Until three in the afternoon, the door of the operating room was finally opened, and the doctor came out from the inside, and the fatigue was tired.

"Doctor, how?" Everyone was excited to welcome the past.

Made doctor picks up masks, saying that "said surgery is very successful !!!"

"Great." Everyone is all relieved, the Blue Qian Yu and the night, the old man is too excited to tears, finally nothing, the old man still has eyes. .

"But ..." Methi Master suddenly said, everyone's heart was blocked, and if the cold, "but what?"

Made doctor said seriously: "You must take a good rest, you can't touch spicy food, freezing, etc. within a year, you can't smoke and drink, otherwise the gods can't save him."

"Oh, rest assured, we know, will never dare to neglect." Blue Qian Yu Lianlian.

"That's good." Made doctor smiled slightly, "Now you don't have to worry, wait for him to take a good rest, so you can get better."

"Thank you, thank you." Cold if the ice is grateful.

"You are welcome, do more than seven hours of surgery, I am really hungry." Doctor Fa said.

"I have long known you to hungry, I have already booked in the restaurant, let's go eat." Williamfi is intimate to hold her arm.

"I know that Feier is the most embarrassing." Made doctor watched Williapi.

"Okay, now the surgery is very successful, everyone's heart is finally falling." Cold Ruo can smile, "Zhen Ting, Leizie, you will accompany the doctor to dine, then prepare to go back to France, here Give us."

"Know it." Lei Zhenwei looked at her deeply. "You don't be too tired, wait for the night's physical condition to stabilize, I will arrange you to return to Hong Kong."

"Well." Cold, if the ice nodded.

Burbernse spending the night of the night, "Made doctor, this time really thank you, your Dae Dade, we have no tooth unforgettable."

"I also sell it to Feier a human condition, I haven't had surgery for several years, I didn't expect the treasure knife to be old, huh, huh." Made doctor smiled.

"I also want to thank Feier, thanks to you." Cold Ruozi is kindly holding William's hand.

Williamfi smiles: "Don't be polite, it is a family in the future."

"It's really unshaust." Made doctor gently pinched her cheeks, and she reads the Leles, "Leisha, I like it very much."

"Oh, then it is good." Cold smiles.

"Doctor, French, because of time rush, we can't accompany you, please forgive me." Blue Qian Yu said, "I have a chance to receive you must receive you."

"Don't be so polite." Dr. Fawei patted her shoulders, "You have to support a home, it is very difficult, these small things are free, the dawn of dawn is coming, everything will be fine. "

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu is very grateful, she really thinks, the world is still a good person, she encounters so many setbacks, there are so many people around you support her to help her, let her feel very moving.

"Okay, you are busy, don't pay attention to me. The rest I have already hoped with Dr. Jiang, there will be no problem, let's go first."

"I will send you."


Drive away from French doctor, Dr. Jiang also came out of the operating room, said to Blue Qian Yu: "You can let alone go in and see young masters, but can't stay too long."

"Let me go." Blue Qian Yu said urgently, "Let me go in and see him."

Night Older Lord nodded: "Let Qian Yu, go."

"Lady, please replace the bacteria isolation here." Jiang did not let the female doctor take the blue thousand feathers to change clothes.

"Dr. Jiang, the surgery of Night flaming is going well? When can he wake up?" Cold asked.

"The surgery is very smooth." Dr. Jiang said, "Doctor," Made doctor is worthy of high-risk surgery, really very powerful, let us admire, then there is a burst outside, we are all chaos, but she seems to be I heard it, the waves are not shocked, continue to surgery, although she is older, but the technique is very exquisite, one thousandth is no, this time I have lost her, I also see it, what is people, there is a day outside what.."

"Thanks to the princess of the Philippine." Bergao said, "If she please come to French doctor, there will be such a good effect now."

"Just like Philippine, it is a family, you don't have to be polite." Cold smiled slightly.

"The young master did such a big surgery. I estimate that I have to wake up three or four days. I have to look at his survival awareness." Jiang Dr. said, "I see everyone to rest, last night didn't have night. Sleep, now you turn around, you don't have to stay here. "

"It is right." Cold, if the ice nodded.

"You are going to rest, let me keep it." Zhao Jun immediately said, "I am strong, I still have to live."

"Then I will stay here with you." Qiao Qing also said, "I have been with the thousand wings for a while, I am not sleepy, my mother, grandfather, you all go to rest, come over later."



Everyone is going to rest, Zhao Jun and Qiao Qing have ten from the outside the operating room, and Yuan Qing also rushed to ask about the operation, and she learned that the surgery was successful. She was very happy, I was taking cold if I was cold. I will let her take a break in a moment.

Now it is a rainy day, everyone's heart giant stone finally fell.

"It's not easy." Zhao Jun was deeply sighing. "I always feel that I will die together with the owner, I have been born once."

"Qian Yu is really more difficult, I hope this time, don't happen anymore, there is no money, it doesn't matter, as long as you can peace and live." Qiao Qing is very emotion.


Blue Qian Yu is in the case of the stericosis to the operating room, see the quiet and sleeping night flames in the hospital bed, all of which are full of various pipes and needles, the abdomen is tied to the gauze, her eyes are red, tears, tears Go to bed, excitedly holding his hand, kissing his cold and dry hands, swallowing -

"Husband, husband, our disaster has passed, finally passed, although there is no company, there is no property, but you are around us, I am not afraid, I don't have it, I feel that life is full of hope, future So beautiful, no matter how many bumps in front, how much difficult, I am not afraid, because you will hold my hand, go with me ... "

On the hospital bed, the night flames moved, but he seems to have a feeling of her ...

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