"Good." Blue Qian Yu nodded, at this time, the Minute Louis Earl has already opened the car, they immediately got the bus, straight to Shenjia.


The night flames found the fastest, so they were earliest to Shenjia.

In order not to hit the snake, the night flames let the car stop the car in the flower bed of the car and a few hundred meters away, and then walk with Zhao Jun.

Because the physical strength of the stomach disease, the physical strength of the night flame is not very good, there are some shakes and descendants, Zhao Jun holds him, and the worries say: "The owner, you are not good, just in this way, I will be dangerous."

"Less waste." The night flames lied at the stomach, stunned, "" Going. "

"Hey." Zhao Jun did not dare to say more, slightly accelerated.

The night flames looked at the sky, a lightning shot, and the clouds rolled in the sky. It seems that it is necessary to thunderstorm, I heard that people suffering from schizophrenia are afraid of such weather, if Shen Coicheng, if you hear the thunder, Will it be stimulated?

I think about it, the sky suddenly "bangs", and smashing the lingering thunder.

The night flames were trembled, and they stared at the cold house. At this time, the villa came to the screams of fear: "Ah --------"

"Heaven, there is an accident." Zhao Jun was stupid.

The two people rushed to the arrows, and the night flames were running. The stomach cancer is like being torn, but he didn't stay, even if he was going to die, he could not let his son have something.


In the woods, Blue Qian Yu heard the thunder, he kept squatting: "Thunder, thunder."

"Worse." Shen Sanghai was also chaotic, and his hand shaked it.

"Nothing, don't be afraid." The Earl of Louis, "There should be a maid and bodyguard at home, will not let her hurt the child."

"Happy, hurry up -" Blue Qian Yu is excited, "I want to save my son ----"

"Fast." Louis Earl anxious command.


Qiao Qing's car just opened to the Shenjia Villa area, he heard the thunder, cold, cold: "After it is, if you have heard the thunder, she will not hurt the thousand wings."

"Don't worry, we have arrived." Qiao Qing was comforting cold, his voice was trembling, almost hit the Night flame, "is the night total car."

"They have arrived, it is estimated that if they don't want to stimulate the coagulation, they will stop the car here. Now it has been thundered, we don't care so much, directly open it." Cold, if the ice is broken.



In the room on the second floor of the villa, the maid Xiaolin is frightened, and it is horrible to look at Shen Coicheng ...

The screams just sent, she just finished dinner, ready to clean the owner's room, I went to rest, but the passing of the room, she saw the footprint of blood, scared straight ...

Xiaolin bluntly opened the door and found that Shen Coicheng in the white dress was not breathing on the carpet. It is probably a long time, full of muddy, tired, and the feet are full of blood.

Xiao Lin is happy, I want to say that Shen Mi is looking for Miss Shen, I didn't expect Miss Shen, but when she opened the door, she found that Shen Coicheng was still sitting in front of her child.

That is the little grandfather of the night home. His little mouth is dead by the tape, and Zhan Ze's peeled amber scorpion shinks with crystal tears.

Shen Coicheng took a knife in his hand, swaying in front of the small thousand wings, smiling in the middle of the Senson: "You are the blue-thousand feathers, when you have your existence, the night flame will follow me Destroy the marriage, abandon me on the spot on the wedding ... "

She has a small neck of the little wing, and the other hand puts the knife on his mouth. "It's because you are a small species, you don't know? I don't know??"

"Oh ..." The mouth of the little wing was sealed, but it was still scared, and the thick crying came from the nasal cavity, and the small body was not trembling.

Shen Coicheng grabbed the knife, but did not stab, she looked at the eyes of Xiaoqianyi, just like looking at the night flames of love, her eyes flapped with a complicated ray, she seems to hesitate.

Xiaolin was scared, even busy his mobile phone is ready to call Shen Zanghai. At this time, the sky suddenly slammed a surprise, Shen Coicheng, like a mad, and squatting the knife. ... ...

Xiaolin screamed, Shen Coicheng, the movement in his hand, look back, look at her.

"Shen, Miss Shen, you can't kill the young master, he is your outer ..." Xiaolin was scared, but he drove the courage to persuade. "He, he is your sister, with you, but there is blood relationship Loved person. "

"Lovedness ..." Shen Coicheng smiled, stand up, step by step, "My loved ones only love Blue Qian Yu, no one loves me, they are all bad people, bad people -"

"No, no, no ..." Xiao Lin said, "Shen Tong and his wife love you, even if you don't look at them, you have to think about the night, he is the night's son. If you hurt him, the night will not forgive you. "

This time, Shen Coicheng has a footsteps, ,

"To the right, it is the night flame, don't you like him? Can you see him sad?" Xiaolin took the opportunity to persuade, "Shen Miss, you put the young master, the son is innocent."

"Boom -" The sky is once again smashing a thunder, Shen Coicheng hugged his head, the painful scream: "My head is good, so pain ..."

"Miss Shen, are you nothing?" Xiaolin pretended to care about her, the more slowly moved to the room, and the little thousand wings were run.

"You dare to lie to me? Go to death -" Shen Coicheng went to Xiao Lin.

Xiaolin scared his legs soft, fell on the stairs, and the little wings in the arms fell next to it. Shen Xiruo's knife slammed into Xiaolin's thigh, Xiao Lin hurts the body to bow, scream Scream: "Help -"

Shen Coicheng, if the face is full of smiles, slap the knife, but also stabbed the little wings.

Just on this ancestors, the night flames rushed over: "Stop !!!!!!!!!!!"

After listening to the sound of the night flaming, Shen Coicheng was shocked, turned his head, and the eyes were gradually dissipated, and the tears were poured down, and the hands and dirty faces and messy hair, I want to make them feel clean and beautiful. It is also excited to say: "Flame, you finally came to see me, are you coming to me?"

"Yes." Night flaming in order to appease her, only to pretend to respond, "Jura, before I am sorry, I already know, let's put down the knife first, come here, come here."

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