Love, Expired

Chapter 44: I am the bad guy

In the morning, Yan Ming didn't say a word, had breakfast, and hurried out. From last night to the present, all night, no one knows what twists and turns he experienced.

Zhou Hao rolled up his cuffs and was preparing to clean up the chopsticks. Suddenly the mobile phone at the corner of the table rang. He stopped and opened the mobile phone to check. It was a WeChat sent by Yan Ming——

"I remember to this day, the two of us have sat here in the hard seat for 72 hours. At that time, my big bag was still filled with six cans of soybean paste made by my mother. She told me, son, go You are the most prosperous in our family. I have eaten the six cans of sauce for a long time. With each bite, my responsibility to my mother is one point bigger. Zhou Hao, sorry, I can't let my mother down. "

Zhou Hao read WeChat, and misty water droplets floated in his eyes. He could understand it. Yan Ming thought about everything that night. He thought of his mother, Zhou Hao, and even the train ride seven years ago.

Isn't it the most terrible? After thinking clearly, in the end, he decided to plunge into the torrent.

Without taking care of the leftovers on the table, Zhou Hao hurried out and took a taxi directly to Yan Ming's unit. Colleagues from their unit said that Yan Ming had something to do with the editor-in-chief.

Zhou Hao stood on the crowded street and kept calling Yan Ming, answering, answering quickly. After five or six consecutive calls, the other end will always hang up.

Helpless Zhou Hao edited a message for Yan Ming—

"Yan Ming, you are not sober now, come back quickly, let's think of a solution again. You always told me before, do n’t forget the original heart, do n’t forget the original heart, why, just say sorry to me, you want to give both of our original hearts Destroyed? Why do you say you destroy it? "

For a long time, Zhou Hao didn't wait to reply. He grinned at the traffic of Pentium: this is an impersonal, dark and dirty city. It is like a mouthful of blood, which swallows a beautiful boy into it. Stomach, then spit it out will only smirk and cry.

Zhou Hao bowed his head, shrugged his shoulders and walked back. He walked very slowly, and he needed a long time to digest this terrible fact—

The boy who had always persuaded him to have a backbone and not to spend money on Jiang Yu's money, one day, he would also do a disgusting deal for money.

Zhou Hao felt that the only dignified sacred place in his heart was thoroughly defiled and no longer clean.

After walking for a while, Zhou Hao's cell phone rang and he reached out to pick it up, "Zhou Hao, I'm at the entrance of Xingyue Hotel, I didn't go in."

The ecstasy from the sky swept Zhou Hao. He took a taxi and hurried to the hotel Yan Ming said. When he arrived, he saw Yan Ming arguing with a bald man.

"Yan Ming." Zhou Hao walked towards them.

The bald man didn't care if someone was present, and he couldn't say enough. "Okay, play with me! Tomorrow, hand in your resignation letter. Some people in your position want to sit."

Zhou Hao pulled Yan Ming behind him, and shouted at the bald man, "Who are you? So loud?"

"Boy, speak softly!"

"Bald, you are more polite when you talk!"

The editor-in-chief is usually used to being lifted, but who can bear such humiliation, when he gets angry, he raises his hand. The person is tall and powerful, and the strength is not small. As soon as a fist goes down, Zhou Hao's mouth is bruised and blood leaks out.

"Fuck-your mother!" Zhou Hao rushed up, and the two scuffled, making it difficult to distinguish.

"Zhou Hao, don't fight, let's go!" Yan Ming pulled out Zhou Hao with red eyes and dragged him out.

Despite being punched, Zhou Hao was quite happy. He let Yan Ming drag him and took the subway home. Fortunately, the only dignity in his heart was preserved.

When he got home, Yan Ming covered the ice cubes with a towel, rubbed Zhou Hao's face, and reduced his swelling.

"Why fight with that kind of person? You can't do it."

Zhou Hao hissed, probably because Yan Ming's hand hurt the wound.

"Are you okay?" Yan Ming was nervous.

Zhou Hao took the ice-covered towel from Yan Ming's hand. "The man's mouth is dirty and he has to clean up."

"You, you are as tigery as in high school."


The two were talking, Sun Yiwen returned, bent over, changed his shoes, and turned a deaf ear to the two living people in the living room.

Zhou Hao's face was obviously dark. He didn't come back in these days, and he didn't return a word. There was a twist of energy in his bones, and Sun Yiwen didn't talk to him, and he never opened his mouth.

Yan Mingxuan shrugged and asked him, "Did you eat lunch?"

Sun Yiwen stood still, pursing his lips, "I have eaten."

On the side, Zhou Hao didn't hold back and asked him, "Where did you eat? With whom?"

Sun Yiwen's face was not good-looking. He was a little bit sad at first, and it was even paler now. The light in the house was enough, which gave Sun Yiwen a feeling of morbidity.

Yan Ming hurriedly remarked, "Oh, when I think of my resignation tomorrow, where do I look for a job in a little while?"

Who knows, the other two ignored him. Zhou Hao and Sun Yiwen are still using eyesight to communicate, as if they can understand each other's heart.

