Love, Expired

Chapter 36: con man

In the morning, Zhou Hao got off the bowl, and Sun Yiwen returned when he was washing the dishes.

Zhou Hao pretended not to hear anything. He drove the water from the faucet to its maximum, and the water column violently hit the white porcelain bowl, splashing countless tiny water drops.

"Old Zhou." Sun Yiwen leaned against the kitchen door and shouted.

Zhou Hao ignored him.

"You have eaten breakfast already, I bought you breakfast on the way." A soft voice came innocently.

Zhou Hao turned off the faucet, turned indifferently, and glanced down at the plastic bag on Sun Yiwen's hand.

Sun Yiwen was horrified by his eyes, and his fingers moved unconsciously, and the plastic bag made a noise.

"You keep it for yourself."

Zhou Haoyu's red and swollen hands went to the porch to bend over to change shoes. Sun Yiwen was like a small tail, and he was always behind Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao changed his shoes, and he changed his shoes too.

The two went downstairs together, the old-fashioned house, the concrete floor of the staircase was full of dark spots and stains that had been deposited for many years, and the wall was the moldy stain of this piece and that piece; The uncle's voice, either to urge the child to get up quickly, or to complain about the poor salary, or to get up early every day ...

Every day, these men and women always have endless words to say, the door is closed, and they come and go. How can there be so much nonsense to say? Can't they just stop quietly?

As soon as he got out of the community and walked to the subway station, Sun Yiwen followed in a daunting moment. Zhou Hao ignored him at all.

"Lao Zhou, I won't stay home all night." Sun Yiwen begged for mercy.

Zhou Hao didn't stop at all, his expression remained the same, and he kept going forward.

Sun Yiwen hurriedly chased the past, stopped Zhou Hao, and the plastic bag in his hand was banging again and again.

"Lao Zhou, don't ignore me."

Zhou Hao looked at the face in front of him indifferently. For so many days, he was like a kid, but he did not expect to be a bear child.

"Liar." Zhou Hao made this sound from the bottom of his throat, his lips barely moving.

"What did you say?" Sun Yiwen thought he heard it wrong.

"You are all liars! All of you here are liars!"

At this moment, Zhou Hao became a child. He stood on the cold windy street and whispered badly in this group of bad people.

Incomprehensible, piercing through the bones, he was possessed by childhood Xiao Haohao.

Sun Yiwen reached out and grabbed Zhou Hao's arm and shook. "Lao Zhou, I'm really wrong."

Zhou Hao squinted, staring at the plastic bag in Sun Yiwen's hand, his eyes caught fire, he snatched it, and threw it into the trash can.

"Look what else do you lie to me!"

"Old Zhou ..." Sun Yiwen was frightened.

Behind my grandma's village, the mulberry tree should now have only bare branches. I do n’t know if there are any groups of ants underneath. Are they afraid that they will hide from the winter?

Zhou Hao left Sun Yiwen and entered the subway station. He also wanted to hide, and he also wanted to have a winter in the stop.

People in the big city let Xiao Haohao feel cold, and Xiao Haohao also wanted to hide for the winter.

At night, Zhou Hao saw Jiang Yuzhen again. As yesterday, he walked over to take the initiative.

Jiang Yuzhen stood for a while, his face was full of juvenile redness, and a white mist was sprayed from his mouth and nose.

Zhou Haojiu smiled: "Why are you here again?"

The words are light and ordinary, as if the two have been together and never separated, as if he was going home on the weekend, the little lunatic always asks him, what do you want to eat this week?

Jiang Yuzhang opened her mouth slightly, only the little lunatic in front of her eyes could be seen, her lips were slightly opened, and her lips were closed slightly, and she could not speak.

"Don't say pull down."

Zhou Hao was naughty and was about to move forward. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuxi held him.

"Why?" Zhou Hao's eyes were half open and half open.

Jiang Yuxuan's hand was tighter, and his lips weren't said at all.

A contest between men, one look is enough.

Jiang Yuzhen's eyes were filled with a ferocious beast. He ate blood and swallowed his bones. His desire was too deep, and the ferocious beast was about to jump out.

Zhou Hao's eyes glanced around, looking at the clear and clear without thoughts, but only the hidden Hao Hao in his heart knew how he wanted to bite the bad guy in front of him.

Enough is enough.

Zhou Hao followed Jiang Yu to get into the car and sat in the co-pilot position. The car drove to a nearby five-star hotel.

Double round bed, wrinkled duvet, gasping from time to time due to excessive stress, male hormones, flooded the heating dizzy room.


This is a life between death and death, almost love-love.

