Love, Expired

Chapter 38: Broken sweater

The days finally returned to the way they were before. Lao Zhou and Xiao Sun took the subway together in the morning and went home at night. Sun Yiwen's senior year ended last semester, he found an internship in an advertising company, engaged in copywriting, the internship salary is OK, that is, old overtime.

A few days ago, Sun Yiwen bought him two inner sweaters, dark blue and gray, and pressed the bottom of the box with his old people. "Well, young people!"

There wasn't much joy on Zhou Hao's face, but the flowers bloomed in his heart, the first time someone bought him clothes.

On this day, he went to work with a new sweater. The little girl in the same department did not boast, the color was good, and the style was great. They boasted that Zhou Hao was like honey in her heart, sweet and sweet.

After work at night, he was still thinking. Anyway, from the hospital to the subway station, there was no short walk. He simply opened the down jacket outside, exposing a brand-new sweater.

The people in the cold wind are very bloated up and down, and even the beautiful girls don't care about the atmosphere, how to get warm. He's good, no matter how he shows up, I can't wait to see all the people in city a: Oh, that guy is so beautiful in a sweater. Who bought it? His boyfriend was alas.

What a weird person! He didn't realize it at all.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Yuhuan glanced at the outside, and saw the little lunatic shaking away from the front of his car. He rarely comes here these days, occasionally, but he hides in the dark every time.

Why are you wearing so little? The clothes are still open?

Jiang Yuzhen didn't sit still, pulled the door and quickly caught up with Zhou Hao, and patted him on the shoulder.

Zhou Hao turned his head, the smile on his face was stagnant, and the corner of his mouth was obviously downward. It's better to walk, stand still here, and more and more feel that the ghost is really cold, Zhou Hao rubbed his hands frequently.

"What a god! This clothes is still open!" Jiang Yuxuan's tone was like reproaching the ignorant child.

Zhou Hao didn't want to deal with Jiang Yuzhang. How does he now look at Jiang Yuzhang? How can he be like a wet and wet cuckoo?

"It's okay, I don't feel cold." Zhou Hao said without hesitation, and continued his own way.

Jiang Yudi grabbed the arm of the lunatic, and his tone was strong. "Get in the car, I'll send you."

Zhou Hao didn't speak, Jiang Yuzhen looked at him without taboo, his nose and cheeks flushed red, long eyelashes, and a pair of eyes that were always arrogant and arrogant on a weekday ... how did he live with people Years, now only have time to carefully look at people carefully?

In this regard, the unwillingness in my heart added a little more.

"It's cold outside, I'll send you." Jiang Yuzhen insisted.

Zhou Hao shook his head and looked at the man who was trying to give him affectionately in front of him.

The clever Zhou Hao understands that when he sits, his bit of trouble with Jiang Yuzhen is even more unclear.

"Put your clothes on." Jiang Yuzhen gave up. In fact, during the dispute between the two, he had never won the lunatic.

Zhou Hao really aligned the zipper of the down jacket. From the top down, the brand-new dark blue sweater disappeared into the sight of the people in city A.

The little lunatic had all his clothes on, and he had no reason to seize them, and Jiang Yuzhen turned his head and walked away.

Sitting back in the car, Jiang Yuzhen stared at the little lunatic for a long time, and soon his phone rang—

"Yu, when are you coming back?"

Mess, everything is messed up. Even if he had the intention to reverse the current failure, he could not help it anymore. Between him and the lunatic, he also caught Cheng Zixu. There is no way to turn it around, it just won't turn around.

"There is something tonight and I won't go back."


Zhou Hao took the subway to the door of the advertising company. It was already six o'clock, and Sun Yiwen had not come out of it yet. Zhou Hao is still in the same routine, and sat down at a nearby KFC. This is what he discussed with Sun Yiwen. If he comes first, he will wait here.

The place where there is heating is good. It won't feel cold even if the clothes are open. Now he took off the down jacket outside and took a few photos with himself with the new sweater. I picked a few good-looking ones and sent them to Sun Yiwen, and soon he gave him a "like" expression.

He smiled stupidly.

From small to large, he is a particularly easy to satisfy person.

On the first day of junior high school, his mother rode him to school on a small electric stove. He was happy all day and listened more seriously than anyone else. He slept early at night and finished his homework quickly.

Little child, you give him a candy, he can remember you for a long time.

In fact, for so many years, he has never grown up.

It didn't take long for Sun Yiwen to go next to him, and Zhou Hao stared at those photos.

"Old week, let's go."

Zhou Hao looked up at the man with a smile, "Is he handsome?"

Sun Yiwen nodded, his expression exaggerated, "Handsome, it's worse than me."

