Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 894, troubles, life and death, 36

Louis Earl is leaving, the gloomy face is full of clouds ...

He didn't know why he did this failure. He used the heart to treat Blue Qianfei, but she always doubts him. Although he came to find night flames today, he did not save, but he did not mention the matter of that day, not only Because he has identified the truth, but more importantly, he is not so vicious, and the night flame is waking up. He can't take that thing to stimulate a patient.

Unfortunately, Blue Qian Yu didn't believe him. Maybe in her heart, he is a small man who is shameless, sinister! ! !


Blue Qian Yu doesn't know how he is coming in. Jiang doctor and others have returned. There is only her and night flames in the ward, surrounding quiet.

Looking at her quietly, the eyes were gentle as before, but there was a kind of inferiority between the eyebrows. Although she was pregnant, although she had a long time, she is still so light, and he has lost it. The time of the past, becomes bone, weak, weak.

Moreover, he still lost the most proud identity and financial situation, now he, how do you match her?

"Sorry, flames ..." The voice of Blue Qian Yu is like a mosquito, "You just woke up, there is such a thing, it is my fault."

Night flames did not speak, just slowly extended to her.

Blue Qian Yu put his hand in his palm, he held it tightly, his lip raw gentle smile, gently shouted: "Wife!"

I heard this shout, the blue thousands of hearts, the tears won, and the low cry of the night flame chest: "Husband ..."

The night flames were lightly stroked, and the warm tears wethed his chest. He also wohes his heart. He feels embarrassed from the bottom of his heart. He once vowed to her happiness. However, now, he makes her have to hurt and insult, and he even protects her ability, nothing can do for her.

And she still keeps him.

This affection is enough to prove everything.

For a long time, Lan Qian Yu stops crying, lifting his head, looking at the night flames, swallowing: "Husband, you believe in me, I have nothing to talk to Louis, is he entangled me."

"I believe!" Night flames nodded. From the previous species of sensitive suspicion, all, now, he is convinced of her, there is no doubt, because he has nothing to do, if she really is with Louis Earl Why do you want to stick to it?

"Let's go to Hong Kong?" Blue Qianyu wiped tears while said, "Uncle Shu has arranged everything, just waiting for you to wake up, he personally came to Hong Kong, let's go back, Passing a calm life, don't stay in this right and wrong. "

"Okay." Night flames smile nod, thousands of times to turn, the sea Sanghai, he has deeply understand that the most important and most precious feelings in life are feelings, he only wants to take good care, accompany his family, others Everything is reluctant to think about it.

"Then I will wait for my mother." Blue Qian Yu is smirk, holding the face of the night flame, solemnly said, "Flame, Louis Earl told you, you don't want to be true, we said that you should always be forever Together, no matter what reason, you can't abandon me, do you know? "

"Know ..." Night flames nodded, his face was smiling, but his heart was already wet. If he was young, he did everything in the world, then he still felt that he was fortunate, because At the end, she is still willing to take his hand and go to the end with him.

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