Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 868 is trouble and total, life and death

I heard these three words, the Blue Qianyu long loose breath, in any case, this wedding is finally held, and she is not blessed with them.

"Get a car." Cold, the sound of ice, the blue thousands of love recovered their thoughts, looked up and took the car, cold if ice was also following the bus.

Zhao Jun is preparing to shut down the door, and a car suddenly opened to stop, his brow wrinkled, and his alert stared at the Louis Earl!

Blue Qianyu saw the Route Earl, and he immediately panicked immediately. This guy is really a soul.

"What do you want to do?" "Cold, if you are bored, you.

"Reassured, I will not entangle the thousand feathers today, I just want to say to her." Louis Capo walked to the car, smiling, and looked at the blue millet. "Tomorrow is 7 o'clock, we are in the first time. See you, you must come! "

"Know it." Blue Qianyu responded coldly, she did to go, she also took the inspection order on the Yuan Qing, taking Dennea, testified for her.

"Remember, don't see you, if you haven't come, I will go to you yet." Louis Earl emphasized.

"Don't worry, I will go, I will bring evidence to make things clear about you." Blue Qianyu pared him.

"That's good." Louis count smiled nodded, turned and left ...


On the way to drive back, if you are concerned about the ice: "Qian Yu, you really want to go tomorrow?"

"Otherwise, what? I have to tell him about him, or he will always be entangled." Blue Qian Yu feels very hurt, "Mom, the last time I gave me the checklist is still there?"

"At." Cold if the ice is very affirmation, "But the one is useless, Louis Earl will not believe that if you want to prove what you have not happened, you still have to find Dennea."

"I know." When I said Deniya, the mood of Blue Qian Yu is more heavy. "Since the last thing happened, I can't contact her, and I don't know if she is back to Tie."

"No." Cold, if the ice is cut, "I just talked to Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang told me, Daniea and Bacle were still in New York, they have to handle a business project and then go."

"But Daniya refused to pick up my phone, what should I do?" Blue Qianfei said, "Can you take the liberty to find her?"

"Love is over, I still have to find it." Cold if the ice is more decisive, "even if some take the liberty, it is also a thing, who makes her related to that thing?"

"It's also right." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "Mom, then we will look for her in the afternoon."

"Good." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Yes, you found no? Just now Wenhai is not in the wedding scene."

"Maybe we didn't find it." Blue Qian Yu said.

"The main guests will have a few positions, he really didn't come." Cold if the ice fries, "there is no Qin Wei, no."

"Qin Zhen left the United States a few months, saying that it is a person who is going to be dissatisfied. I haven't come back so long, maybe still abroad." Blue Qian Yu did not care too much.

"Maybe it." Cold if the ice is lighter, "But I always feel that the two things seem to be related ..."

"Do you say that Wemewood and Qin Wei have absenteeous things?" Blue Qian Yu thought, suddenly realized, "Yes, when Han Xiu City died, the evidence about Wenhai is in Qin Wei, then When the night flames were still in prison, I also sent people to find the evidence for Qin Wei, but I didn't find her. "

"Things really know that it will be finished." Cold if there is a babitation, "Qin Wei will be very dangerous."

"I hope we guess it is not true." Blue Qian Yu lied his heart, "Wenhai should not harm others, otherwise it will really be retribution."

"Don't scare your yourself, now there is no basis, just we think about it." Cold Ruo ice shot her back.


Qin Jia, the wedding was held, Xiao Han and Qin Xia were enthusiastic in front of everyone.

No one discovered that a black Aston Martin quietly opened, in the car, Wenhai turned his head to watch the wedding scene, browned micro-wrinkle, look: "Sorry, cold, can't participate in your wedding."

"Master, in fact, we can participate in the wedding again." Wen Dynasty whispered, "Although the young master does not say, but you should still want you to go."

"If you don't suddenly meet this woman, how can I be temporarily folded?"

Wemewood stared at the black bag in the rear view. He received the news before, saying that Han Xiu City was revealed before the death, and his handle was handed over to Qin Wei, and he sent someone to find her every month, but There is no trail at all, I didn't expect to meet her in Xiao Han and Qin Xica today. Fortunately, the Qin family didn't know that she came back, he took her directly, otherwise the consequences were unimpeded.

"Don't worry, wait for us to force her to hand over the evidence, solve the worries, there is no scruple in the future." Wen Dynasty comforted.

"It is also." Wenhai hook smiled, "In addition to the evidence of this woman's hand, I didn't have any handle in someone else. Now she is already in my hand, what else is I still worried?"

"But her mouth is hard, not necessarily handed out." Wen Dynasty said, "No matter what, she is a young lady of young people, we can't ..."

"How is your own sister?" Wenhai interrupted his words. "She didn't think of Xia as a sister, but also the birth of Xia, almost made me no grandson, this woman, don't have to be polite to her."

"Yes, I understand, I will strictly punish confession until she handed evidence."

"now it's right."


In order to contact Underya, Blue Qian Yu hiped his head to play a phone call, Bacle quickly received a phone call, very polite attitude: "Mrs. Night, I didn't expect you to call me!"

"Apologize, Mr. Bacle, bother you." Blue Qian Yu said, "I want to trouble you, I don't know if it is inconvenient."

"Easy, you said."

"Yes, I have something to find your lady, but her mobile phone is always turned off, I don't know how to contact her ..."

"Hey, Deni Jia returned to Di (" "

"What ???" Blue Qian Yu lived, "Deni Mada returned to Dai, how did she come back?"

"Yeah, I will walk more this morning, I will not come back." Bacle said moderately, "Do you have anything to find her? Can I help you?"

"This matter, only she can help me." Blue Qian Yu asked anxiously, "What is her contact information in Dubai? Can you tell me?"

"of course can."

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