Zhou Hao lit a cigarette, lying in the middle of the big bed red-shouldered, his eyes shrinking gradually, shrinking into a small spot, and throwing it into the hotel's warm yellow chandeliers.

Suddenly, one hand covered his eyes, "Don't look".

Zhou Hao moved his hand, sat up, and handed the half of the cigarette in his hand to Jiang Yuyan, "Pull it out."

Jiang Yuzheng took it, took a breath, and frowned, coughing.

Zhou Hao was suddenly happy, muttering, "It's useless!"

Jiang Yuzhen turned to look at the lunatic, and the light shone on the lunatic's face. He took a deep breath and pried open Zhou Zhou's teeth, all spit in, and now Zhou Hao was choked with coughing.

"Who is useless?" Jiang Yuxi asked with a smile.

Zhou Hao moaned and stopped talking.

The half of the cigarette **** was eventually put in the ashtray. Zhou Hao was dragged to the bathroom by Jiang Yuzheng. The two took a shower together and washed away the sweat and sticky matter on their bodies.

Sitting on the bedside, Jiang Yuzhen wiped Zhou Hao's hair, and a soft towel wrapped around the head of the lunatic. Jiang Yuzhen slowly and carefully rubbed the hair under the towel.

Zhou Hao picked up the phone and found that there were several missed calls from Sun Yiwen on the phone. Open WeChat and jump out of countless voice messages.

He rested his fingertips on the screen, without clicking the dialog.

Jiang Yuzhen paused his hands, and in the eyes he saw the note-"Wenwen". The back of the hand was blue, and he didn't even realize it.

Zhou Hao hissed, raising his eyes and squinting at the person beside him.

It's this innocent look! I can't bear to yell at him at all. Jiang Yuzhen's eyes dimmed instantly, and he didn't want to say a word in his throat.

He didn't want to say it, Zhou Hao wanted him to say it.

"Jiang Yuyu, you're pulling my hair."

It took a long time for Jiang Yuxi to utter a sentence from the back of his throat, "How did you ... give me a note?"

Zhou Hao grinned stiffly, his gaze fell back on the phone screen, and then he clicked into the dialog box and opened the voice messages one by one.

"Lao Zhou, I'm sorry."

"When are you coming back, I'll make omelettes for you."

"Two fat guys miss you."


After hearing everything, Zhou Ha panted his chest dumbly, "Liar!"

Gradually, the anger disappeared and was replaced by an unspeakable silence, and the little lunatic fell into a terrible silence.

Sun Yiwen carried a man behind him to see a man. He carried Sun Yiwen to bed with a man. Who was more hateful between them? Still, none of them is abominable, and all of them are pitiful.

"I'm going back." After that, Zhou Hao began to wear clothes sloppily. As soon as he wore a sweater, he had to get a jacket.

Jiang Yudi could not stand the silent stimulation anymore, what did this man think of him! Cannon-friend? Shuang finished lifting his pants and left. Where to go? Walk back to the little lover.

He clamped the lunatic's hands and pressed him back to the bed.

The beast in his eyes finally jumped out, his scarlet eyes stared at Zhou Hao: "What do you think of me !? Talk!"

Zhou Hao immediately kicked himself, broke free, and put on the outermost down jacket.

"What the **** do you think of me !?" Jiang Yudi didn't give up.

Zhou Hao, touching the doorknob, turned around, and said blankly, "What can we two be? Just as you think."

Zhou Hao opened the door and went out.

When the winter breeze blows in big cities, it is everywhere, seeping into the skin and blood, and the whole body is shaking for it. Zhou Hao wrapped her down jacket tightly and walked to the subway station.

The subway arrived at Minlin Station, where it was yesterday, and the young man playing the guitar was still there. Zhou Hao felt his pocket, and there were two hundred pieces left. He threw it all into the guitar case.

The young man no longer remembers who Zhou Hao is. Every day people come and go, who will remember a kind person who meets with each other.

This time, the young man expressed his gratitude and still insisted on singing a song for Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao had no reason to refuse, and he accepted it frankly.

"What song would you play?" Zhou Hao asked.

"You can order one," the young man said humblely.

Zhou Hao rubbed his hands and thought, "Goodbye Erchome, will you?"

The young man smiled and tried the microphone in front of him, as if the sound of gurgling water suddenly rang, followed by the Cantonese song that the young man put together with a low-pitched smoke.

Deep and intoxicated, the winters in the big cities are a little warmer.

"Inside the record shop, exotic songs

That joy, suddenly I needed

Not kind, at least not like, subtle like you

Love and tune become depressed with Wyme

It turned out to be a happy one, but I did n’t realize it

... "

After a song, Zhou Hao said "Thank you," and then no longer reluctantly entered the crowd.

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