Sun Yiwen entered the bedroom, and Zhou Hao got up and followed him, but saw Sun Yiwen standing on the chair, reaching out to fill the large black box above the cabinet.

Zhou Hao vaguely wondered, "What are you doing?"

Sun Yiwen didn't lift his head, and kept busy with his business. "Pack up and leave."

"What's the hurry? Aren't you leaving next week?"

Sun Yiwen still kept hands and feet, "I won't go with you, my home is in city a, why should I leave my hometown?"

"Why?" Zhou Hao asked blurtly.

Sun Yiwen finally stopped and looked up at Zhou Hao with his clear boy eyes. "You should be a vulgar and cowardly coward."

Zhou Hao leaned against the wall and blinked hard, and soon his eyes became vicious, and he couldn't wait to strangle the Sun Yiwen in front of him.

It is exactly the same, last year, and also in May, Jiang Yuzheng said that he didn't want him anymore. He went madly to find Jiang, and the man would only drive him crazy with ruthless words.

How many times will he be abandoned in this life?

"Why?" Zhou Hao didn't understand and asked again.

Sun Yiwen's eye circles have become red. He said very clearly word by word, "Eating requires money, renting a house for money, buying things for money, everything for money, do you have money? You don't even have a job now! Ou Yi Not the same, he has money. Lao Zhou, even if we have love, what can we do? Love can never be eaten as a meal! "

Faced with the tears of his grandson, Zhou Hao was completely silent. It was him Zhou Hao who wanted to run away from the big city, and Zhou Hao who was looking for his soul. He should not take the native Sun Yiwen to wander the horizon. For example, he should not pull Jiang Yuzhang with him to bear his dark childhood.

It turns out that everyone in this world is kind, and only he Zhou Hao is selfish.

"Sun Yiwen, stay for a few more days, next week I will go alone." This is his last request.

Sun Yiwen looked back at him with a wound on his face, choking a choked voice in his throat, "Well."

"What do you want to eat? Hurry up. After this village, there will be no shop."

Suddenly Zhou Hao wanted to understand, let go of Xiao Sun, don't go to harm others.


Jiang Yuzheng received a call from Ou Yi, and he knew that things had happened.

These days, his car is always parked downstairs in the house rented by the lunatic. He looks forward to the meeting between the two, and he even imagines in his heart countless kinds of scenes where he has done thousands of sails.

The figure coming out of the dilapidated corridor attracted Jiang Yuxuan's attention, and he drove slowly to follow.

The figure is very lonely and decadent, and dangles aimlessly on the street. The city's colorful neon is so inconsistent with that figure. The figure moved forward, and the car moved forward.

Suddenly, the figure sat on the side of the road, burying his face between his legs. After a while, he started scratching his hair frantically. In the end, the little lunatic lit a cigarette.

Jiang Yu was motionless, sitting in the car, his eyes locked tightly on that figure.

He won't pass tonight, and the evil inside tells him: he should crush the little madman's incomparable self-esteem, so that the little lunatic has no way to go, and can no longer leave him.

Wait, wait till all hope is gone, and the lunatic will never be able to move again.

He's already a bad guy, just take it to the end.

Suddenly, the lunatic took out a crumpled piece of paper from his coat pocket, squinted to see, it wasn't paper, it should be a photo.

The little lunatic stared at the photo for a while, and murmured something in his mouth, which he could not hear. Then, the lunatic suddenly tore the photo from top to bottom, tore it in half, half of it was put back in his pocket, and the other half was thrown to the ground.

When the figure was gone, Jiang Yuxi opened the door and got out of the car to pick up the half of the photos discarded on the ground. It is a woman with a wave head that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Her left hand is standing upright, her right hand should be holding someone.

This should be the mother of the little lunatic. Jiang Yuquan felt a bitterness pour into his throat. Inexplicably, he could hardly control the poor Haohao in a controlled way.


Zhou Hao just wanted to cross the road from the sidewalk and go to the coffee and bookstore opposite. He just squinted his eyes and saw the red light as a green light. Why did Jiang Yuxi suddenly pop out.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Yuxi's voice was still breathing shortly.

Zhou Hao brushed Jiang Yuzhen's hand impatiently.

"Haohao, I'm sorry." The confession from the man's chest echoed in the continuous city streets.

Zhou Hao could not hear Jiang Yuzhen's confession, and a heated voice came from deep inside him:

Go wandering! The world is big and the world is home!

The trust of shit! Redemption of shit! Everyone is a liar! Don't believe them anymore!

Go wandering! Find a strange place to start from scratch! Think of it as the beginning of life!

Soon, the red light in front turned green, and the lunatic hurriedly walked to the opposite coffee and bookstore, and Jiang Yuzhen followed closely.

The decoration of this store belongs to the modern art style. It is surrounded by red brick walls and there are many abstract graffiti on it. The tea table is the original wooden table, which is quite artistic.

Zhou Hao picked a seat by the window and sat down, looking out of the window, Jiang Yuzheng sat opposite him.

