Love, Expired

Chapter 31: move

There is a stray orange cat in the community. A few days ago, a litter of cubs was laid, and the weather was cold. The little milk cat shrank and hid in the flower bed, meowing meowing. Many residents were afraid that the little cubs would not live long in the cold weather, and each family carried one back. Sun Yiwen also wanted one, but Zhou Hao didn't agree.

After eating every night, Sun Yiwen took up their leftovers in plastic bags and took them down to feed the cats. Zhou Hao looked down from the balcony, and he could definitely see the boy nesting beside the flower bed and playing with the kitten.

It's like a little kid.

It is dark early in the autumn, and the street lights in the residential area are dim, not very bright. Looking down at this moment, Sun Yiwen's body melted into the night, not very clear.

Zhou Hao put on his clothes and went downstairs, and walked to the flower bed in late autumn. The wind was very cold, wrapped in a damp cold.

"Sun Yiwen."

The small figures in a group turned around and smiled at Zhou Hao's teeth, "How come you are down?"

"Is it too cold?" Zhou Hao asked.

Sun Yiwen turned his head, returned "not cold", and then reached out to help the kitten smooth.

The adult female cat is also on the side, and there is only this kitten left beside it. It has swollen eyes, watching the humans who invaded their territory, thanks for the food given, and is always on guard, lest someone steal it Only children left.

Mother cats still love their children so much.

Zhou Hao was vaguely uncomfortable. He slowly squatted down and looked at the fat orange cat in front of him. "If you like, just take them home and raise them."

Sun Yiwen thought he had heard it wrong and asked excitedly, "What did you say?"

Zhou Hao stood up and gave the final instructions, "Hold them all home, it's weird this day."

The two took a pair of cats mother and son back home, and the next day Sun Yiwen took a half-day lesson and took them to the shower and gave him an injection. When Zhou Hao came home from work that night, he saw Sun Yiwen's legs crossed on the sofa and watched TV, one left and one right, two young guests.

This is probably the safe haven in the hearts of men. There is a waiting person in the family, and two little guys who make up a little from time to time. Zhou Hao's heart warmed a bit, and the cold air brought back from the outside disappeared instantly.

"You are back." Sun Yiwen got up and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Zhou Hao sat in his position just now, looking at the left, and yelling on the right, it felt really different. The decision last night was worth it.

After dinner, they will read the book or find a movie together. Zhou Hao gradually found out that Sun Yiwen was particularly sticky. It ’s not honest to sit and sit, or to rest on your legs, or lean on your shoulders, and sometimes even kiss you when you can see it ... Quite useful.

The two turned over an old movie today, the 2007 series, and Sun Yiwen only watched for a quarter of an hour, and his posture became a pillow sleeping on Zhou Hao's legs. After a while, she actually fell asleep.

Zhou Hao covered him with a blanket. His ten fingers, which he had nowhere to rest, slowly moved towards the little earlobe of his lover under the transparent light at night, and touched it gently. Soft and cute.

Zhou Hao was suddenly moved by everything that came into her mind and everything she touched with her hands. On the one hand, he was skeptical on the other: Has he really loved Jiang Yuzhen for so many years? Maybe not. Maybe it was just lack of love for too long, and happened to meet the clean boy, his head fluttered.

Never loved, it was just great. Zhou Hao unconsciously relaxed a lot, and the small bag he carried in his heart was temporarily put down.

Without love, he would not be a "difficult thinking" man, and he could wholeheartedly give all the love he could toss to the boy in front of him.

He doesn't allow himself to be loved halfway with his mother like his mother. From childhood to age, what was deeply imprinted in his bones was from beginning to end.

Without half-way, weird people will not be created. For so many years, he has always thought so.

Zhou Hao smiled silently, looking back at Sun Yiwen's ear again, and suddenly found that there was a little mole under the earlobe of the boy.


In December, heavy snow fell in City A, and it covered the sky for two days and two nights. On the third day, the sky suddenly cleared and there were no clouds.

The white snow covered everything, cut off noise, and stained the world.

Night scene after snow, rare and quiet. Jiang Yuzhen stood on the balcony, and cast his eyes on the flower bed at the bottom of the building.

After a long look, my eyes are a bit tired. Jiang Yuzhang returned to the living room and sat weakly on the sofa, the house was dark. His eyes were settled a little, and he could dimly see the bright moonlight after the snow, and penetrated into the living room.

