Love, Expired

Chapter 26: Family

After the mother's affairs, Zhou Hao didn't rush back, he went to the cemetery and looked at his father.

On a clear day, the inside will not look gloomy because of the dead. The tombstones are souls that the living people can never touch.

Zhou Hao brought some wine and hugged a bunch of flowers. He couldn't sleep well these days, and his face was very poor.

He walked forward with a heavy footstep, turned to the top and turned, and the third tombstone was his father's. There is no one to worship for a long time, and there are no sacrifices in front of the cement tombstone.

In front of the monument is the neat Wei Bei font, the name of the father, the date of birth and death, and the name of the person who made the monument. Behind the monument are the seven characters with tears-"My dearest father".

A good relationship between father and son was blocked under this cold tombstone.

Zhou Hao was in good control of his emotions, but when he saw the words behind him, he collapsed instantly. He had nowhere to hide his sorrow, clear from the bright sunshine.

With red eyes, he sat down in front of the monument.

"Dad, I'm here to see you." Zhou Hao leaned the flower gently on the tombstone. "She left a few days ago and went to your side. If you meet her under the ground, you two will do well." .She is old and changes a lot, I ’m afraid you wo n’t recognize me. Dad, I have n’t come back to see you for so many years. Do n’t tell me about it in general. Give me a dream and make me want to start something, don't keep getting old with my mother. "

At this point, Zhou Hao had choked completely, and his lips trembled with a low back sobbing. He rubbed his face with his back, wet his face, and spilled wine in front of his father's monument. A big sip was left in the bottle and he muttered and drank it all.

Spicy and throaty.

"Dad, you're fine below. Anyway, after a few more decades, I will go down with you. Time is fast, and it takes a blink of an eye. You see, you have walked for almost twenty years. .dad……"

Zhou Hao's filthy throat became vague, "You help me ask ... help me ask mom, why is she doing this to me? Dad, sometimes, sometimes I'm sad ..."

Only in the presence of his dead relatives did Zhou Hao dare to reveal his truest self.

He cried, and then directly held his father's gravestone, and slept through the hot sun above his head. Tossing too tired these days.

When I woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. He crawled up and down, made a final farewell to his dad, and left the cemetery.

Then Zhou Hao took the bus to the grandparents' house in the countryside.

It was almost ten years since I last saw the two old men in their freshman year. After getting off the bus at the terminal, Zhou Hao stood in front of the humble village gate stop sign, not knowing which direction to go.

The previous road has changed. The northeast, southeast, and northwest are clearly distinguished, but I don't know where his grandparents' home is. He chose the widest concrete road, walked forward, passed the grocery store, and there were many people around the doorway, and he was speaking in his own place.

Zhou Hao walked over, and those people also looked at the outsiders in the village with the eyes of scrutiny.

"Excuse me, where does Zhou Hougui go?" He also spoke in dialect.

The people in the village were very enthusiastic. A middle-aged woman stood up from the small bench, pointed to the east, and gestured while saying, "Just there, across the bridge in front, turn right, the second house. That's it. "

People happily asked him, "What are you doing with Zhou Hougui?"

Zhou Hao didn't answer, just smiled, "Thank you." Then she followed the prompt, crossed the bridge, and turned right ...

There was a hot voice at the back, "At his house, let Hou Gui come to the village tomorrow to receive the subsistence allowance for this month!"

The house is the same as ten years ago. The small cottage in the three houses has a yard in front, but it has been weathered for many years, and its walls have been mottled. The door was open, and he carried in his luggage.

Inside the temple room, his grandmother sat on a rattan chair, squinting, trying to get a needle, and couldn't get in through anything. She ran the thread through her mouth, and ran it again, but she didn't get in.

"These eyes are not useful ..."

At the other end, his grandfather narrowed his eyes, looked at his wife, said nothing, and lowered his head again.

Zhou Hao looked at the appearance of their candlesticks.

"Grandpa, grandma." Zhou Hao stood at the door of the hall and shouted inward.

Grandma put down her old clothes, raised her head, and the wet old eyes immediately became moist, "Okay, good, good, my grandson."


At noon, my grandmother slaughtered one of the three laying hens in the family, went to the field to pick a few eggplants, and also cut a handful of leeks, and the old and sloppy back, couldn't hide the happiness, and said, My grandson is back, my grandson is back. "

Someone replied to her, "Is Hao Hao back?" She immediately said, "Well, it's my grandson Hao Hao."

Grandma is old, and it's always a thing of the past.

When eating, she patronized and stared at Zhou Hao. While watching, he kept picking vegetables in his bowl. She always talked about his affair when he was a kid. Playing with a gun again scared the kid.

