Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 866 is trouble and total, life and death

"You don't talk, we don't have anything ..." Blue Qianyu urgently explained.

"Don't explain with her, let's go." Xiao Hanli was preparing to leave, but the Route Mud slammed the other hand of Blue Qianyu. "She is my woman, I should go with me."

"Don't touch her." Xiao Han waved as the Earl of Louis.

"Stop!" A strict angry sound came, Xiao Han Don lived a movement, look back, Qin Xiang, cold if ice, Qin Xia is standing not far away.

In particular, Qin Xia, whispering in the light, I just saw it just now, Xiao Han in order to maintain the Blue Qian Yu and Louis Earl, the scene, as if the blue thousand is his favorite bride.

Blue Qianyu quickly took out his own hand, retired next to it, she felt, this moment, Qin Xia's eyes were full of hostile.

Louis Bojue is obeying this subtle detail. He looked at the lips. He saw that Xiao Han has an old feelings against Blue Qian Yu, but Blue Qianyu has completely feels completely, and even wants to avoid.

Qin Xiang deeply looked at Xiao Han, and the guests of the passenger gas said: "Rouza Earl, today is the wedding of the little girl, I hope you can give some face, after the wedding, you will negotiate privately, don't be here Is it a big manta, ok? "

"I didn't want to be a difficulty." Louis Earl explained that "she is my woman, I will talk to her, I'm another thing, it is your future female son."

"Routenste, if a feeling is a wishful entanglement, it is difficult." Cold Ruo is serious, "You said that Qian Yu is your woman, is she admitted? Is there any acceptance? No. You are forced her to do some Let her violate the will, this is hard. "

Louis Earl brow is wrinkled, you are going to talk, and Blue Qian Yu immediately said: "Let's find a chance, let's talk about it, clear things, today is Xiao Han and Xia's wedding, I don't want to make trouble with you."

The Earl of Louis was silent for a few seconds. She released her hand: "Well, I don't want you to be difficult, we will meet at a place tomorrow, talk about it."

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded.

"I will send you a mobile phone later, I hope you will come on time, otherwise, I will go to you." The Earl of Louis deeply saw her and turned away.

Blue Qian Yu Changsheng a breather, finally sent this pleasure to the gods ...

"Why do you want to meet him with him? Do you think you are not enough?" Xiao Han did not look at the blue milf.

"Things must always be clear." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "Otherwise, he will always entangle me."

Xiao Han said: "What can you say? Say you don't like him, say that you just want to have a good life with the night? I think you will talk to him once? He heard it in? "

"This is my business, I don't do it with you." Blue Qian Yu didn't want to explain the specific situation with him, he is not her, there is no need to know too much.

"How to have no relationship with me ..."

"Xiao Han!" Cold if ice interrupted Xiao Han, do not let him continue, Qin family father's face is very ugly, then go on like this, Qin Xiang will have to worry.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked at Qin Xiang and Qinshiya. He didn't say anything.

"Qin, Xi Ya, let's go first." Cold Ruozi hit a greet with Qin Xiang and Qin Xiya, walked over and pulled blue thousand feathers.

Xiao Han did not stop, but he had been watching the back of Blue Qian Yu, only to her completely disappeared in the sight, he still looked at the direction of her leave.

"Look enough?" Qin Xia finally couldn't help but seize, "If you don't want to chase it."

Xiao Han really waited forward, Qin Xia was shocked, excited anger: "Xiao Han, if you really chase her, we will end !!!!"

Xiao Han Don hoped, looking back at her: "The wedding begins, I will greeten guests."

Qin Xia was stunned. He turned out that he was going to prepare a wedding.

"Xiao Han, should you explain with me?" Qin Xiang rushed to the anger, strict question, "Since you have to marry Xia, you should not forget the blue Qianyu, you are not negative for Xia. responsibility."

"Aflerie, because I am responsible for Xiaa, so I have to marry her." Xiao Han said seriously, "I can guarantee you, my Xiao Han's wife is only Qin Xia alone, will never be someone else."

"Marry me, I want to find him in my heart, what is the meaning??" Qin Xia watched him sad, "Since you don't love me, then we are not as if you don't want this marriage."

"How are you so annoying?" Xiao Han angry low drunk, "When did I say not to love you?? I just explained so clearly, but you just don't listen, you want to let you How do I? You really want to relieve the wedding, I don't care, but don't wait until I am released, you regret it again. "

Qin Xia was able to say that he was angry, but he couldn't cry ...

"Xia, don't cry." Qin Xiang saw her daughter, very distressed, "Since this wedding can't make you happy, then cancel it."

Said, he waved and called, "notify it, wedding cancellation."

"Yes." With it, it will be conveyed immediately.

"Don't ..." Qin Xia was anxious, and quickly pulled Qin Xiang. "Hey, I didn't say to cancel the wedding."


"Xiao Han is love me, I am a small belly, don't be angry." Qin Xia said anxiously, "Don't cancel it?"

"Apollers." Xiao Han went over, sincere apologize, "Uncefather, I just didn't feel good, talking is not very polite, but I am serious about this marriage, I really love Xia, just me and Thousands of feathers have been in such a short period of time, not to put down, and I can put it down, I admit that I still have a little idea to her, but that kind of feelings are different from before, I will care about her, I will pity her, but I have no longer fantasy with her, I just want to be with Xia, I am serious about Hia. "

Qin Xiang frowned: "Xiao Han, the same as a man, what I can understand, but if you remember another woman, you can't give Xia happiness, I don't want her to have a tear every day. If you really want to marry her, you should put down the blue thousand as soon as possible. "

"I know, I will try to do it, but please give me a little time." Xiao Han said, "After all, I really separately separate a few months, more than ten years, I can't put it down for a few months. "

"Xia, do you really want to marry him?" Qin Xiang once again asked Qin Xia.

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