
"Now, immediately, please ask the Williapi to leave, I can still give you a face now." Lei Zhen Ting's commandment, "Night flames will do surgery tomorrow, live in the Nove, everyone's mood is very It's very tight, I don't want to lose my temper at night. "

"Okay, I know." Leisuate sighed, turn around, he learned about his father's temper. If he did not take it, Lei Zhen Ting will not give it, and it will be troublesome when you make trouble.

Indeed, now the people in the night are worried about the things of Night flames. If he doesn't want to get out of this emergency, it is too sorry.


Downstairs, Williafei once inquired about Blue Qian Yu: "Thousands of sisters, I heard that the brother-in-law is sick, I know a very powerful doctor, maybe I can help you."

"Thank you, so heart." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "But Mr. I will do surgery tomorrow, the doctor is arranged, it may not be asked."

"Tomorrow surgery, now let him rush from France, completely get it." William Fiier said seriously, "The doctor is Made, she is my grandmother's private doctor ..."

"Do you know Made doctor?" Cold if the ice responded very much, "Her medical skills are really very powerful, good at high-risk surgery, have had many successful cases, some very dangerous surgery, if she makes it, the success chance can at least Raise two-year. But she retired in the past few years, now it is about 70 years old? "

"Aunt also knows French mother-in-law?" Williafield is a little surprised. "She retired in seven years ago, but she stayed in the French Palace, when my grandmother is, if there is any discomfort, I will treat her "

"Is she still good now? Can you do surgery?" Cold if ice is excited.

"It's so very." Williafield said, "often play with me hit the horse, if not, no one knows that she is almost seventy, but she did not arrived in seventy, talented sixty nine Who said she is seventy, she is still not happy. There is no problem in surgery, half a year ago, I have done a surgery. "

"That, can you really have to move her?" Cold if the ice is a little worried, French doctor is not easy before retiring, it is almost exciting after retirement, no one knows her drop, if you can ask her Making surgery for night flames, that is naturally a good thing.

"Of course." Williafei nodded again, "She hurts me, I have to visit her every time I go back."

Cold, if the ice is turned to watch the night, the old man, ask what he means, the night is too big, knowing the Made doctor, of course, it is not necessary, excited, nodded.

Buri is busy to convey his meaning: "The old man means that if the princess is helping us, we will be grateful."

"Yeah, Feier, if you can really help us, you are our big benefactor." Blue Qian Yu holds her hand.

"My sister, don't be so polite, we are all a family, helping each other."

Williamfi smiled and laughed, immediately took out the phone called, and said all French, Blue Qian Yu didn't understand, but if the cold, the ice heard it, soon, Williafei finalized this. Hanging up the phone, turning his head to cold, "She immediately took the special machine, and it is estimated that it will come tonight."

Cold if ice feels some strange, such a big thing, how to say three words, French doctor live in the palace, at least ask the queen to ask the queen?

"Fili, thank you very much."

Blue Qian Yu did not expect to have this unexpected surprise, this is a special arrangement of the old man. Before the night flame surgery, the Williafifei sent Williapi to her, bringing her a new hope.

"You don't have to be polite." Williafei smiled and said, "But she is a bit strange, she doesn't like more people, and must have sufficient sleep, good mental state to do surgery, you can see you can give her Arrange a quiet place, let her take a break after the special plane, so that she can give the brother-in-law tomorrow morning. "

"Of course, it can be completely no problem." Cold Ruozhen said, "My family is now empty, and I will let the maid will be sorted out, I can go to my house when I come here."

"Okay." Williafield nodded, "Then I lived on the side of the past, so that I was so convenient for the lawful mother-in-law."

"Where to go?" At this time, Leles just downstairs.

"Go to my mother home." Williafi quickly took the past, closely pulled the Leles' hand. "I also said with aunt and my sister, please, French mother-in-law came to the sister, French mother-in-law also agreed. It's time to take a special machine, but she is going to be late at night. In order to arrange a quiet rest, the aunt makes people pick up the house, then we have lived in the past, so that it will be convenient for French mother-in-law at night. "

"Oh, it turned out to be this thing." Leizie nodded, "Are you not arranged early? Yesterday, in order to seek the lawdess, the United States gave night flame treatment, wrapped her for more than two hours. ... "

Williapi pulled his sleeves, indicating that he didn't say, but Leles had already said words.

"It turned out that Feier arranged early, it is no wonder that it is so easy to say." Cold Ruozi suddenly realized.

Le Le: "She listened to me last night, and immediately thought of Made doctor, calling Made in Made in the middle of the night, wrapped up her for more than two hours, French doctor couldn't help her. It is also for this thing today.

"Thank you, Feier, I am really grateful, I don't know how to say it." Blue Qian Yu is very moving.

"Oh, don't you be so polite, I am afraid that you have a psychological burden, so there is no so much." Williafei is sinking, smashing the Leigh's arm, "blame you, there are many words. "

"Okay, you go out and wait for me, we will wait for my mother home." Leigh said.

"Oh." William is very obsolete, turned to everyone, "You don't have to worry, I have been arranged by French mother-in-law, guarantee that I will give my brother-in-law tomorrow. I will go out, see it later."

"I will send you." Blue Qian Yu quickly got up and sent her out.


Le Leng looked at the Lei Zhen Ting, said to the cold, "" Mom, can you go back with me, I have something to discuss with you. "

"Of course, I just want to go back to arrange, let's go with you." Cold, smile.

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