Love, Expired

Chapter 46: go away

On Thursday, there was a large job fair in the gymnasium of City Medical University, and Zhou Hao also went.

Many famous pharmaceutical companies, as well as major hospitals, came to the signboard, and graduates each burst their heads and rushed forward, holding resumes in their hands.

The brave young people are eager to try and change their status from students to social people, so that their faces occasionally show a trace of anxiety or confusion.

Zhou Hao glanced around the gym without a panic. His resume is very good, and it is not difficult to find a decent company. He was picking a place now, and he wanted to find a small city suitable for his countryman.

He flipped through many brochures and was not too tempted. It was a bit boring at once. He continued to flip through. A simple typographic paper caught his attention.

"Suchuan First People's Hospital is located in the southern coastal zone. Our hospital was established in 1978. At present ..."

It is the south again. He, a southerner, seems to be planning to live next to the Jiangnan water village in this life.

He didn't hesitate for a moment, walked to the position where the hospital was responsible for recruitment, and put down a resume. The middle-aged woman took Zhou Hao's resume and looked at it, handed him a watch, and her eyes were full of surprises. Perhaps she did not expect that the clinical books of the famous universities would be condescended to come to their small hospital. .

Zhou Hao filled out the form and looked up and asked, "Is that all right?"

The man next to him looked even more exaggerated, and quickly responded, "Okay, you can go back to our hospital's official website and see that there are some benefits and benefits. Go back and find out."

Zhou Ha nodded, "I see, thank you."

On the way back, Zhou Hao searched for "Su Chuan" on his mobile phone. This is a famous historical city, and the city flower is Huaihua. Every April or May, the city is filled with Huaihua fragrance. In memory, this was a solid taste, and when he was a child, his grandmother's house planted a few locust trees.

Zhou Hao smiled and inadvertently inserted willows, so that he encountered another similar hometown.

Instead of going straight home, he went to the supermarket first. He bought a lot of food and went back. On the parting, he had to make a decent meal for Yan Ming.

When he left, he didn't know when the next time they would meet.

Flowers and trees, chic buildings, wide avenues underneath, and even the hurry of strange faces are all scenes that Zhou Hao accompanied him for seven years.

On the way home, his look was a little bleak. He was originally here to find his family's security and roots. Who would have thought that one day he would be ruthlessly abandoned by this huge city.

The foreign metropolis is destined not to welcome him, a child who can only wear dirty school uniforms.

Downstairs in the old-fashioned apartment, Jiang Yuzheng stood there with a suit straight, probably standing for a long time, already stubbornly blending in the shabby night.

Zhou Hao walked over and patted Jiang Yu's back, "Did you eat?"

Jiang Yuhuan turned around, his eyes did not dare to blink, apparently he was surprised by Zhou Hao. With the madness of the night before, he is too docile and well behaved at this moment.

Jiang Yuxi said from the back of his throat, "Not yet."

"Come at my house for dinner." Zhou Hao then entered the corridor and climbed up the stairs. Jiang Yuxi followed closely behind him.

Yan Ming has to work overtime today, not knowing when to return. Zhou Hao was not in a hurry, he went to wash vegetables slowly and washed rice.

Jiang Yuzhen stood outside the kitchen with a strange atmosphere. After a long time, Jiang Yuzhen finally dared to blink once. He asked Zhou Hao, "May I help you?"

Zhou Hao turned his head and grinned at him, "You help me peel a few garlic and choose the leek clean."

Jiang Yuxian quickly took off his suit, rolled up the cuffs of the white shirt, and made himself like a good man at home. He was busy in the kitchen with Zhou Hao. Occasionally, he also glanced sideways at the little lunatic. With a smile, I was overjoyed.

The two of them were busy for more than an hour, and there were several dishes on the table, garlic prawns, sweet and sour pork, pickled fish, scrambled eggs with chives, tomato egg soup, and a small rooster that happened to be bought by Zhou Hao. The curry chicken that Jiang Yudi likes most.

Yan Ming hadn't returned yet. The two sat in a chair without any problems, the clock ticked away, and the little orange cat "meowed", breaking the lasting silence between the two.

Zhou Hao suddenly remembered Wen Man, another owner of Orange Cat, if he didn't leave, he would have a good dinner with them tonight. He hasn't known many people in this city for so many years. It seems that they are just three of them.

"That day, I'm sorry ..." Jiang Yuzhen watched Zhou Hao, trying to seek forgiveness on his face.

