Zhao Jun looked at the direction of the car left, frowning: "Where is the young lady going? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Is there a young lady with Louis Earl? They both have been very close recently." The bodyguard driving the car said.

"What is nano?" Zhao Jun is bold, "the young lady is running for the owner's case, how can you doubt her, damage her reputation?"

"This can be said." A maid is light, "all found the home, but also in our face, I said that the Louis March must be interested, and the young lady did not refuse him. "

"Shut up !!!" Zhao Jun domineering orders, "Even if the young lady is close to Louis, it is for the master, she is a loyal woman, will not betray the master. Who dare to make more mouth, clean up the package Walking. "

The servants are low, they don't dare to speak more.

The bodyguards face each other, the face is strange, but no more.

Zhao Jun saw the face like the bodyguard, and he didn't help but worry. Although Blue Qian Yu didn't have anything to Louis, but not guarantee that the Louis Earl didn't mean. After all, it was only the relationship between Pingshuo, and he helped her everywhere. Thinking, it is unaware that it will not make any excessive requirements for her.

Now I still ran to the night home to pick her, and the courage is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Jun, the more I don't worry, I have been busy with the car.


Extended version of the Rolls Lez, Blue Qian Yu wants to call Zhao Jun, but the Earl of Louis said; "In my there, what else do you have? Today, you talk to the Dorm judge is talking about the case, bringing Bodyguards will be no sincerity. "

"I just want to keep some things with him." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, Louis Bojue stressed, "Please!"

Blue Qianyu dialed Zhao Jun's phone -


"Zhao Jun, I went to Louis Punister to see the Dorm judge, talk about the post-extension, Louis Earl will protect my safety, you don't have to worry, protect your young master at home."

"Okay, I know." Zhao Jun responded, but there was already a number in his heart. It turned out that Blue Qian Yu is going to go to Louis, but he still keeps up with it. If there is any accident, he is good time. Rescue, but he said on his mouth, "Then you should be careful, there is anything to call at any time."

"Okay, bye."


Located in the New York Mountains, Louis Punker is bypassing several Panshan Highway. It enters an original forest, there is a European villa, luxurious and dreamy.

"Your home is very beautiful." Blue Qian Yu looked around the environment.

"You like it well, in fact, there are many houses in New York, this is only one of them, in order not to compete, today I chose here." Louis Bo took the car.

Blue Qian Yu is also from the other side: "Do you have a Dorm?"

"It should be almost." Louis Coal looked at the watch. "I met him for 12 o'clock, it's still ten minutes, let's go in, you don't have breakfast, I will let you get some snacks. "

"Okay, thank you." Blue Qian Yu walked into the villa with Louis Earl.

It is the accident that the maid here is very beautiful, the body is also very good, and it is also very exposed. Blue Qian Yu is a little uneasy. I heard that YING royalty is very open. Is the Route do not do?

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