Qin Xia warmly greeted Blue Thousand and cold, and gave them the most unique care.

Despite this, Blue Thousand Feats and Cold Broken are still sitting, always want to find a chance to leave as soon as possible.

At this time, Qin Xiang came to see Qin Xia. He met Blue Thousand and cold. He didn't avoid some embarrassment. When Wen Ni was died, he was very misunderstood for Blue Qian Yu, and later Clear the truth, still appear in court to testify.

Qin Xiang's apology: "The previous thing is a report, I misunderstood the words of the little person, the words of the villain, now the things are finally passed, I hope you don't put it in your heart, I am very happy to see you. Thank you, thank you. "

"Qin is always too polite, it should be." Blue Qianyu said.

Qin Xiang smiled and said to Cold, and said: "For many years, you have no change, or it is so young."

"What is joke." Cold if ice is some embarrassment, "I am a grandmother, where will I be young and beautiful."

"Oh, it seems like a thirty years old, it is not old." Qin Xiang said.

"How do you learn such a tongue now." Cold smile.

"It turns out that you know." Blue Qian Yu and Qin Xia have some unexpected.

"There have been a collection when I have been doing a business." Cold and the ice explained.

"At that time, the Asian business fair, you are the protagonist, everyone turned around you." Qin Xiang said with a smile, "Yes, I just have something to talk to you, it is better to talk about us."

"Okay." Cold Ruoyi nodded, "Qian Yu, I will go back."

"Good." Blue Qianfeng Take them to leave.


"I didn't expect them to know, I didn't listen to it before." Qin Xiya said.

"Yeah, my mother seems to have not mentioned." Blue Qian Yu smashed her eyebrows.

"What happened? Didn't you sleep well?" Qin Xia concerned.

"Where is the pregnant woman sleeps well, we are pity with the disease." Blue Qianyu smiled at her, "You have passed the first three months, there should be no reaction during pregnancy?"

"There is no vomiting now, just a lot." Qin Xica smiled, "Yes, I let the doctor transferred to your gift last night, have you received it?"

"I received it." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "In fact, you don't have to send those gifts, your mind is going, why you have trouble."

"That gift is I carefully selected, you have to accept it." Qin Xia said that he said deeply, "Never transfer to others."

"How can I, I will not." Blue Qian Yu Lianlian.

"What do you talk about it?" Xiao Han's voice came, two women looked back at him, and the smile on Qin Xia face disappeared, and the attitude became indifferent.

"We are talking about pregnancy." Blue Qian Yu deeply looked at Xiao Han, "Xiao Han, Xiai paid so much for you, with your child, you have to wait for her."

"I know." Xiao Han's nodded, intimately licking Qin Xia, "I hurt her, right?"

He gentle kissed Qin Xia's lips, Qin Xia smiled slightly, did not speak, there was no fatigue until now she said, why did she come back from Hong Kong, Xiao Han is so she, because Blue Thousand is, he is always In front of Blue Qianyu, I was particularly intimate. She was loved to face, and now I understand, in fact, he didn't want to give Blue Qian Yu, he wanted to let Blue Qian Yu know, he already has a woman, this, this, She will not worry about him ...

If it is before, Blue Qianyu saw Xiao Han with Qin Xiya, it will be very happy, but now it is, she is just sad in my heart, because she knows his feelings, just in another woman. In the body, let's kiss Jia's lips now. If Xia knows the truth, it will be very sad.

"Hey!" At this time, the outside came to knock on the door, Xiao Han lightly opened Qin Xia, Qin Xia responded, "Who?"

"Can I come in?" A woman's voice with the extreme charm.

Blue Qian Yu listened to some familiar, but I don't know who is that, she pays attention to her, quietly looked at her, and her eyes flashed.

"Please come!" Qin Xia enthusiastically responded.

A sexy hot young girl walks in, pure oriental women, a waterfall-like vertical long hair, a Chinese and Western merged red cheongsam dress will sexy a wonderful figure is just right, slightly charming makeup, people feel A bright.

"Dai Yu, when are you coming?" Qin Xia got up.

"I have been here for a while." Dai Yu is quite casual, and the eyes fall in the blue millennium. "This is ..."

"I will introduce you." Qin Xia smiled and introduced, "Qian Yu, this is my classmate Dai Yu, just returned to the United States last month, Dai Yu, this is a thousand feathers, it is my best friend."

"Blue Qian Yu? Long Yang." Dai Yu reached out to Blue Qian Yu.

Blue Qian Yu looked at Xiao Han, Xiao Han immediately hangs the eyes, she is already able to determine, she is a woman who has just been with Xiao Han with Xiao Han.

"Hello." Blue Qianyu is polite and wearing a hand, although she does not like this woman from the bottom of myself, but the basic courtesy is still.

"I should call you Miss, or a night?"

Dai Yu seems to be interested in Blue Qian Yu, the topic is not surrounded by Xiao Han and Qin Xia, but it has been around the blue milf.

"Casual, what do you like to call it." Blue Qian Yu Yang lipped.

"You are a celebrity in New York, unattended in the upper class, no one knows, about your legend, it is really ..."

"OK!" Xiao Han was cold and interrupted, and the sharp stared at her. "If you have n'thing, you will go out."

"Xiao Han ..." Qin Xia frowned, gently pulled Xiao Han's sleeves, and indicated him not to this attitude.

Dai Yu deeply watched Xiao Han, picking eyebrows: "Okay, I will go out first."

Said, she turned and walked, when she went to the door, she suddenly hit, put it on the door, turned and looked at Blue Qian Yu, laughed, "Right, night, you probably don't know? Earl of Louis came, now in the downstairs, many famous stories are surrounded by him, but he seems to have been looking for you. "

Blue Qianfei is shocked, yes, how can she forget, before Qin Xiang invited Louis Earl to participate in Xiao Han and Qinxi's wedding, so he will come today, bad, last time, he misunderstood, she has a relationship with him. If you are entangled in the public today, isn't it a trouble?

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