Love, Expired

Chapter 67: sick

Jiang Yudi stayed in Suchuan. For the first week, he had been sleeping on Zhou Hao's sofa. He is a smart man who knows how to advance and retreat. Zhou Hao doesn't say to drive him away, and he will not offer to sleep in his bedroom.

For a long time, Zhou Hao also felt that there was something wrong. He originally went back only when this person played for a few days. He asked Jiang Yuzhen, don't you need to go back to work? Jiang Yuzheng answered absolutely, it doesn't matter, I'm the boss anyway.

In the early spring in the south, it was warm and cold at first, but due to the cold and humid, people mostly wore winter clothes. This is a season of high colds.

Zhou Hao's life is extremely regular. He usually goes to bed early and gets up early. Usually he gets up at 6:30, make the breakfast for the two, and then pedal to work. The pots and pans were left for Jiang Yu to wash, anyway, he was also idle.

Coming back from noon, Jiang Yuxi must be busy with a table of dishes waiting for him. Jiang Yuzhang is good at cooking, fried and stewed, everything works.

In the evening, the two were busy with each other without interrupting each other. Zhou Hao would read the book to tease the cat, and Jiang Yuxi would watch TV occasionally. At ten o'clock, they go to bed each.

Grandma Wang from the opposite door returned. It was the weekend that day and both were at home. Hearing the knock on the door, Jiang Yuzhen went to open the door.

Both the man and the old man were stunned at the same time, but soon, Grandma Wang resumed her usual enthusiasm, "Is Xiao Zhou at home? I brought him some Qingcheng specialty."

Grandma Wang went to Qingcheng with her husband for half a month.

Obviously, Jiang Yuquan was not used to talking to a strange and enthusiastic old lady. He calmly said, "At home."

Zhou Hao also came over at this time, "Are you back?"

"Just arrived at home," said the magenta scarf on Grandma Wang's neck, which was very conspicuous. She raised her head and exposed the neck of her neck. ? "

"good looking."

"I also look good, oh, I forgot to interrupt it, this is a special product for you." Granny Wang passed the contents of Zhou Hao, "Grandma went back."

"Wait!" Zhou Hao called Grandma Wang and went to the kitchen to take out the freshly baked biscuits. "This is made by my friend. It's still hot. You can take it back to taste."

"Okay, then I'll take it back for a taste."

Jiang Yu squinted and watched the little madman give out the cookies he made.

"Who is she?"

"An old lady at the door."

"The cookies are made for you."

"I don't like sweets."

Jiang Yuxi no longer argued, whispering in his mouth, "I didn't put much sugar ..."

In recent influenza outbreaks, many kindergartens and elementary schools have suspended classes. Adults and children all wear masks when they go out. Jiang Yuzheng is also infected when he does not know. It may be when he goes out to buy food or to go out to pick up the madman to work.

At first, it was just a cough, and people did n’t have any energy. Later, they started to have a high fever, and people were almost unconscious.

At midnight that day, Zhou Hao just got up to go to the toilet, and heard the sound of nightmare coming from the living room. He walked over, prepared to give Jiang Yuyao a quilt, and touched his skin with his hand, and found that his fever had not returned, and it was scary and high.

"Jiang Yuquan, Jiang Yuquan ..." He shouted a few times.

The person in the sleep was probably uncomfortable, his brows froze, and the expression on his face was very painful.

Zhou Hao shook him, Jiang Yubi opened his eyes hard, and his voice was obviously unbearable. "What's the matter ..."

"Get up and get dressed. Your fever can't go down. You have to go to the hospital."

Zhou Hao turned on the lights in the living room, then ran back to the bedroom to get dressed, and then took a loose down jacket from the closet, as well as a scarf and hat.

"Put these on, it's cold outside at night."

Jiang Yuzhen only felt powerless, he put on a coat directly outside his pajamas, and put on a little lunatic down jacket.

Zhou Hao pushed out his bicycle from the corridor, and made crisp and crisp movements in the cold night.

After getting off the elevator, Zhou Hao stepped on the bicycle, and slightly turned his head to the man wrapped in a big **** behind him, "Sit up."

Jiang Yuxi sat obediently in the back seat. As soon as his buttocks touched the seat, the handlebars began to shake, and Zhou Hao crooked forward.

"You are so heavy!" Zhou Hao muttered.

Bicycles passed through the streets of the small town of Suchuan, passing by the wind, and the bright street lights were glowing with a warm yellow halo, which illuminated their path.

Zhou Hao didn't know where he was going. He gradually let go of many things, and didn't care about the man's past. He rarely even thought about Xiao Sun, the boy who once gave him a home.

Without understanding, afraid of understanding, he only hopes that this day can go on day after day ...

Jiang Yuxi leaned his head lightly on the back of the little lunatic. He felt a warm current passing him through thick clothes.