The sound of the door lock twisting came, and Cheng Zixu returned, carrying a large bag of supermarket shopping items in his hand.

"Patter--" The light was on.

"Why didn't you turn on the lights?" Cheng Zixu asked.

The momentary light made it difficult for Jiang Yu to adapt. He narrowed his eyes, and gradually adapted to it later.

Cheng Zixu went to the sofa.

Jiang Yuzhen raised his face, as if making a big decision, "move tomorrow and move to another place."

Cheng Zixu only hesitated for a few seconds, then smiled, "OK."

Touching the scenes, is the word.

In the evening, Jiang Yuzhen went to the apartment in Building 5. Opening the door, the dark space is full of indifference.

In fact, the home has not changed much, and the home decoration is still the same.

There is a yellow tea cup on the coffee table, and there are half a cup of water in it, but the surface of the water has been covered with ash; there is a dead tree in the deep red ceramic flowerpot near the TV cabinet, and the leaves have all fallen out, leaving only The "corpse" under the root of the tree is still there.

It is probably a pair with the tree that Zhou Hao sent crazy to him last time.

In the bedroom, as soon as I opened the closet, there were only a few of his clothes left, hanging on a hanger alone; the quilt was neatly stacked, placed in the middle of the bed, my hands touched, dusty; on the bedside table, and that The ashtray of a person is clean inside, and there is no bit of ashtray.

Such a family has actually lived. Jiang Yuzhen laughed inwardly, or the madman was fierce, and he really left when he left, leaving no trace.

Impossible, impossible. How can I bring it clean after staying for so many years?

Jiang Yuxi rushed into the bathroom eagerly. Fortunately, the madman's shaver, dental cylinder, towel ... were all there.

"Jiang Yuyu, our bathroom is too small, and the bathtub cannot be blocked."

"What is so much about taking a bath?"

"You know the fart! Otherwise we could try it in the steaming water."


"Let's just change the big house," Jiang Yu muttered, facing the air, facing the little madman of the past.

Jiang Yu walked down and went to the convenience store to buy another toothbrush, towel, razor ... Back home, put them neatly next to the little madman's things, so as to make a pair.

At this moment, he seemed to have endless enthusiasm and wanted to fill every corner of the house. Jiang Yudi washes the mop, and carefully drags the family boy all over again. The floor is polished so bright that he can reflect his shadow.

The home was exceptionally clean, as if no one had ever left.

Then he took out two pairs of plush slippers for the winter and put them on the shoe rack at the entrance. A pair of red and a pair of blue were bought by the lunatic before. He said that red and blue are a pair.

After all this work, it is already nine o'clock in the evening.

Going back a few walks of Building No. 2, Jiang Yuzheng kept thinking: Obviously everyone is gone, how can he always remember that person when he returns to his former home. Only later did he want to understand that the little madman's departure had scattered his heart.

When the heart is gone, it is easy to think about everything.

A person is too crazy, too paranoid, others will never forget him in this life.

He wanted to use his cell phone to make a call to the lunatic, and learned the man's usual tone: Hey, when I was mopping the floor, I missed you.

However, he did not have that person's phone number, he had never stored it or remembered it. It's always been, the little lunatic called him.

Having lived together for four years, why didn't he even have a phone call ...

On a short journey, he walked for a long time. At the place where he lives today, Cheng Zixu sat in the restaurant with no expression and waited for him.

Seeing him return, Cheng Zixu didn't raise his head, "I'll go and heat up your food", then got up and went to the kitchen.

Jiang Yuzhen took off his coat, hung it on a hanger, and sat over.

Soon, the food was hot and served. Three dishes and one soup, the aroma of the meal is still in the heat.

"Let's eat it." Cheng Zixu raised his chopsticks without asking where he had gone.

Jiang Yuzhen picked up the chopsticks on the table and ate rice without saying a word.

Suddenly, Cheng Zixu asked, "Yu, where shall we move tomorrow?"

Jiang Yuzhu glanced sideways and glanced at the people around him for a moment, and said, "Near a."

Cheng Zixu didn't talk anymore. In a short time, he had already understood everything. Both have graduated, why should they go to find a house around a big house?

Where is the city center, and life is convenient? Former alma mater, leave a feeling? No, probably just because Zhou Hao was intern in the affiliated hospital.

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