Bacle brows wrinkled, his face is already a bit unrest, Wenhai speaking a lot of bad things in front of him, but now he has a person's own person.

"Who is asking?" Night flames.

"I ask you!" Wenhai out of mouth, after I finished, I realized myself, I couldn't help but anger. "Do you dare to marry me?"

"Oh!" Night flames said, "You are in myself. Water Sea, mind, dark people, thinking is dark, sometimes smart and smart,"

"Less Waiting .." Wenhai is angry, "I will take them."

The bodyguards came from the night flames, and Zhao Jun immediately guarded in front of the night flames.

"Mr. Wen ..."

"Let me go in !!"

Bachal was originally wanted to solve the night flames. At this time, the voice of Blue Qian Yu is coming.

"Hey, your wife found it?" Wenhai is interested in picking eyebrows, "It seems that this drama is more exciting."

He waved command, "let her come in."

Outside, the bodyguard puts the blue thousand Yu in, and the blue thousand feathers are in a hurry. I saw the face of the night flames, and my heart is tight, and I will hold him in the past. "How do you?"

"I am fine." Night flames, "How come you? Hurry."

"Let's go together." Blue Qian Yu took him away, but was stopped by the bodyguard of Wemeworn.

"Will you go?" Wenhai evil spirits, "It's rare, the night, the night of the celebrities, the top of the top social circles, the number of people, the number of rhymes, can't finish, can come tonight My cruise ship really makes me pleaded! "

"Wemewood, your mouth is getting clean." Night flames is angry.

Wenhai is ignored by him, to Buckle: "Mr. Bacle, you see, this is my night, I have said to you!"

Bacle gave a blue millet, not from the front of his eyes, he never likes the oriental woman, especially the blue-thousand feathers of the Qing dynasty, and it will feel a feeling.

"Wen, give you the posterity of the nectar." Blue Qianyu said coldly, "the mouth is vicious, it is also a kind of sin."

"Mrs. Night is always fangs, I don't want to fight your mouth with you." Wenhai smiled, "Mr. Bacle, several Oriental women gave you, you said that I owe some flavor, how?"

"Yes." Bacle's gaze has stayed in Blue Qianyu, and he will not blink.

"Night, don't say that you don't give you a chance." Wenhai smashed the cigarette butt, pointed to the night flame, "as long as you let your wife accompany Bacle for one night, this business, when I let you give you the sea "

"Your fuck is owed." The night flames waved the fist to Wenhai, and Blue Qian Yu immediately pulled him. "Don't do emotional slaves, with this kind of people really lose."

When I heard this sentence, Bacle's eyes were appreciated, but the blue thousands of feathers were not beautiful, and the temperament was very warm, and the mind wisdom.

"How? Mr. Bacle? Is this aware of this?" Wenhai smiled and said to Buck.

Bucks smiled slightly, no recognition, no objection, very clear, he is accepting this suggestion, but he will not barely.

"Night, this can be a good opportunity, to catch it." Wenhai continued to ignite, "Anyway, your wife has already followed so many men, not to follow one, change such a big business in one night, total ratio You drink, drink stomach, oh. "

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