Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 910 controls the lower body, and live a good life 1

After two days of peace, no one came over, everyone was quietly nurtured.

Xiao Han arranged a special plane for the night of the night home. After two days, he sent them back to Hong Kong. It is only two days from the days of the Louis Earl. The blue millennium is not exempted. I don't know if he will let her ... ...

There is another thing, Blue Qian Yu is always rest assured that she tried to contact Qin Jia in these two days, but Qin Xia's phone either no one answered, or if they don't do it.

Blue Qian Yu is worried about Qin Xica, thinking about three, giving Xiao Han called a phone -

"Qian Yu? I didn't expect you to call me, rare." Xiao Han received a phone call from Blue Qianyu, very surprising.

"I want to ask Xiaa's situation." Blue Qian Yu said, "Is she ok? I can't contact her in the past few days."

"No, do you call her?" Xiao Han's voice became nervous, "How did she pick up your phone?"

"I have never listened, or I can't do it." Blue Qianyu said, "Is she still angry with me? You are married that day, you are blending outside, she called me, I have to see you. I said that you went to me, then she has sent a lot of temper, but then she figured out that I didn't come with you, call it, I have been questioning, I don't know who you are outside. Who is it? I didn't tell her, when I had something to do, I hangled, she didn't blame? "

"Will n't, she is not so kind." Xiao Han said busy.

"But why didn't she pick up my phone?" Blue Qian Yu can't understand.

"I don't know, this way, I will go back in the evening." Xiao Han said.

"Well, you told her that I have to find her."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Xiao Han is very uneasy, immediately dialed Qin Xia's phone, and no one answers.

He immediately put down his hand and drove back to Qin.

The bodyguards of Qin family saw him, did not open the chain door of the villa in the past, but quickly reported to Qin Xiang, the bodyguard came over and said: "Xiao always, report, you still return, Qin is not willing Play you in. "

"I have something to find Xia." Xiao Han frowned.

"Miss Second is not home." The bodyguard said, "I am gone next day, she is gone."

"What?" Xiao Han stunned, "She is gone? Where is it?"

"This is not very clear, I only know that she took a vacation, the phone did not bring, completely changed the new contact, because I didn't want to be disturbed." The bodyguard said.

Xiao Han is very anxious. I didn't expect Qin Xia to do so. In order to separate it, they didn't leave New York directly. Even the mobile phone number was changed, no wonder the call before her cannot contact.

Can Xiao Han still is not willing, he must go in to see, think of this, he is eager to drink: "Open the door, I want to go in."

"Apologize, it is really no." The bodyguards left directly.

Xiao Han gas got his teeth and put the car back a few steps and then slammed.

"Aunt ..." The bodyguard exclaimed.

Xiao Han's car hit on the iron gate, hit the door, then opened the villa area, and the bodyguard did not dare to stop him, and quickly called Qin Xiang ...

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