"Let Harley smiles." The night flame smiled slightly, meaning deep and long, "the warm minister drunk, always wrapped with me, I can't walk."

"Hey?" The Director Harley looked at the warm sea. "The temperature is really too much? It is so big tonight?"

"I have a joke with him." Wen Haoyang looked over the lips, "Harley Demonstration is really duty, it is still a class?"

"There is no way, the people's public servant, you have to serve the people, where I have something to go," Harley said that "now is not peaceful, the riot incident is too much, I have to fight twelve points spirit."

Wenhai glared at the night flame, false models, fake: "The Director Harley said, how many riots? It is some of the small questions."

"The small matter is good." Harley said that the Director Harley said that "" There is a fair competition on the business field, but must hurt and gas for a little bit. "

"The Director Harley said, I don't understand." Wenhai is not pleasing, "What is it in front of you? What is it?"

"What dare, the temperature minister can be the important official of the president, who dares to cry?" The Director Harley said, "There are many unresolved people to try to hurt our officials, I specially come to escort you."

"It's really trouble." Wenhai stiff smiled, waved the order, "Harley Director came to pick us up, what are you waiting for? Go."



Wenhai has left, and the Director Harley is a name to escort him. In fact, he is supervised him and does not let him get anything.

In order to prevent, he also sent a team of people to protect the night flames.

Night flames and others finally took off their body, and quickly evacuate the scene quickly and went home.

On the car, Zhao Jun said he was grateful to: "Mrs. Young Mrs. You really have a deep concern. I have already contacted the Director Harley."

"Not my name." Blue Qianfei said, "I didn't expect this at all, I think the Wemewood did not dare to mess, so there was no alarm at all."

"Not you, who is that?" Zhao Jun asked Strangely.

"It should be Grandpa." The phone of Night flaming rang, the phone is Bo Wei, he answers the phone -

"Young master, you are nothing? Harley Director said that you were siegeed by the warm sea? Is there any injury?" Bo Wei asked anxiously.

"Nothing, we are already on the way home."

"Oh, it is good. The old pool has been waiting for you, I am worried that I can't sleep."

"We arrived at home for half an hour."

"Well, we are waiting for you."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu sighs: "When I walked, I asked me about your business. In order not to worry about him and grandfather, I didn't think of the excuse, I didn't expect him to find a problem, but also let Harley Director to take us. It's really hard. "

The night flames said: "I am not filial, all this time, I still make Grandpa to worry."

"Master, don't say this, you only have a person to fight."

"Being 100 years old, long worries ninety-nine, grandfather will always think of us, we have to fight for torry, let his old people feel at ease."

"Well, I have to continue working hard!"


After half an hour's drive, the night flames and Blue Thousands finally returned to the night home, the face of the night flaming is very ugly, the blue thousand fears are very worried ...

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