Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 873, trouble, life, life and death

"It should not be, the Louis Earl is so easy to deal with, Xiao Han wants him to deal with him." Cold, if the cold says low, "I see, he is estimated to be in other women today. "

"Will n't it?" Blue Qian Yu is shocked, "Is it the Dai Yu?"

"Who is Dai Yu?" Asked cold asce.

"Xia's classmates, the woman with Xiao Han today is her." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "Xiao Han is really babied, he is not going back tonight, that is really sorry."

"Forget it, don't worry about this." Cold if ice feels some annoyance.

Blue thousand Yu wants to think, give Qin Xia sent a text message ...


At the same time, Qin Xia finally couldn't bear it, and opened the call of Xiao Han. The phone rang for a long time, but it was a woman's low voice.

Qin Xia was shocked, and his face changed. He was excited to shake it, roar against the phone: "Xiao Han, Blue Qian Yu, do you give me ?????"

Then she hangs the phone, rushing on the pillow ...

At this time, the mobile phone received a text message, Qin Xia wipes the tears to pick up the mobile phone, the text message is the blue thousand feather -

"Xia, I know that you will be very deep about me now, but I really didn't lie to you, Xiao Han came over with me, I left, less than two minutes, we really have no, please believe I!"

"I have n'thing to say, I'm nothing, hypocritical!!!"

Qin Xia angry crying, smashed the mobile phone hard, but soon, she came back to God, no, if Blue Thousand is really with Xiao Han, how can I send text messages now? Is the woman in Xiao Han's phone is not a blue thousand feather? ? ?

Thinking of this, Qin Xia once again dialed the phone, Blue Qian Yu quickly connected: "Xia ..."

"It's really not you." Qin Xia thoughtfully believed, excited self-speaking self-words, "Who is that, who is with Xiao Han?"

"Xia, you, what happened?" Blue Qian Yu asked carefully.

"Just now I finally dialed Xiao Han's phone, there is a woman ... ..." Qin Xia excited crying, "How can he do this? Today, how can we get married?" "

After listening to this sentence, Blue Qian Yu is very sad for Qin Xia, but I don't know what to say.

In fact, from the beginning, Xiao Han is not a self-made man, there is no such thing as the matter between men and women, let alone, Qin Xiya is not very good, after pregnancy, Xiao Han has abstinence, men are usually It is very wronged, if there is a woman to seduce, he is easy to derail it.

Can Xiao Han really do too much, and how, you can't make this kind of thing in the newlywed night. .

"Qian Yu, I am sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, do you know who is the woman? You tell me, tell me." Qin Xia crocked, "I am going crazy, I am going to be crazy."

"Xia, you don't do this." Blue Qian Yu is very distressed, but she does not dare to talk, "You are now pregnant, you can get your own emotions, otherwise it will affect the fetus."

"I really regret it, I chose to marry him today." Qin Xia sad crying, "Maybe this child was wrong from the beginning, if not because I was pregnant, he would not with me, that time he is for me Very good, I thought he really changed, but now, he is getting more and more arrogant ... "

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