The little lunatic's feet were pedaling forward vigorously, and Jiang Yuxi clung tightly to the little lunatic in front.

"Haohao ..." The man's voice was weak.

Zhou Hao heard it, and his nose was red with frost as he moved forward, and he opened his throat and asked, "how?"

The man just clinged closer to his back, sobbed three words in his mouth, "I'm sorry ..."

The voice of remorse wandered in the cold night and was scattered by the wind.

When he arrived at the hospital, Jiang Yu was paralyzed sitting on a bench, his eyelids were too tired to open, and Zhou Hao was busy and busy paying him for registration.

"Jiang Yuyan." Zhou Hao stooped and patted the squinting man gently.

Jiang Yuzhen looked up and smiled weakly, "Haohao, you are so kind to me ..."

Zhou Hao's expression was a little stiff, and he stood up, "I'll take you to the infusion room."

Recently, the hospital was overcrowded, and the beds in the infusion room were full. Jiang Yuzheng could only sit on a chair, and Zhou Hao sat beside him.

The drop of liquid in the hanging bottle flowed to the winding blue tendons. Jiang Yu stared at the little lunatic with closed eyes and a fake eye. He owed himself and wanted to change his posture, but the lunatic suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it cold?" Zhou Hao asked, and he subconsciously folded him down jackets.

Jiang Yu stared at the man in front of him obsessively. Although he was ill, he could still see a smile on his face.

"Are you stupid, why do you keep seeing me?"

Jiang Yuzheng is not shy this time, leaning his head over it and resting on the shoulder of the little lunatic.

Zhou Hao was a little uncomfortable. He didn't move, and was sitting in a tight position.

It was already over four in the morning after the infusion. Jiang Yuzhen took a nap. When the nurse came to pull the needle, he woke up and moved away from the young maniac's shoulder.

"Just ... I just fell asleep." Jiang Yuxi was a little nervous, incoherent.

"Are you better? Let's go, let's go home."

It's still the bicycle, and the two rushed forward and back, the shadows passing by in the morning mist on the street ...

Back at home, Zhou Hao folded the quilt in the bedroom, he yelled into the living room, "Jiang Yu, come here."

Jiang Yuzhen was still wrapped in a loose down jacket, and he went into the bedroom sickly.

"Today you sleep in the room. I sleep on the sofa."

Jiang Yu narrowly squinted at Zhou Hao, "Sleeping together, OK? I'm afraid of cold ..."

"Not good, it will be contagious." Zhou Hao refused very simply.

Shut the bedroom door, Zhou Hao hid in the bathroom and smoked a cigarette. He rarely touches this stuff now, he does n’t hurt his body, and it costs his mother-in-law.

This cigarette has been in the house for a year and has not been unsealed. Today is an exception.

Few smoke spread from the cigarette **** and circled upward, and the narrow space quickly became blurred. He didn't smoke for too long, and Zhou Hao took a sip in the first mouth, coughed violently, and his face became red.

"Lao Zhou, stop smoking cigarettes, it hurts your body ..."

Suddenly, he thought of Sun Yiwen's care. Like seeing the beast of the flood, he threw the remaining half of the cigarette into the toilet and pressed the flush button vigorously.

"Hala", everything was swept away cleanly.

Suddenly, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Jiang Yuzhen stood alone at the door, looking at the scarlet little man with eyes.

Forgotten each other, they have been too many years apart.

"Jiang Yuyu, I didn't listen to Sun Yiwen, he told me not to smoke anymore, I didn't listen to him ..." The lunatic crouched beside the toilet, shrinking into a small ball.

Jiang Yuzhen walked over and stretched out a hand, "Hao Hao, get up."

The little lunatic desperately grabbed the driftwood Jiang Jiang came over.

The two squeezed into the single bed in the bedroom and got into the duvet. Jiang Yudi kept grabbing the hand of the lunatic.

"Why hide and smoke?"

Zhou Hao still grabbed that hand tightly, he said in a sad and painful expression, "I shouldn't be good to you ... I'm sorry Sun Yiwen ..."

Jiang Yudi understood it, and the lunatic was stuck in a self-constructed dead end. This person did not like to pour out with others, but preferred to torture himself.

Jiang Yuzhen put his face together and kissed the little lunatic, pressed his ear, and comforted softly. "I will ask Ou Yi tomorrow, and I will ask him, what is Sun Yiwen doing now? You go to bed now."

"Um." Zhou Hao nodded non-stop, his face was finally not so narrow, he closed his eyes.

By the light cast by the street lamp outside the window, Jiang Yu slyly peeped at the sleeping face of the little lunatic. He had no way of knowing whether the boy named Sun Yiwen had given this little poor hope. Why have so many years passed, the little madman still lingers ...

Sincerely, he was a little jealous of Sun Yiwen.

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