"You are not a thousand feathers?" Xiao Han stunned, "the master?"

"It is me." Cold Rule is serious, "Qian Yu is in the body is not suitable, it is not convenient to pick you up, you talk, how do you know that we are here?"

"I am going to drive to the night home, see me ..." Xiao Handon, I am eager to say, "I saw that I got sneaky away, I felt that there was a embarrassment, I secretly followed them, I found them Come to this clinic, and then call the horse. I remember that your previous private doctor called Yuanqing, and I conceived all of her, so I called it clearly. "

Cold if ice does not have a positive reply, but to Zhao Jun's eye.

Zhao Jun immediately went to the window and viewed, and the low drink: "Worse, there are many reporters in the downstairs, those who are warm sea."

"Wenhai is too much, actually sent people to trouble." Qiao Qing said indignation.

"He didn't let people live, I really want to kill us." Blue Qian Yu is very excited.

"Now, these are already no use." Cold Ruo Yi Zhi's analysis, "No matter what, we have to think about stoping those reporters, absolutely can't let them come in, those reporters are only hidden, and they may have a warm sea. People, like Mrs. Winnie, when they have been mixed, they are finished. "

"Here is the hospital, how can they be chaotic?" Qiao Qing said urgently, "Not as good as our alarm? The police will protect the patient."

"It can't be alarm." Xiao Han immediately said, "The police will be a big horse, and things will be more big. When the night flames should not be quiet to do surgery?"

"What should I do?" Blue Qian Yu, "Mom, we quickly called Lei Shu, he must have a way."


"Yes, you quickly called Lei Zhen Ting, let him help solve it, I will try to drag them first."

When Xiao Han said, the phone had passed the noise, the hospital's security is drank, "What do you do?"

"They are already hard, you hurry." Xiao Han left this sentence, just hung the phone.


Cold if ice immediately called Lei Zhen Ting's phone ...

Xiao Han stopped them. Sure enough, he didn't have an effect, but Xiao Han didn't bring it. Only he was afraid to be too long. "Zhao Jun has been staring from the window.

"It took you more people in the morning." Qiao Qing accused.

"Don't blame him." Blue Qian Yu explained, "Take too many people still shake, was discovered, we just want to hide, so try not to arrange so many people, I didn't expect it to be found by Wenhai."

At this time, the cold phone of the cold is turned on: "Zhen Ting, Wenhai found us here."

"I know, Leizie and Feier have already taken people, and now I should go downstairs, I will go directly to Wenhai, don't worry." Lei Zhenwei said.



Hanging up the phone, cold if ice conveys the words of Lei Zhen Ting to everyone, and in a traveler: "Qian Yu, don't worry, so many people help us, there will be no things."

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is deeply sigh, sadly said, "Wenhai is really wanting to force us to do a departure, can have any deep vetement, why do he do things so absolutely?"

"Don't be sad." Qiao Qing was comforted.

"Mommy, don't be afraid, bad people come, wings protect you." Xiao Qianyi held the blueman's hand.

Blue Qian Yu is very touched, kiss your little wings.

"Worse, some people rushed up." Zhao Jun suddenly shouted, "Akai, hurry to block the elevator and stairway."

"Yes." Two bodyguards immediately got ready.

"How can it be?" Blue Qian Yu had shake it.

"It seems that Xiao Han can't pay for too long, how did Leisale have not come? I called." Cold if ice made Leigh phone, but no one picks up, she is angry, "how this kid Don't answer the phone? "

"It's coming, they are here." Zhao Jun was shouting, "Lei Shao and the princess of the princess came over, nothing, nothing."

"Really? Too good." Qiao Qing immediately went to the window.

Blue Qianyu just pulled a breath, and the elevator came a hustle, there were three or four reporters to flocked together, the bodyguard Awu was blocked there, can't stop them at all, they rushed to ask: "Here is a woman Obstetrics, is it a child who is a Louis Earl, is here a surgery? "

They are in this kind of scorpion and rush to interview, when they come out, let me say that it is Blue Qian Yu in the operating room, just doing a miscarriage, I didn't expect to have a life.

"There is this reason." Zhao Jun bite his teeth and rushed over. The few reporters immediately said, "We are a live video, you dare to do it, the people of the whole country can see."

"Our owners are doing surgery, do you have to get together? I will give it to me."

Zhao Jun is angry with a low drink, you want to drive away them, but they are not willing to walk, and the dead skin is squeezed.

There is a noisy outside the operating room, which will seriously affect the surgery.

Blue Qianyu is so crazy, excited to rush: "Do you have a bit of humanity? You will be troubled, there will be a retribution."

"The night is coming out ..." These all the reporters of Wenhai, they didn't care about anyone, and there was no humanity, and only took photos.

"Don't shoot." Blue Qian Yu reached out to push a reporter, the reporter biased, she fell on the ground, the abdomen came from sharp cramp ...

"Heaven, Qian Yu !!!" Cold if the ice is shocked, like a arrow, rushing to support the blue thousand feathers.

Zhao Jun was angry, and a boxing on the reporter's face, but also again, the other three reporters smashed: "Tell people, playing people ..."

"Ah ..." Xiao Qianyi was scared by this group.

"Thousands of wings, don't cry, will affect dads." Qiao Qing hurriedly licked the mouth of the thousand wings.

There is a chaos outside the operating room, and the warning light is bright in the operating room, and it is quietly quiet ...

At this critical moment, Williafi took several people from the elevator to the elevator, and wise, "" I grabbed them. "

"Yes." Several French soldiers arouse the four reporters.

A reporter shouted: "Hey, who are you, you can't move us ..."

"Hey!" Williafei is a slap in his nose. "My name is Williafi, is the nine princess of France, remember, I am playing you, you will report !! !take away!!!"

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