Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 927 controls the lower body, overtime half 18

The warm sea trail didn't have a phone call. Xiao Han gas gathed his teeth. Now it is already chaotic. He is still a foot, it is really hurt.

So at the same time, Wen Jia, Wenhai said to Dai Yu: "I asked the doctor. When the doctor said that the fetus said, I can do sheep water puncture, DNA test, you can verify that you are ignorant is not Xiao Han's flesh If it is, the Ronghua rich, if it is not ... "

The warmth of the warm sea, "The consequences are at your own risk !!!"

"Of course, I dare to lie to you." Dai Yu was excited because of finding such a big mountain, "Hey, I was sincere, since I met him, I didn't have anyone with other men. The child in my belly is really his flesh. "

"Yes, I will know later." Wenhai smiled slightly, "In addition, don't call me. Even if you are really Xiao Han's flesh, as long as he does not accept you, I will not admit that you are us Wen's daughter-in-law, you are just a child's tool. "

Said, Weminghai got up ...

Dai Yuxi looked at the back of the Wemeworn, and the heart was a fear. He said that Xiao Han is cold, and now she will see it. His father is more cold, and has a child's tool? This kind of words come from a gentle and kind population, how to listen to terrible. .


Blue Qianyu returned home, telling Xiao Han and Qin Xia's things, Night flames did not react, but it was faintly said: "Jiangshan is easy to change, it is difficult to move, difficult to remove, not to say, just need one Long and brutal process, Xiao Han will change. "

"Your man will help men talk." Blue Qianyu is white.

"I didn't have a lot of money before?" The night flames extended their hands, "After so many years, so many things, I slowly corrected, Xiao Han just started, it is your expectation value for him. Overture. "

"Forget it, don't say these unhappy things." Blue Qianyu transfer topic, "Today, I have already given the ticket to Xia today, and my heart is relaxing and heavy, it is easy to owe her. Well ... How do we live back to Hong Kong? The family spending is so big, now I only have a sum of Qiao Qing to me, I am afraid it will flow quickly. "

"Don't worry, I will find a way." The night flames hold her hand, "I will never let you make a happiness."

"You won't go out like your grandfather?" Blue Qian Yu frowned, "Don't do that."

"No." The mysteries of the night flame smiled, "Even if there is no status, I still have the mind, and you can easily raise you, don't think too much."

"Hey." Blue Qianfeng nodded, did not ask more, but at the same time, she thought another important question, asked in the same time, "Tomorrow Louis Earl is coming to you, how do you cope with him?"

"It's very simple." "Night flames boost," rejecting his deal. "

"But his condition is really attractive." Blue Qian Yu deliberate him, "I use me alone, change back to the property of the night and night home, this can be invaluable treasure, I am afraid that any man will exchange it without hesitation? "

"It seems that you want to change it?" The night flames teamed down, "Then I promised him."

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