Later, when it came to his dad, his grandmother choked immediately, and his grandfather scolded his wife so that she wouldn't be ashamed of the child.

Grandma shook her hand and clamped a piece of meat to her grandson. "Eat, eat, ah." Tears were still in the eyes, and they couldn't dry for a while.

Zhou Hao swallowed the food in his mouth, and his expression seemed to be stuck with tape. He blinked, chewed, and swallowed, all the same. He did not dare to look up, did not dare to make any large facial expressions, was afraid of being stretched, and was afraid of crying in front of the elderly.

When he cried, the old couple also had to cry. So he couldn't cry.

Zhou Hao suppressed his emotions and told them that he is now studying in the capital and is doing well. Grandma asked, what is a graduate student? It's even better than going to college, and you can make a lot of money when you come out.

Grandma laughed. There were only two teeth left in the upper row. The rest were traces of ruthless years of corrosion.

The old couple never mentioned Zhou Hao's mother, and Zhou Hao did not tell them that the woman had just died a few days ago. They kept their secrets to each other, and no one went through the dark side of that layer of humanity.

That woman is not a good mother. Of course, it is impossible to be a good daughter-in-law and a good wife. She owed herself too much, and she was sorry for the old couple in the country.

After his mother took Zhou Hao to remarry, every time his grandparents made a special trip to the city to see their grandson, they were stopped by his mother. Zhou Hao didn't know about this at one time, and the two old men found home.

On the sofa, his mother had arms around her chest and was imposing. His grandparents sat awkwardly, with restrained movements and unsightly looks.

He was only nine years old at that time, he couldn't remember, but he was too young. He was so scared that he hid behind the door of the room, and the door opened a small slit, and he secretly looked out.

The woman scolded her grandparents and said, "I don't want to see where it is, just go home. I'm married, not your daughter-in-law of the old Zhou family.

His grandma insisted, "We just came to see Hao Hao, Qiu Hua, you let us look at the children."

"he is not at home."

Zhou Hao didn't dare to go out. He was afraid that his mother would not be happy, and the future would be even worse. He hid behind the door, carefully looked at his grandparents and looked at them. It didn't take long for the two old men to leave.

On the table were the green radishes grown in the country that they brought, and a toy gun bought for Hao Hao. His mother threw them into the trash.


Zhou Hao stayed at his grandparents' house. He was like a child returning to the natural countryside. He walked around in the morning while the sun was not poisonous. There is a small dirt **** behind the village, where a mulberry tree is planted. Tired of walking, he went to rest in the woods, the ants crawled under his feet, and the leaves rustled under his feet.

Everything is very comfortable.

There is also a small vegetable field at home. Occasionally, he will carry a **** to plow the ground, or carry it on his shoulders, carrying two large buckets back and forth to fill the water.

Passing by each house, those women will also bring out a bowl and watch the fun while eating. "The grandson of Hou Gui's family is picking up water again."

People in the village like to join in the fun. It's an incredible thing to catch a lively scene like watching a show. In the days to come, I will still show taste and taste. If you do n’t make it up, then you lose the opportunity to talk and lose the opportunity to get involved in the excitement.

After staying here for a month, Zhou Hao felt that he had to go back. He still had an internship.

The day before he left, he took a bus into the city to collect money. There is almost less than 10,000 in his Cary, and he has kept a few hundred yuan for himself, and the rest is taken out.

When he got home, he gave the money to his grandma, who refused to accept it. Zhou Hao had no choice but to collect the money temporarily.

At night, the two old men were informed of their plans to leave tomorrow, and his grandmother's cloudy eyes immediately became wet, and a large number of people cry like children.

Zhou Hao comforted a lot and said that he would definitely return to the New Year at the end of the year. That night, his grandmother slaughtered the only two chickens left in the house and cooked a bowl of chicken soup for his grandson.

The next day, Zhou Hao put the money under the vegetable cover on the dining table, carried his luggage on his back, walked out of the gate, crossed the bridge, and walked to the bus stop at the village entrance. His grandparents followed him all the way, scratching his back, his eyes were always hard to hide.

"Haohao, come back at the end of the year, grandma is waiting." His grandma remembered this sentence.

Zhou Hao nodded again and again.

The bus came and Zhou Hao got on. The driver stepped on the accelerator and the bulky bus drove further and further. Zhou Hao went out from the window probe——

The two old men are still standing at the entrance of the village and looking far away.

Gradually, the two figures became smaller and smaller, and could no longer be seen clearly.

"I'm sorry ..." Zhou Hao cried silently in his heart, and repented silently.

He was originally a free child in the countryside. He belonged to the vast countryside. How could a child like him be a family member without blood relationship?

He has a family, he has grandparents.

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