone is evidence." Blue Qianyu is angry at him, "You still don't understand it now, there is no evidence in Wei's mobile phone, she is deliberate, because you are already right, because you "

"As you have just, we can definitely do your thief, the hospital's camera has taken it, will become a certificate for it." Harley said seriously, "Han Xiu City, you are already killed, this You are sitting. "

"You, you ..." Han Xiu City is almost retreat. "You all come together to calculate me, I will not compromise, I will not, I will think about my sin, Impossible, Impossible, will Someone saved me, I don't want to sit, don't take it ... "

"Save you?" Lei Ran sculled the laughter, "" You are slow, wait. "

Hi Yang, the police immediately went to Han Xiu City, Han Xiu City wanted to escape, and the two people turned his hand to back, he couldn't move, scream, wrist, wrist, then I was gone by the police.

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