Love, Expired

Chapter 5: Hero saves beauty

One week is the final exam, the review of the review, the experiment of the experiment, and the lives of the two have branched out with almost no intersection. On Saturday, Zhou Hao came home from the laboratory and found that the man had not come.

It was 8:30 in the evening. Subconsciously, he returned to the school and went directly to the school library on the far east.

It's more than nine o'clock after such a toss. Fortunately, the closing time is ten o'clock.

He swiped to the study room on the third floor. A crowd of people were sitting there, and the air was stuffy and muddy.

Swept across row by row, and at the corner next to the window, saw Jiang Yuzheng and Cheng Zixu.

Zhou Hao walked over.

"Yo, help each other?"

Suddenly the breaking voice broke in, many students around looked up, glanced down again, and Cheng Zixu greeted softly, "Brother."

"Cheng Zixu, you are a clinical student, you can't get rid of the two professional eight poles, what are you doing with Jiang Yuyu!"

The voice was not loud, but it still caused a lot of riots, and the surrounding classmates were more resentful, kicking Zhou Hao for a few moments.

Jiang Yudi never looked up. He held the pen in his hand and paused on the paper industry, leaving a thick ink dot. The pen's ink seems to penetrate the paper and leak through.

Zhou Hao's eyes were all attracted to this by the past. He gently grasped Jiang Yuxuan's hand, and slowly raised it upward, unable to guess what kind of emotional smile, some pale and some shocking.

"The paper has been pierced by you." Then his expression suddenly gloomed. "Want to watch a video?"

Jiang Yu withdrew his hand suddenly and finally looked up at Zhou Hao. Similarly, this man's eyes were terribly gloomy.

"Why don't you learn well?" Zhou Hao's usual helpless oppressive tone.

The opposite Cheng Zixu noticed the tense atmosphere between the two, the atmosphere did not dare to go out, and remained silent.

Jiang Yuzhen glanced at Cheng Zixu, his eyes filled with deep forbearance, "I'm leaving now." Then he picked up his professional books and notebooks.

At 9:30 on the campus, people still come and go under the dim street lights, which is usually the case during the test week.

White shirt and black pants, the light shone on the back of his head, and also on the black schoolbag behind him. Jiang Yuzhen lifted his legs and walked forward, passed the students, and the lush locusts on both sides tree.

Zhou Hao followed him unhurriedly. There was no word between them until he got out of the school gate and got on a taxi.

Entering the car, Zhou Hao was pressed on the door by Jiang Yuzhen instantly.

"Are you satisfied !?"

Zhou Hao's mouth was squeezed and deformed by this man. He knocked off the man's hand and squeezed out a word from his teeth. "Satisfied! I'm glad to see you eating gluttonous!"


"Will I even give that mother a day, he's Saturday, I'm Sunday?"

Jiang Yuxi smiled suddenly, full of irony, "You deserve it?"

Zhou Hao's complexion changed instantly. He lifted his foot and kicked Jiang Yuyan fiercely. Then he held the man's hand and put the smooth hands on the root of his thigh.

Soon, we arrived at Binjiang One. They got out of the car.

In the apartment, the big bed in the bedroom, the air-conditioning temperature is 28 degrees Celsius, heavy breathing, and self-indulgent moaning.

Tightly entangled, deadly lingering, what love, hate, madness, all disappeared, they belong to each other at the moment, sticking to each other's most private place.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuzheng went to the bathroom regularly. Zhou Hao leaned on the bedside to smoke, and the room was still smelly after love-sex, and in the dazzling smoke, he realized a trace of sin. The sin of desire-desire, and the sin of humanity.

He wanted to get rid of the invasion of sin, but his eyes were dusty, and he couldn't see where the sin was.

"When is it the head?" Zhou Hao thought.

Probably the day of tossing and scoring the fish and breaking the net, that was the end of his Zhou Hao.

After Jiang Yuzhen bathed, he came out naked, Zhou Hao was relieved from the inexplicable pain just now, staring at Jiang Yuzhen with a smile.

Zhou Hao: "Are you cool?"

Jiang Yuzhen lifted a corner of the quilt and leaned beside the bed. For Zhou Hao's words, he didn't talk.

Under the wet bangs, there was a gloomy look, like the sea at night, undulating, hiding all the terrible and unknown things.

Silently for a long time, Zhou Hao spoke a hoarse accent smoked, "Husband, you hug me."

He rarely calls her husband, unless he can't help it. Probably, he also felt a little tired.

How can you not get tired? Tossing and tossing, calculating this and calculating that, his head is so small, how can he think so much every day. He is certainly tired.

However, he misses the clean smell of Jiang Yumin's body, mixed with the sweet smell unique to the teenager. Every time he entangles with this person, he feels that he is purified from the inside to the outside and from the top to the bottom. .

This nostalgia is not easy. He became a lunatic and a pervert for this. Soon, he is expected to become a sick man.