Just above the dining table was an incandescent lamp, which had been used for a long time, and it was covered with dust. The white light was shining, and the dust was more conspicuous. Zhou Hao couldn't help but grabbed the light bulb and watched for a long time. There were jumping ideas on the retina, and every little idea was telling him: Hao Hao, don't be afraid, let's go tomorrow.

Zhou Hao looked away and looked at the dishes at a table without speaking.

Jiang Yu glanced down lonely and never spoke again.

The former silence was restored between the two.

Not long after, the security door opened and it was Yan Ming who returned. There was an accident in Yan Ming's eyes for Jiang Yuxuan's presence.

"Come back, let me warm up the ribs, the other dishes are fine." Zhou Hao walked to the kitchen carrying the ribs.

Yan Ming took the initiative to talk to Jiang Yuzhen today, "How are you here?"

Jiang Yuzhen glanced at Yan Ming clearly, and he turned his eyes to the kitchen.

Yan Ming didn't ask again, he knew that this must be Zhou Hao's idea. His friend has always been weird, and you never want to guess what the weird person thinks.

During the meal, the three of them ate each without any conversation. Yan Ming wanted to say something good-bye, but Jiang Yuzheng was not there, so he didn't speak well.

This meal avoided the short dinner in the parents, and Zhou Hao did not stop, but was busy cleaning the table and washing the dishes.

Yan Mingzhiqu walked for a while, leaving the space of the small house to the two.

Zhou Hao stood by the pool to wash the dishes, and Jiang Yu leaned against the kitchen door. He hesitated slightly, and said to the lunatic with joy, "Curry chicken is delicious."

Zhou Hao's body paused stiffly, but he quickly turned his head and smiled at Jiang Yu, "It hasn't been done for a long time, Yan Ming doesn't like to eat."

Jiang Yushang was like a confused boy with no hands or feet, and stood awkwardly in front of the kitchen door.

"That." Zhou Hao reached out and pointed at Jiang Yuzhen.

Jiang Yuzhen didn't respond, "Huh?"

Zhou Hao still pointed his finger, "The fourth button on your clothes is loose."

Jiang Yu bowed his head subconsciously and just wanted to buckle himself.

Zhou Hao gave his hand, and he took a step first to help him buckle up.

Close distance to each other, ambiguous airflow.

Jiang Yuzhen felt his throat rolling, he approached the lunatic boldly, secretly kissed his cheek, and then quickly backed away. He said nervously, "I'm gone, see you tomorrow."

Then there was the sound of closing the door.

The smile on Zhou Hao's face faded gradually, and a grim expression turned to his face. It seemed that Yu Wen was still in the place where Jiang Yuzhen kissed. Zhou Hao went into the kitchen to turn on the faucet, and wiped the place with clean water.

At nine o'clock, Yan Ming came back for a walk.

Zhou Hao was packing her luggage in the bedroom, and the bed was covered with layers of clothes. In the summer and in the winter, a bed was scattered. The two little fellows were particularly psychic, aware of the departure of their master, and now staring at the big bulging eyes, staring at the only master left.

Yan Ming leaned at the door for a while, somehow, his eyes were moist and indifferent, probably realizing that his friend was leaving.

Parting will inevitably be sad.

Yan Ming suddenly thought of something. He went to the drawer of the coffee table in the living room and turned out a card. He went to the bedroom and handed it to Zhou Hao. it is good."

Zhou Hao didn't reach out. He suddenly embraced Yan Ming, holding it tightly, "Yan Ming, I love you."

Yan Ming wailed and said, "What are you talking about! Don't seduce me, I only love money now."

Zhou Hao had no intention of letting go, and he whispered, "Thank you."

Both were dumb at this time, speechless. In fact, there was nothing more shocking than the quietness at the moment.

Later, Zhou Hao released her two arms and turned to the drawer of the bedside table to pull out a paper bag.

He handed the paper bag to Yan Ming. "Last time I borrowed 5,000 yuan from you, I have the money to pay you back."

"Where did you get the money?"

Zhou Hao's eyelashes condensed into a small, wet fan, hanging down, and he made a sound from the bottom of his heart, "It's Sun Yiwen's money."

How hard it is to say, every word seems to kill him. He is indifferent by nature and always likes to hide his pain. The crowd is always arrogant. Now, when he mentions Sun Yiwen, he is really about to kill himself.

This time, Yan Ming took the initiative and hugged Zhou Hao. He wanted to give his friend a little encouragement and comfort. He hoped that this person could go to a new place and forget these sad things.

