Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 885 is suffering from hardships, life and death

Daniea listened to this, the face changed, and his heart was bad. How did she think that Blue Qian Yu will actually find Bache, Bacle is so smart, will find problems, what can I do now?

"She told me about the situation in detail, I also think that there is a embarrassment, what is going on? You talk to me." Bacle asked.

"In fact, I just put her mousse, deliberately lied to her." Dan Nia compiled a lie.

"Live her?" Bacle has some doubts, "So, she did have a relationship with Louis?"

"I will not be clear, the privacy of two people, how can someone know?" Daniya continued to lie. "I just listened to Kara, and Lu Yi drank a lot of wine, some were groggy, and later said that Mrs. Night She did checking in the hospital. The doctor said that she didn't have a relationship with people. I thought that Louis did not fall enough to sleep, so I didn't touch her, so I comforted her a few words. I didn't expect that she will treat this. "

"It turned out to be like this ..." Bacle nodded, from acquaintance now, it is almost ten years, Dennea has never deceived him, so her, he will always be convinced.

But now, I don't know why, Bacle feels that Dennea is a little awkward, not because he is more tend to believe in Blue Qianfei, but because since the matter, Deni is indeed strange, always avoiding it intimate with him. Also borrowed from New York, back Dubai, and even for his concern, she always dodge.

"Yeah, the night of the night may be in a hurry, but she is going to find you, but also makes my comfort as the fact. If you don't worry, I will give a phone call later. , Communicate with her. "

Dennea did not want Bacle to know too much, accurately, she didn't want to destroy this marriage, although she had a feeling of Louis, but she was very clear that she would need this stable and calm. Life, she and Louis Earl have missed, and it is impossible to return.

"Oh, ok." Backer didn't ask more, "Then you have a rest early, good night."

"Good night." Denne is preparing to hang up the phone.

"Yes!" Bacha suddenly said, "Kara is missing, do you know?"

"What ???" Dennea is full of shocking, "How is the missing? How to miss it ??? What is the matter?"

"Before the two hours." Bacle said seriously, "Mrs. Night came to me, I think there is a embarrassment, so I want to find Kara to ask about the situation of the day, but Josson tells me, saying that Kara is two hours ago. Take away by a few people, they are still investigating, I don't know who takes her. "

"How can I do this ..." Daniya is very chaotic, I am thinking, the mobile phone suddenly has a second call. She seems that the electric display is faster. It is the Route, she can be sure, take away Kara's people are the Earl of Louis, it is bad, he must know the truth! ! ! !

How to do? ?

"Denne, what happened?" Bacle felt Danien's panic.

"No, there is nothing." Deniya said, "Kara has been with me so long, I just worried about her safety."

"Don't worry, I have already sent people to find it, I quickly check the message."

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