late at night……

Zhao Jun quietly took the night flame to the night's secret meeting Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang took several bodyguards, stood at the door of the night, looking at the old luxurious villa in front of the light, and the heart was very exciting, and once it was sealed, it will gradually lose the original brilliance.

Night home is no exception.

"Uncle Qin, I am late, please forgive me!" The voice of the night flame came, Qin Xiang looked at him, "You are better than I think."

"Xiao Han also said this." The night flame smiled slightly.

"Don't mention the little child." Qin Xiang brows wrinkled, "I thought he would be in the heart of Xia, and I didn't care about the mixture of his original, and didn't care about the relationship with Wenhai. But he, actually Ya, now I will finalize his true face. "

"How? He made a blending?" The night flame is curious, "he told me that he and Xia are very good."

"Is it good?" Qin Xiang didn't say goodness, "The night is not returned, and he is a ghost outside. He really thought that my daughter was bullied. Hiya has sued divorced."

"Hey." Night flames were very unexpected, and they did not expect this.

"Xiao Han must tell you without face." Qin Xiang smiled coldly.

"I didn't think it." Night flames said, "But he may be just a time, will be changed later."

"Waiting for him to change, Xia is not too thoughtful." Qin Xiang deeply sighs, "We don't mention these, the words come true, what do you need to help? Just I can help? You, I will try my best. "

"No." Night flames shake the head, "Although the night is now very fascinating now, I will rely on my own efforts to live in Dongshan. I don't need your help for the time being. I am looking for you, I want to talk to you about Qin Wei thing."

"Weier ??" Qin Xiang is very unexpected, no one has been toned for this name in front of him, he is a day, but he has never exposed it. In fact, he has already secretly to find Qin Wei, hope She can put down the past and go home with them to live with them.

The night flames are serious about it -

"Maybe I think more, but I think it is necessary to remind you that Han Xiu City and Wen Haihe hurts your lady, and give me a disaster, the matter does not have this.

Han Xiu City said to Qian Yu before dying. He has a crime of Wenhai, gave Qin Wei, and later Qin Wei did not face you and Xia, far away from home.

At that time, I was still in prison. You are unwaken in the hospital, and the evidence of Qin Wei's hand is very important. Qian Yu sent people to France to find her, but there is no trail.

At the same time, Wemewood is likely to know that thing, these months have never given up looking for Qin Wei, recently the warm sea performance is very plain, there is no action, I suspect that he is probably being taken by other things. .

In the past few days, Xiao Han and Xia got married, Qin Wei was likely to be returned to China. In case of falling to him, the consequences are unimaginable.

Now I have no right, I can't investigate, so tell you this speculation, you should easily check the entrance and exit record of Qin Wei, if she is really coming, now there is no show now. It is very likely that it is to fall in Wenhai. "

"Your speculation is reasonable." Qin Xiang's emotions were excited ...

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