Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 871 is trouble and total, life and death

Blue Qian Yu looked at Xiao Han far away, and there was a strong unknown hunch in my heart. She always feels that Xiao Han will make anything impulsive. If he really gives her to the Earl of the road, I can't make trouble. How can she be worthy of Qinshiya? ?

When you think of this, Blue Qianyu is busy to chase Xiao Han, when she rushed downstairs, Xiao Han's car has been rushing, she ran a few steps behind, shouted a few, he didn't respond, she only had to Helpless stop, call him, but he doesn't pick it up.

Blue Qianyu is panicked, helplessly returns to the ward, wakes up the cold, if you are sorry, mother, I wake up at this time, I have something to discuss with you. "

"What's wrong?" Cold Ruozi sat up, "Your face is not very good, will it be what is the night flame?"

"No." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "is Xiao Han, he just came to me, said some strange words, in short, it is to say that I don't care about the things of Louis, say he will get it, let me go. Testament of Louis, I am worried that he will make an extreme thing, in case of what is surprised, how do I get from Xia. "

After listening to these words, the cold frown was closely frown: "Today is Xiao Han with Qin Xiya marriage, it is so late, he does not stay at home with Xiya, come to you, see you in his heart The status is still very heavy. He probably thinking about Today's Louis Earl is hard, you want to solve your worries for you, your worries are not unreasonable, but his temper is never stubborn, now it is not our a few words. Advise ... "

"What should we do?" Blue Qian Yu is very anxious.

If you think about it, you will say that, "You call the Louis Earl, now I will talk about him."

"Now ??" Blue Qian Yu lived.

"Yes." Cold, if you nodded, "Nowaday, tell him about things in advance, so as not to make Xiao Han to make something". "

"But Daniya does not give birth to me. How do I say it clear? Even if I said, he may not believe it." Blue Qian Yu is not showing.

"Even if you wait until tomorrow, Dani is not testified for you. When you come, what is the situation in Xiao Han, you will be more troublesome." The analysis of cold if II, "I see Louis Earl This person, although some paranoides in the feelings, but for people, it is still the principle, when we gave him the analysis of the whole thing, let him contact Denne, as a sorcere, maybe he will understand There is a embarrass. "

"I can only try it now." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "But if he is like the last time ... What should I do?"

"Don't worry, I will take you with Zhao Jun to see him, he doesn't dare." Cold Ruozi said.

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu immediately called the call of Louis, and the phone quickly received it. The voice of Louis Earl with obvious joy. "I didn't expect you to call me, just I am still thinking about you. "

"Are you convenient? Come out and talk." Blue Qian Yu said straight.

"How? I miss me so soon?" Said that the Earl of Louis said, "I know, you have me in your heart, that day, you are so enthusiastic ..."

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu interrupted his words, "Just see the Red mill restaurant near our hospital, half an hour later."

"Okay, I will come immediately ..."

"I don't see you!" Blue Qian Yu said this sentence, directly put the phone ...

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