Love, Expired

Chapter 11: indulgence

At first, Zhou Hao just pulled out the photo slowly, and his face was not distorted because of jealousy. Later they got out of the car, and Zhou Hao was still holding a small photo.

"Return the photo to me."

Zhou Hao's eyes exposed with the ice knife gave Jiang Yu a severe look. He walked under the streetlight and spread out the fit photo in his palm. Because the pinch was too tight just now, the edges of the photo were skewed and a little sweaty.

"It's so ugly."

If the words infiltrated in his mouth, I do not know whether it was Cheng Zixu in the photo, or Jiang Yuzhen in the photo.

"Give it back to me." Jiang Yuxi also went under the street lamp, glanced down at the flat palm.

As soon as Zhou Hao looked up, he could see the nervous look on his side, just like a treasure of precious value in his hands. A broken photo, is it?

The palms gradually clenched their fists, and the photos hidden under the palms of the palms gradually became a crumpled piece of paper, which could never be smooth and flat.

"Uh-" Throw it away, put it in the trash can next to it.

Jiang Yu shoved Zhou Hao down firmly, so that he was full of energy. Zhou Hao's footsteps fell back a few steps, almost hitting the next telephone pole.

Then, the nervous man rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and he was going to pick up photos in the dirty green leather bucket.

As soon as he bent down, Zhou Hao rushed over and pushed him away, as strong as he had just made.

"You don't think it's dirty." After shouting, Zhou Hao went to the trash can.

Looking up, there are neon signs shining everywhere, flowing cars, and men and women of all colors when they are dressed. The shadow of them passing by in the horse's eyes gradually narrows to a point.

And in his eyes, at this moment infinitely magnified, only the back of the squinting bow before him.

Soon, Zhou Hao retrieved the discarded photo from the trash can and threw it directly under Jiang Yu's feet. Without saying a word, he turned and walked into the community.

I do n’t have to pick it up, but a clean person ca n’t bear to see him stained with dirt ...

Jiang Yuzhen bent down and picked it up, smoothed it out ... followed by him, he also entered the community.

Opening the door of the apartment, the living room was quiet, only the sound of water coming from the bathroom. He twisted the handle of the bathroom door and went inside.

With the heat coming from the face, Jiang Yuzhen only felt that he had entered a misty world, his vision was unclear, and only the naked body behind the glass compartment was faintly seen. Water flowed from the shoulder blades on both sides and slipped into two streams To the femoral-ditch.

The stinging red-naked scene, his hair tightened without a throat, and a heat flow quickly rushed inside his body.

Jiang Yuzhang took off his clothes and went into the glass partition barefoot. Due to the loud sound of water, Zhou Hao never heard the man open the door to undress.

At this moment there was a person standing behind him. Besides, the thing in front was still holding his butt, he was really taken aback.

Zhou Hao turned off the shower and asked with eager eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Try it in the bathroom today." Jiang Yuzhen's voice has long become rough, and his eyes are full of intoxicating lust.

In a short period of time, Zhou Hao's body also seemed to be on fire. As the movements on his hands became larger, the fire was also burning.

The toilets are too small and the bathrooms are too hot. They simply cannot relieve the fire in young people. The two were soggy, and moved from the bathroom to the bedroom again.

Zhou Hao's hand slammed into Jiang Yu's back, causing the lying man to hiss, but his movement continued.

In this game, he tried his best to even squander all the energy of sex-things, which made Zhou Hao's brain empty into a pool of water, and everything became a shadow of white flowers. He just kept rubbing his body with ten fingers. the man.

He just wanted Jiang Yu to hurt, and only when it hurts could that person know how much he loved him.

This love component is somewhat helpless and a little sad. In short, it is a hopeless love.

Afterwards, in accordance with the usual practice, Zhou Hao leaned on the bedside and lit a cigarette. Today, he did not go to dig at a man a meter away.

He held his head up, smoking a ring of smoke, and a stream of smoke drifted from his mouth to the ceiling.

The room was too quiet, in addition to the "zizi" sounds from the air conditioner, and the breath sounds that were almost negligible to each other, there was no murmur.

For a long time, Zhou Hao slowly spit out, "What day is today?"

Jiang Yu didn't say a word, because he was totally unreasonable. It was good that he destroyed the invisible rule. The most funny thing was that he set the rule by himself.


Zhou Hao took a puff of cigarette and sneered, "I'm sorry? Where did you come from?"

Talking, he laughed louder, then picked up the pillow and threw it over, "You **** really treats me like a cannon-friend!"

Jiang Yudi has never really considered the relationship between them, and it has been almost three years since he was in a stumbling block. The lover obviously can't talk about it. As for Cannon-Friend, he said so, but he never thought about it .

It's just that he will come every Saturday and Sunday, periodically, to dispatch desires. Although he hated the man from the bottom of his heart, his body deviated from his will numerous times and was closely attached to this man.

At night, it became quieter and stranger. The two of them had their own corners, and each of them was turning their minds.

"Jiang Yuyu, will you get married in the future?"

The chandelier on the top emits white light, and several beams of white light hit exactly on Zhou Hao's face, shining the fine fur on his face and the tightly-tipped mouth clearly.

Why did he suddenly ask this sentence, he didn't even know it. In the vague consciousness, he knew very well that Jiang Yudi would not be with him anyway in the end.

As for whether this person is married? With whom? He didn't care, he just asked casually.


"And man? Or woman?" Zhou Hao asked again.

Jiang Yuzhen didn't squeak anymore, just didn't answer, Zhou Hao immediately guessed the man's mind, and he asked with a scornful expression, "What about Cheng Zixu?"

Jiang Yuzhen glanced at him, and in the dark eyes was hidden the emotions of unclearness.

Zhou Hao sniffed again. "Do n’t forget to ask me, I will give you a big red envelope."

Then I thought of something again. The fangs laughed, the laughter trembled a lot, and a few folds formed in the corner of the eye, and they laughed too hard.

"It's all your money anyway."

Jiang Yudi knew that this man was uncomfortable, and he was still pretending to be in his face. Rarely, he even had a little pain to hurt Zhou Hao.

But at this moment, he could do nothing but give the painful man a cheap distress. He reasonably reminded himself that he should stay away from this lunatic.

All that can be done is distressed.

"What the **** is worse than him! What the **** is worse than him!" The lion in the night burst into a desperate roar.

Jiang Yuzheng couldn't answer, and silently, he moved his body to Zhou Hao, and then pressed the man's head against his chest, holding her tightly like a mother hugging a child.

"Jiang Yuyu ..." Zhou Hao buried in Jiang's chest and muttered, "You can't be a bad person in your life, you, just because your heart is too soft, I should be so bad, you should see me and fight. Jiang Yu Alas, I ... I would be fine with that gun. "

In the dark night, silently crying, Jiang Yudi felt the wetness on his chest, but he didn't go to poke, but just held the person in his arms tighter.

Zhou Hao gradually fell asleep. Jiang Yuzhen was not sleepy, he rested his chin lightly on Zhou Hao's head, and indulged himself out of control tonight.

He was thinking: In this life, he will never forget this man. In addition to the plot of the first night, and the occasional crying despair of this man, he could not forget. However, these many emotions are not comparable to that white moonlight.

In the dream, Zhou Hao was indulged in the occasional tenderness, and he had a light dream—

He dreamed that he and Jiang Yuzheng became two gray-haired couples, and supported each other for a long, long road ...

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