Can't get Jiang Yuzhen's response, Zhou Hao took a sip of cigarette, then pried open the man's mouth with his mouth, and spit all the smoke from the mouth into the man's mouth.

"Ahem—" Jiang Yudi couldn't smoke, and his cheeks turned red now.

The feeling of revenge poured into Zhou Hao's heart and lungs. He felt that he was comfortable all over, and even breathed a lot lighter.

He opened his eyes and watched the dazzling white light on the ceiling. The bright, lively halo was slowly spinning and dancing in his eyes.

His pupils also slowly enlarged with the light, but the halo suddenly changed. Pink women appeared in it, a wet loft and lingering dirty memories ...

Zhou Hao blinked hard, his eyes were astringent and a little itchy. He reached out and rubbed hard, even though it was a little bit wet.

The discomfort in Jiang Yu's throat gradually dissipated. He glared at Zhou Hao with a dark face, only to find that the man was curling his hair, and his whole neck was twisted into a weird posture.

He looked up with Zhou Hao's eyes, except for the white flower ceiling, and the white chandelier, nothing ...

"Jiang Yuquan." Zhou Hao's voice was dumb, he moved his body beside the man, and then lived in Jiang, "You hug me."

Jiang Yu froze, and drooped his eyelids to stare at the person in a state of disappointment. Perhaps sadness had infected him, and he did not push Zhou Hao away as usual.

He leaned against the bed with every movement, time passed, his legs were immobile for a long time, a little sore. He slowly changed his position. The man was already asleep, sleeping heavily, but his arms still hugged him tightly.

Jiang Yuchen leaned down and looked at the person in his dream. Two lines of tears flowed from the corner of his eye. Thin tears flowed from the surface of the skin and fell between the two.

"You are so bad, you will cry, too." Jiang Yudi wiped his tears with his index finger, and then tasted it by his mouth.

It was salty but not worth the money.

The next day, as always, there was no mention of excessive disability last night.

There are also some quick-frozen dumplings in the refrigerator. After a while, all the chubby dumplings floated up, and Zhou Hao covered the pot lid for another moment, and then took the plate to serve.

In the restaurant, the two were sitting across the dining table, and Zhou Hao rummaged over his cell phone while eating. "Did you watch a movie? There is a Star Wars recently."

Jiang Yuzhu chewed the dumplings carefully and did not speak.

"Don't say you have no time to review." Zhou Hao chuckled. "I can see that you are with Chenggong."

Jiang Yusong: "Don't go."

Zhou Hao pretended to be indifferent, "don't pull it down."

The two were idle at home, watching TV on the sofa for a day. At night, Jiang Yuzheng answered the phone and said it was from his home, then went back with a schoolbag. Zhou Hao took him to the gate of the community and watched him get on a taxi.

The ghost was terrible, Zhou Hao went to the school library on his hind feet, or yesterday's window, he saw the two again.

Until then, he couldn't understand Cheng Zixu such an insane person, and he didn't say he liked it, so he just hung up. But today, he didn't bother the two people studying.

He was also a self-respecting man, and he left the library pretending to be smart and sturdy.

That kind of energy-a posture that the whole world is stupid and only I wake up alone. The moment it left the library, it fell apart.

His feet were weak, and his body couldn't help. What is it?

No one looked at him anyway. Anyway, Jiang Yuzhen's eyes will never see a pretend clown.

When I walked, I came to a lonely Baoyan road behind the school, a concrete road, and there were lush locust trees on both sides. It was summer, and fewer and fewer people took this road. Especially girls.

Zhou Hao is a man, and men are naturally not afraid of going this way. But it's only seven o'clock now, everyone is nervously reviewing, there are not many people on the school road, and there are even fewer people on the Baoyan road.

"What's your name?"

"Small face has fine skin and tender meat."

"Play with your brothers."


The dirty and vulgar words came from the back of the old locust tree, and Zhou Hao listened intently, as if some hooligan surrounded him. He doesn't care about his business, he just wants to cross the road quietly.

"Save me!" Was a boy's voice, very low. Apparently the boy saw Zhou Hao.

Then I heard a clear applause, "Fuckless nonsense!"

Zhou Hao paused, the call for help seemed to stir up the infinite energy in his body, bitter, painful, and slightly sweet.

He walked over.

Sure enough, three men surrounded a boy and looked at the messy outfits. At first glance, they were mixed youth. The boy who was surrounded was very beautiful, a little boy and girl.

"What are you doing at night, boy? I'll take the exam next week, and I won't go back to review." Then, Zhou Hao grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him out.

The three did not expect the two to know each other, and watched the boy hide behind Zhou Hao.

"Yo, you still know me."

Zhou Hao turned his head and pushed the boy away, "Run, shout!" Then he rushed up like a madman, twitching with three people.

Outnumbered, Zhou Hao quickly fell into a disadvantage. Fortunately, in less than five minutes, the boy called four or five classmates.

The three little punks seemed to see so many people, and Zhou Hao ran away next week.

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