Harry whispered to his father and smiled, "No, Father, I'm Ice's favorite husband, Harry!” After that, he squeezed the star river away with his body and bowed to his father.

Daddy was stunned, his face was rated, and his brainwaves were missed on the meter.

Harry immediately pushed Lixius: “Introduce yourself?! ”

Lexius blushed: “Dad... Dad... I am also the husband of Little Ice, my name is Lexius...”

Daddy dislocated his chin and looked stiffly at the last queen: "You can't be Ice's husband, too! ”

Xiu Xiu nodded: “I am honored to be able to make a husband of ice! ”

Dad looked at it for a while and then glanced over: “I'd better get some sleep...” After that, he fainted straight back.

“Ah, Dad!” Lexius rushed forward, nervously checked, "Dad, are you all right?” Seems really okay, he's relieved, “Dad's fine... but he's really dizzy...”

“Lexius, give your father a break.” Xingchuan said softly.

Harry pushed him immediately: "You vile, insidious bastard! I promised I'd wake my father up in the Starland! You got ahead of me! ”

Starscreaming at Harry: "Who let you in all of a sudden? I'll introduce you one by one, huh, every time it's your impulse! Scared the Lord Father! ”

“Are we too impulsive or is someone trying to make Father think you're our leader? ”

“Enough of you!” I can't help but drink! Lucifer leaned against the balcony door of the infirmary and smiled at everyone in the infirmary.

In my strong drinking, four guys finally became quiet, honest, Lexius shyly lowered his face, Arjun slightly frowned, while the other two, not reflecting at all, one still arrogant, one turned his face away and smiled slightly.

“My dad hasn't had a good rest in a long time because he's been taking care of my mom, and traveling through time and space is beyond his old body load, so I put him to sleep so that he can rest well. You guys are fine, one by one, fighting to get my dad to look at the first time and scare my dad straight away! Our planet is monogamous! Do you remember?” I'm really pissed off by these guys!

Harry twisted his eyebrows to the side and opened his face, Xingchuan White, Xingchuan slightly glanced away, with one hand behind his back.

I pointed to the medical bay not far from the dormant bay: "My mother is still lying there! Are you ashamed?! ”

This time, Xingchuan and Harry bowed their heads in the same place.

I finally pointed to my brother: "My brother is still awake!” My whole family was in a coma, and they really pissed me off like this.

They looked up slightly and looked in my brother's direction.

Suddenly, they stood there like they were being dotted into a hilarious statue.

“Uh...” My brother's voice came behind me, and I immediately turned around and saw him sneaking up in the cabin, “I actually woke up early...”

“When?!” My face suddenly turned red.

My brother's face also turned red: “Just when your... husbands came in to identify their dads, and then... when you were training your husband..."


For a moment, the entire infirmary was in a state of extreme embarrassment.

I looked at my brother rigidly, and my brother looked at me embarrassed, and then he snapped his finger and peeked at me with a low face: "Well... how many wives can I marry here? ”

“Pfft!” I clapped my forehead, unable to whisper: “That's the first thing you wake up asking...” It turns out all the men in the world are the same, my brother is no exception, hey... unfortunate home!

Hurrah, those men walked right past me and surrounded my brother.

“Don't worry, brother-in-law will arrange as much as you want.” Starling River is already arranging for my brother the Palace of Three Fronts and Three Backs.

“Archie, don't be with the woman he's looking for you!” Harry squeezed out the star river again, and then he stood in Rocky's shoulder, and went to his ear and said in a voice that everyone else could hear, "He's so insidious that the woman he's looking for for you might be his eyeliner. ”

“Don't denigrate me in front of Kiki!” Xingchuan drank.

Rocky was stiff in Harry's embrace.

Harry looked at him funny: "Am I wrong?! The insidious Star River! Daddy, didn't you wake up? ”

“I see you're recovering from a beating!” Starling River began to grind his sleeves, and that thing was about to open.

Harry let go of my brother and he laughed: “I think someone changed the skin and itched. ”

Starling River and Harry Lilith swordswept away, killing gas rose.

“How about... outside?” Suddenly, Magpie looked at them with a smile. Immediately, they really walked towards the balcony.

I keep helping the forehead, home! Door! Fortunately!

“They... usually do that?” My brother asked with a smile, "sister! After you, the palace is so lively! ”

I feel like my brother must be the only one in the world!

I looked at him cold from between my fingers, and my brother instantly felt the killing, and his smile began to stiff.

“In fact, they usually love each other very much...” Lexius smiled and my brother looked at him, staring at him. He continued: "It's just that today they're so excited to see Ice's family ~ ~ ~" Brother heard the voice of Arjun and looked at Arjun again, gazing at him.

I looked at him like he was crazy, and I immediately walked forward and reached out my hand and rang my fingers in front of him.

“Pfft, pfft, pfft! ”

My brother turned back and I looked at him cold: "Don't stare at your brother-in-law like that! ”

My brother blushed and sneaked a sneak peek at his smiling magician: “Sister... I didn't mean to insult you, but do these two brothers and sisters look alike...”

“Beautiful?” I said it on purpose.

My brother grinned stiffly: "Ha-ha-ha… Yes, yes…”

I look at him funny and angry. What can I do? He's my brother.

“Ice, tell us what's going on.” Still Lexus cares about what happened to me and my family, "and that Wu La, who slept not long after you left, looked tired. ”

Magpie also looked at me, showing concern and urgency, and they were eager to know what had happened to me after I disappeared?

Brother couldn't help but look at Laheus and Magpie, Magpie walked to the balcony, said something to Lucifer, turned around and Lucifer flew out and shouted: "Ice is about to meet -”

His shouts attracted Rocky, and Rocky immediately looked into the night sky, and when he saw Lucifer flying in the air, he gazed again: “This is really a place of ability! ”

And I smiled at him, and I said, "Your brothers and sisters, they're all capable. ”

“Really!” As Harry and Starling Chuan rushed back, Rocky looked admirably and curiously at Laheus and Argyle.

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