"Zhou Hao, don't think about it, you will meet new people in new places. There are still many people in this world."

Zhou Hao nodded hard. He wanted to control these sad thoughts. He wanted to listen to Wen Wen and love himself.

The next day, Yan Ming took a long day off and sent Zhou Hao to the train to Suchuan.

One cat and two cats, lonely like an unknown hero.

At the platform, Yan Ming, like a sloppy parent, told Zhou Hao a lot of things, let him be careful on the road, pay attention to pickpockets; where he was unfamiliar with life, laugh when he saw a stranger, don't put his face on the boss; let him first Go and see how the hospital's dormitory, if not, just spend some money to rent a small house ...

Zhou Hao nodded and promised. After checking the ticket and entering the station, he frequently looked back at the standing rigorousness, and looked at it again and again, it didn't look like enough, until the dense crowd behind him pushed him forward and never saw it again. Then, he picked up the weak steps and slowly moved along with the large wave of people.

For a strange city, Hao Hao is actually a little scared.


Jiang Yuzhen was in a good mood all day. He was always meticulous in his work and could not tolerate sand in his eyes. Today, I encountered a few subordinates who did something wrong.

Several gossip female colleagues in the office area talked about their boss's abnormality today. Alas, there was a heated conversation in a small area.

"What are you doing at work!" Cheng Jinghao suddenly appeared, and everyone returned to their place, crackling and typing on the keyboard.

She knew that his brother had been separated from their boss, and it was so easy to get rid of the nepotism. She was a little bit upset recently.

After work at night, Jiang Yuzhen left early, Cheng Jing was waiting for him at the door.

"Brother Yu." This is meant to be intentional close.

Jiang Yu paused, "What's the matter?"

Cheng Jinghao seemed a bit difficult to speak, and he was in a dilemma. "It's okay, it's ... my brother, I was sick a while ago, burnt up, and I've been calling your name in my mouth ... As a friend, can you go and see my brother someday? "

Jiang Yu frowned slightly, but it should be down, "OK."

The car galloped all the way, heading for Minlin District. When encountering the red light, Jiang Yu pulled his tie and eased himself a little. His fingers were lightly on the steering wheel, and he could immediately see the lunatic.

Unexplainable excitement attacked him, as if the young boy who fell into innocent first love, all his heart and mind are all about that lovely lover.

When he got downstairs, he sorted out his emotions in the car first, and then sculpted his suit shirt carefully, for fear that a little wrinkle would damage his image in the mind of the lunatic.

In the end, he climbed up to the third floor nervously and knocked gently on the door.

Within a few seconds, the door opened and it was strict.

"Is Zhou Hao here?" Jiang Yuxi asked politely.

Yan Ming only looked at him with ironic eyes and said coldly, "Not here."

"When does he come back?"

The sarcasm in Yan Ming's eyes only increased, "He is not coming back."

"Not coming back?" Jiang Yuzhen seemed to be incomprehensible, still patiently asking, "Where did he move?"

Yan Ming was reluctant to play such a dog-pumping game, and said in full, "Zhou Hao has left and left City A."

In an instant, the sky was falling apart.

Jiang Yuxi lost his strength instantly, "Where is he going?"

"I don't know. He didn't tell me."

Jiang Yudi didn't believe it, stubbornly rushed into the bedroom of this small house, opened the cabinets, was empty, and the clothes inside were empty. He even lay on the floor and looked under the bed if he was hiding here. Then he went to the kitchen, to the bathroom, and even, unconscious, he opened the refrigerator door.

Really gone.

The little madman really left.

"He's so cruel, how cruel he is!" Jiang Yu's scarlet eyes were red, his forehead seemed to be faint, and the exposed blue tendons were faintly visible.

Yan Ming waited indifferently, this man could not sympathize, this is what he deserved.

Jiang Yuxi went down the stairs in disappointment, and walked back into the car again. The little madman yesterday must have deliberately tasted the sweetness, and then gave him such a large mouthful of heartbreaking pain. How ruthless!

Maybe this is really Zhou Hao's revenge. Revenge on a family who once gave him hope and ruthlessly abandoned him in the abyss.

Of course, this is just a conjecture. No one can understand the inner world of the little lunatic, and maybe he has never understood himself. How can a person trapped in the shadows for more than 20 years have time to understand himself?

What a **** life!

After the train went south, after passing through the dark tunnel, a sudden burst of light hit the face of a young man present. He pulled out the sim card from the mobile phone and threw it into the trash ...

Facing the unknown future of the sun, it should be bright.

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