Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 924 controls the lower body, and lives in the second half of 15

"I understand." Qin Xiya held the hand of Blue Qianfeng -

"In fact, I have to say anything to you. I am mistaken. I misunderstood you and Xiao Han. I am not wrong to you. At the time, I was too unstable. It would be so impulsive, hope Don't blame me ... "

"No, I understand your mood. At that time, any woman will lose reason." Blue thousand feathers looked at her, "Xia, you believe me, I will always be your best friend, I Will not hurt you. "

"Well, I believe." Qin Xia nodded, swallowed, "Qian Yu, lost a man who didn't love me, with you, maybe, it is also a lucky luck."

"Stupid, don't cry ..." Blue Qian Yu is hurting, rubbing her tears with her, "You are a good girl, worth having a more perfect happiness!"

"Thank you." Qin Xia bite the lower lips and did not let himself cry out.

"I have to go back to Hong Kong tomorrow, can't accompany you, you have to take care of yourself, don't be difficult to know, don't you know?" Blue Qian Yu is sad.

"I know." Qin Xia worked hard, "Qian Yu, I really admire you, I have experienced so many grinding, I can still stick to you and night flames, and I am not able to endure, maybe I can't bear it. I am a weak woman, I can't make a positive fruit. "

"Fool, don't talk, no." Blue Qian Yu is so comfortable, "Good things, happiness, like wine, you need a long brewment to become mellow, your happiness wine has not yet made, so Will be bitter, one day, it will make it. "

"Thank you ..." Qin Xia smiled slightly, Blue Thousands of poetic poetry, and very persuasive, let her wet ignite a small hope.

"Xia!" At this time, if the cold is coming in, it is concerned about it. "Nothing?"

"I am fine, cold aunt." Qin Xica was happily wiped tears.

"It's okay, I want to open." Cold if the ice is smiling, "Life is like this, there will be a success, you will have a hard experience now, and there will be only a success."

"Thank you." Qin Xia grateful nodded, "You will soakers."

"Because we have experienced too much, I have to learn to be comfortable." Blue Qian Yu intends to improve the atmosphere.

"Oh ..." Everyone smiled gently.

"Xiao Han has been guarded outside." Cold, if it is light, "Qin Xiang, or let him come in?"

"No." Qin Xiang did not hesitate, "that mixed, I would like to see Xia."

"No, let him come in." Qin Xia suddenly said.

Everyone looked at her surprised, I didn't expect that she would say this.

"Some things, always have a break." Qin Xia was very calm, after pain, the remaining only numbness.

Qin Xiang hesitated, or the order: "Let him come in."

"Yes." As soon as you are busy, you will be called Xiao Han.

Xiao Han is leaning up in the outside, heard that he entered him, he is ecstatic, quickly rushed into the ward: "Xia ..."

"Let's go out." Blue Qian Yu is standing, walking outside with cold ice, Qin Xiang also stands.

"No." Qin Xia pulled her, "everyone stayed here and made a testimony for us."

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