The waiter came over and handed over the menu. Jiang Yuzheng took it and ordered two cups of latte.

The little lunatic was always looking out the window, and it was precisely because the two were close that Jiang Yuxi discovered the bruise on the corner of the man's mouth. He hadn't seen it in the night just now, and it was clearly visible in the light.

"Who hit?"

Zhou Hao turned his head and looked sullen. "A bald man, he owes a lot."

Jiang Yu pursed his lips, his eyes darkened, "I broke up with Cheng Zixu."

Zhou Hao just glanced up at him, then a disdainful smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, as if to say that it was a fart.

In fact, Jiang Yuzheng's next sentence originally wanted to say: Hao Hao, let's live a good life. But when he saw Zhou Hao's expression, he couldn't say anything.

The two were silent with each other.

The waiter brought the coffee, Zhou Hao picked up the cup and mumbled, drinking like a glass of wine. With the false "wine" intent, he asked Jiang Yuzhen very seriously, "Did you bother me for the years I had been pestering you?"

What does Jiang Yuzheng say? Yes, those years I annoyed you. But now I would rather you hang around me and annoy me.

Zhou Hao didn't wait for Jiang Yuxuan's answer. He smiled at himself, thinking that he already knew the answer.

After a long time, Jiang Yuxi suddenly spit out four words from his mouth, "I didn't bother you."

Zhou Hao seemed to hear a big joke suddenly, he was out of breath, and after he was calm, he blinked at Jiang Yuyan mischievously, "You are bluffing me, you must be annoying Me. "

who are you? His mother, Jiang Yudi, Sun Yiwen, and many other people who have met him.

This is a typical self-violence and self-abandonment. He tore open the wound and put it on the bright side, but he could bear it.

Suddenly Jiang Yudi caught Zhou Hao's hand, "I didn't lie to you."

Zhou Hao was not in a hurry to shake it off. He even held this slender hand back. "You don't bother me, why don't you want me?"

To himself, after suffering the grievances of the world, he wanted to ask whoever he caught.

If the two of them are in a private space at the moment, he must enter the little lunatic fiercely, let him scream, let him know that both of them are combining spirit and flesh, he is not bothering him, nor is he Don't want him.

In the end, Jiang Yuzheng returned to their home with a scared little madman a year ago. Everything was paired, even the two pots of spider plant.

On the sofa in the living room, Jiang Yudi pressed the lunatic under him. He really entered the lunatic fiercely as he had thought in the coffee shop. The lunatic yelled out of fit and then started Loud rough-panting.

In a tender desire like water, Jiang Yuzhen remembered his first night with the lunatic. It was in a big winter, and the windows on the balcony were not closed tightly, blowing cold wind from the outside to the inside. He was stunned by anger at the time, and wanted to torture the man who was mean in his body. Without any foreplay, he would He went in, the process was extremely difficult, and he hurt.

He didn't remember the other details, or the expression of the lunatic then, that night, he became a real man.

Afterwards, the two went to the bathroom and washed it clean. The cabinet in the bedroom was neatly stocked with Jiang Yuchen's clothes. He has been living here for a while.

Forefinger slipped from the left end to the right end of the hanger, Zhou Hao picked a piece of clothing casually and changed himself.

The changed clothes were thrown in the bathroom, Jiang Yudi found the remaining half of the photos from Zhou Hao's coat pocket, and a young father was holding the child.

For a moment, his heart was stung by the needle.

When he entered the bedroom, the little lunatic was leaning on the bedside to smoke, his face had no expression, and his eyes had no glory. Fortunately, he didn't look at the chandelier overhead.

"Haohao, let's just live like this." Jiang Yuzhen finally said what he wanted to say in the coffee shop.

Zhou Hao looked up at him with his cigarette in his arms, blinking, "No, I'm a bad person, I can't harm you."

He is a bad guy destined to go to the End of the World.

Once again, Jiang Yuzheng said he was an indisputable debtor before the lunatic.

"Give me a cigarette." Jiang Yuxi sat next to Zhou Hao and turned his face.

Zhou Hao didn't have too many accidents, and smiled, "Did you smoke too? Smoke is a good thing." Then he took one out of the cigarette case and threw it to him.

Jiang Yuxuan directly ignited from the half of the cigarette **** embers left by the little lunatic.

On this night, Zhou Hao did not return to Minlin District. He and Jiang Yuzhang slept on Binjiang One. No love, no love, just when you happen to be irritable, make an appointment.

Let him be a real bad guy, what a **** view, **** moral restraint, he doesn't want to care about it.

At the beginning of the night of Hua Deng, he sat by the road, took the photo in his hand and looked carefully, and the woman's face gradually became a pink woman in memory ...

The pain of Cunxin made Zhou Hao sober. Even if the woman died, he couldn't convince himself to cross the hurdle.

The pain gradually grew, and Zhou Hao had to tear the woman out of the photo, leaving only Dad and Xiao Haohao.

"Mom ..." He muttered a few words in his mouth, whether it was a vent of hate, or some other weird emotion, and he couldn't tell.

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