Zhou Hao put on her jacket, and waved her right arm, and walked out with Sun Yiwen's head. The cold wind shivered, and the two laughed, stomped, and chased to the subway station.

"Lao Zhou, look, the brightest star in the night sky!"

Zhou Hao looked in the direction of Sun Yiwen's fingers. It turned out that the kid was referring to roasted sweet potatoes.

Sun Yiwen blinked, "I paid today, how much do you guess?" Then he stretched out three fingers.

Zhou Hao teased him intentionally: "Three thousand?"

Sun Yiwen pretended to be Zhou Hao angrily: "Go to you! I'll rob $ 30,000!"

Zhou Hao grabbed Sun Yiwen's hand, put it on his lips, and rubbed them hard. "Let's see the rent for this month fall."

"Lao Zhou, go, Xiao Sun asks you to pick the stars!" Sun Yiwen received his salary for the first time, and his energy kept going.

They bought two baked sweet potatoes, entered the subway station, and were ready to take them home to eat. Even after eating frozen dumplings for half a month, in order to save the rent, Xiao Sun received the salary, and the two could relax a little bit.

Hurry up, I guess I can go to the restaurant for a meal.

The two were walking, and met an evil star on their way. Zhou Hao wondered why there is a person who cares how much he wears and no matter how sloppy he is, there is always a smell of garbage in this person's circle.

Look, even though it's already winter, Zheng Shichu is still so annoying.

"Zhou Hao!" The rat-eye thief was savvy, his eyes narrowed, and he guessed the relationship between Zhou Hao and Sun Yiwen.

"Oh, I've been parted with Jiang Yu. The quality of life has fallen. Even roasted potatoes have been eaten."

Had it not been for Sun Yiwen, Zhou Hao really wanted to think of this fool, find a place where no one was, and do it.

"It's winter, although it's cold, you still have to brush your teeth!" Zhou Hao gently covered his nose with his hands. "Sun Yiwen, let's go, the air here is not very good."

Zheng Shichu stretched out his feet and tripped them on purpose. Sun Yiwen didn't notice, he hurried forward. Zhou Hao was completely enraged, he rushed forward and kicked Zheng Shichu severely.

The contradiction intensified, and the two fought at the subway station, and soon surrounded them. In the new era, people usually do n’t pull the frame, they just pull out their mobile phones and have a little exciting video.

Sun Yiwen was a bit scared and kept pulling Zhou Hao out, trying to calm down the storm. If you suffer, just suffer. Don't make trouble.

"Lao Zhou, don't fight, let's go! Don't fight!" Sun Yiwen cried quickly.

Zhou Hao stuck Zheng Shichu's neck with his arm in the back. Zheng Shichu was completely passive, so he had to pull his hands behind his back, grabbing anything, grabbing Zhou Hao's new sweater.

The new sweater broke a few threads without tearing, and the new clothes were broken.

Zhou Hao's eyes rushed into the blood instantly, as if his life had been spared, and he was determined to fight with the bad guys.

Sun Yiwen felt that the momentum was not right, and quickly pretended to fall to the ground. Zhou Hao then let go and helped him.

"Lao Zhou, let's go, don't make any trouble."

Zheng Shichu was just out of breath, bending over and giving a dry cough.

Zhou Hao, as if lost his soul, and his eyes were still red with bloodshotness, said dullly, "The sweater is broken."

Sun Yiwen grabbed his hand and dragged forward desperately, "I'll buy another from you."

Zhou Hao didn't resist either. Even the small Sun Yiwen pulled him into the subway station, but he stinged and repeated the sentence, "The sweater is broken."

He was all embarrassed, and a bare neck even left a bruise on his naked neck. The black down jacket was covered with most of the dust, and he didn't care. His only consciousness was: his sweater was broken.

Who knows him? Sun Yiwen? No, Sun Yiwen doesn't understand.

No one can understand the adult Hao Hao, he can only put himself in the self-knitting closet and secretly understand himself.

Because his new sweater is broken.

Back at home, Sun Yiwen put the baked sweet potatoes in the microwave and warmed them up. Zhou Hao took a bath and changed his clothes.

The dark blue sweater was laid flat on the sofa, and the broken thread seemed to be out of reach.

"Lao Zhou, don't watch, eat!" Sun Yiwen leaned his head out of the kitchen with a half-sided body.

After eating, Zhou Hao washed the bad sweaters, and the cold winter months were washed with cold water, afraid that the hot water would shrink.

Sun Yiwen said aside, let him not wash, anyway, it was broken, Zhou Hao just didn't listen.

It looks like a donkey!

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