Love, Expired

Chapter 1: Stomachache

"During the rainy season in the south, with the pink women walking, the boy in the woods picked up a stone and smashed her round belly ..."

Zhou Hao awakened from the weird dream again, and touched the mobile phone, it was more than two o'clock in the morning. There was a man lying far away from him.

The man turned his back to him naked, only to see the back drawn by the resolute lines, and the slack black hair.

A few hours ago, the two were still in the stack, and they were anxious to bury themselves in each other's body. At this moment, the streams were separated and they could not be separated for 800 meters.

"Jiang Yuquan, Jiang Yuquan ..." Zhou Hao put his body together, shouting a lot of voices, hands and mouth ignited on the man aggressively.

The man muttered something in his mouth, turned over and pressed Zhou Hao.

"Want?" The man asked half awake.

"I can't sleep, I want to do everything."

The two hit each other, and the two were tightly folded together again ...

For about half an hour, they were almost satisfied with each other. The man shoved Zhou Hao into the bathroom, and then there was a rush of water.

In the dark and narrow space, Zhou Hao fumbled to the cigarette case on the bedside table, drew a cigarette in his mouth, and lit it.

This was his usual habit, and he always got a cigarette afterwards. The smoke can paralyze the nerves, temporarily forget a lot of things, and forget about the joy of fish and water.

Not long after the man was flushed, a layer of bath towels came out from the waist down, and there were still wet water marks on his hair, ticking on his shoulders, and on the floor. He turned on the light in the room, and all of a sudden it was dark.

The sticky sheets, Zhou Hao's naked body, and the ball of white liquid between Zhou Hao's thighs instantly jumped into the man's sight.

"Go to the bathroom and wash," the man said, frowning.

Zhou Hao smiled, pushed the cigarette **** into the ashtray, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you comfortable just now?"

The man ignored him and wiped his hair.

"Jiang Yuyu," Zhou Hao brewed in his heart for a long time, and uttered this voice solemnly.

The man looked at him puzzledly.

"Tomorrow is my birthday. You come here tonight."

A flash of ridicule, flashing in the man's eyes, seemed to accuse him of failing to behave, "Tomorrow is Monday."

An invisible treaty runs between the two-Monday to Friday, the man will not come here at all, and he will only come over the weekend.

This is an over-looking man. The unfathomable black pupil can't see the mood, the depth of desire, the unbreakable face like ice, always stretched a face, no other expressions.

For a long time, Zhou Hao didn't speak, he put himself in a cage and licked slowly. The wound was almost licked, and he laughed at himself, saying indifferently, "It's Monday, I almost forgot. Cheng, I'll pass it by myself."

There is always a man who pretends to be arrogant, and has even reached the point of suspicion. He is unwilling to take off that camouflage easily. He was fragile and lonely. He also wanted to have someone accompany him for his birthday, but he refused to admit it.

Coincidentally, Zhou Hao is such a person.

Jiang Yuzhen wiped his hair, walked to the bedside, looked at the half-cut cigarette **** in the ashtray, and looked dignified. "Don't smoke in the room, it smells bad."

Zhou Hao blinked and said sulkingly, "Afraid of smoking second-hand smoke?"

Jiang Yushen said indifferently: "I go to the living room to sleep."

Zhou Hao suddenly felt stimulated, rushed over and blocked the door, "No! You are not allowed to go!"

"Which way are you crazy !?"

The fine liquid between the thighs slid down the thigh to the calf, as if there were countless transparent snakes hanging on his body. Zhou Hao's body softened, and he slowly moved to the side to open the bedroom door.

Jiang Yudi also saw his "cultivation" just now, his expression softened, "Go and take a shower."

If it seemed to be concerned, Zhou Hao raised a little hope again, he hugged the man in front of him, "I'm going to take a shower, don't go to the living room."

On a rare occasion, Zhou Hao destroyed his pride and compromised.

Suddenly, Zhou Hao took a shower first. After taking a shower, he opened the sheets, threw them into the washing machine, and pulled out a new one from the cabinet.

Zhou Hao was very busy and did not dare to delay for a second, for fear that Jiang Yuzhen would regret it, and ran to the living room to sleep.

He has already advanced his birthday in his heart. It should be today, it should be birthday today.

The two were lying on a clean sheet, Zhou Hao stared at the black ceiling, it seemed boring, and he stared at Jiang Yu's back again.

"Jiang Yuyu," he whispered.

The person facing away did not respond, leaving him with an indifferent back, looming in the night.

"Jiang Yuquan." He shouted again, a little louder than before.

The person facing away still did not respond.

Zhou Hao suddenly reached out and pinched Jiang Yuzhen's hair, forcing him to turn around.

"What nerve do you have !?"

Zhou Hao blinked, lying on the bed honestly motionless, eyes like looking through Qiushui, staring at Jiang Yu's frantic face.

He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to hear a man tell him--

"Haohao, happy birthday."

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