"Well?" Blue Qian Yu didn't quite understand the meaning of Louis, she said so much, how can I actively give himself?

"I said, I will never barely, but if you take the initiative, then it is another matter." Louis Earl looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Blue Qian Yu still does not understand.

At this time, the car came from outside, and the bodyguard came to report: "Mr. Earl, Dorm judge is coming!"

Louis Earl put down the wine glass, stood up: "Don't be nervous, everyone has weaknesses, I have found the weakness of Dorm Judge, today, he will promise you."

"Really? Thank you." Blue Qian Yu is expected.

"You really should thank me ..." Louis Capo touched her hair. "For you, I spent a lot of mind."

The expression of Blue Thousand became stiff.

"Okay." Louis Pu went out, "Let's go out to meet him."

"Oh." Blue Qian Yu also stood up and sorted it.


The car just stopped, and the car was opened before, a middle-aged man came out, medium, ordinary appearance, wearing a straight suit, wearing a glasses, looking very savvy.

"Louis Earl, thank you for your invitation!" Dom Judge has a gift to Louis.

"The judge is not polite." Lu Yi, the passion, "Today, I ask you to do things."

"Haha, Louis Earl will be joking, you have a high weight, what is the told that I don't want to say?" When the Dorm judge spent, the eyes swept from Blue Qianyu, "this is a night wife." ? "

"Here, you can call her Miss." Rouza Earl never likes to call Blue Qianyu night.

"Oh." Dorm judge's eyes flashed, attitude solemnly be cautious, "Miss Blue, Fortunately!"

The Dorm judge is a smart person. The word Louis did leaked his interest in Blue Qian Yu. It is not allowed that they are the relationship between men and women, how to I dare to neglect.

"The judge is too polite, thank you for taking the time to see me in this busy." Blue Qian Yu was arrested with him.

"After lunch is ready, please come." Louis Earl shouted.

"it is good."


Three people walked into the villa, three beautiful maids are going to the dining table, Dorm judges see them, can not help but look up, there is an uncharacted excitement.

Blue Qian Yu looked at the Earl of Louis, Louis Bojue made a look, she understood that the weakness of the Dorm judge is a good color, these three maids are specially prepared for him.

"The judge is really very temperament!" Three maids came over, a terminal wine, a seat pulled him, a chair for him, "the judge, these are what we do personally, you look at the no appetite "

"Very good, very good ..." Dorm judge nodded.

Louis Pujue pulled Blue Qian Yu to sit down, meaning that it means: "The judge's adults like it, today's lunch can spend a lot of mind, every dish is treasure."

"The judge adult, you taste it."

Three maid enthusiastically feed Dorm judge, the three people were posted on him, one of which simply sat on his legs, Dorm judge was excited, when everyone's face, hand is arrogant stand up……

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