"What do you mean?" The night flames glared at him coldly. "Xiao Han has helped us do a guarantee and arrange a special plane."

"The guarantee is invalid." Pissed by Louis smiled slightly. "Xiao Han should call you very quickly ..."

His voice just fell, the phone of the night flame rang, and it was Xiao Han called, and the night flame immediately received a call: "Xiao Han!"

"I rely on, I just received the news, fucking Louis Earl playing a trick, canceled my guarantee, and the special plane was forced to cancel." Xiao Han is angry, "I called Qianyu, she Don't pick up, Night flames, really don't feel, you don't worry, I will find ways ... "

After listening to these words, the face of the night flame became very embarrassed, hang up the phone, lifted his eyes, gloomy, loudering the Louis: "What are you thinking?"

"I said, let up Qian Yu!" Louis Earl repeated again.

"If I don't give up?" The night flames did not show their attention of the Louis Earl.

"Then I apologize." Louis Bojue stressed, arrogant, "You can't get Hong Kong, don't want to take back the property of the night, there will be night, I will sell it to Wenhai."

"You dare?" "The emotions of the night flames became excited." When you acquire the night, you will be clearly promised, and you will never cooperate with Wemai. You are now in the back of the way. "

"It's for you." Too much attention to him, "I did so much thing for you," I have been so busy. In addition to carrying a bad name, I haven't gotten it, and I have not been there. I hate into the bone, I don't want people to play !!! "

"What do you want to do?" "The night flames stunned him.

"It's very simple." Louis Earl is elegant on the seat, "Divorce with Qian Yu, let her go with me."

"Earl of Louis, you are really despicable !!!"

Blue Qianfei excited anger, Louis Earl and Night flames turned to see past, Blue Qian Yu's anger, and she all heard.

"Yes, I am very despicable." Louis count shrugged, "I have long said to you. If you refuse to go with me, I will do things, you don't listen."

"You die, I will not leave the night flame, I will leave the night flame." Blue Qianyu gave red ear. "

"Yes?" Louis March smiled coldly, "If you really love him, why do you want to give me an opportunity?"

"I ..." Blue Qian Yu lived, and there was no words between the dumb. .

"You probably forgot the original thing, let me remind you." Louis Earl looked at Blue Qian Yu -

"When we met on the first night, you took the initiative to call me, let me help I see Wenhai. That night, we walked together in the Century Dynasty Square, talking about each other's love, you smile, gentle, gentle Isn't this a temptation? "

"I, I will take the warmth of the sea, the design reveals the true face of Han Xiu City, so I do it." Blue Qian Yu's explanation.

Night flames, there is no talk.

"What is eager to?" Louis Earl continued, "Later Han Xiu City won, Qin Xiang's disease, you will find me again, I have held a whole night in the hospital, don't you know how much my time? Valuable? You can earn millions in a minute. If I am not intentional to you, why do I do that? "

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