Blue Qian Yu and Leizie first went to the police station, and the two stopped the car. I met Xiao Han in the door.

On the road, Xiao Jinpeng and Zhu Min learned that Xiao Qi committed sin and was put into prison, and the mood was very heavy.

I took the car, Zhu Min looked at the blue millet. It is not possible to negotiate. If she is not so utilitarian, maybe everything will make this.

"Aflerie, the grandmother!" Blue Qianyu said hello, although she hated Zhu Min, the matter had been in the past, she didn't want to remember.

"Well." Xiao Jinpeng should look at it.

Zhu Min Qi: "You, how can you here?"

"Xiao Qi's case is related to the night home." Blue Qian Yu said with a serious thing -

"He killed a senior official, married to night flames, and the night flames have been caught in a few months. After a while, it is necessary to open, but now Xiao Qi's things have been revealed, the police have mastered some evidence It is only one important person to go to the case. I hope that you can persuade him. If he is surrendering now, we will give him a sentence to the judge. "

"How can this be?" Zhu Min's emotions were a little excited, "Xiao Qi is good, why do you want to die a senior official wife, give a disaster to give night flames? Is this a clear? Is there any misunderstanding? Or you Save the night flame, deliberately framed Xia Qi? "

Blue Qian Yu frowned, did not expect this time, Zhu Min also said such a word, just saw her eyes, I thought she had realized.

Maybe it's like this. Even if you understand some truth, you will still send your family from your own.

"It's enough!" Xiao Jinpeng, "" When I arrived at this time, you still don't know how to repent, when you are all-made, Xiao Qi will be wrong, go today, your own son, you don't Clear? In order to achieve the purpose, what can he do? "

"What is this? This is said that your son, is it all the things that I am alone, are you not wrong?"

"Your woman, don't stick to it."

"How do I ..."

"Is there a noisy?" Xiao Han interrupts them, "I just on the road, I didn't talk to you, I know that you are unacceptable. You suspect that we are fascinated by Xiao Qi, doubting him innocent, what All are good, it doesn't matter, wait for you to see him. "

"Yes, you will understand it." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "Some things, others can be framed, but some things, others can't do it."

Xiao Qi is in order to revenge, in order to start, he can change his face, even the look, the country has changed, what else does not do?

"Go in, time is not early." Leisheng urged.

"Please." Blue Qian Yu and Leles went to front.

Xiao Jinpeng and Zhu Min were uneasy to follow, praying in my heart, this is just a misunderstanding, Xiao Qi did not do bad things, no ...


When Xiao Qi was taken out, I was still thinking, I would like to see the people who saw the Wemeworn, I could convince Wenhai to save him, and I didn't think he was threatening him.

But when he saw Xiao Jinpeng, Zhu Min, and when there was Blue Thousand, he was completely shocked.

He didn't think of him, people who came to see him will be them ...

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