love Forever

28 Part 29

Please say something.. "

Emma said in a soft tone as Maggie blink a couple of times. Maggie was left shock after she confessed to her that she's pregnant.

" S-Sorry... I-I was just shock. "

She just nodded in understanding. Well, anyone will be shock if they hear the news that she's pregnant.

" Yeah. I already expected that you'll be shock. "

She said calmly while caressing her stomach. Maggie bit her bottom lip before she asked.

" Does your father knew about this? "

Emma stilled.No, I won't let my father know about this.

She thought. Emma knew her father. There's a high possibility that he'll force her to abort her baby.As a mother, she won't let him hurt her child. She will protect it at all cost.

Emma shook her head as she sigh deeply.

" No. Dad might kill my baby if he finds out. I didn't tell anyone about my pregnancy except you. "

She said honestly.

" W-Why? You could have just tell it to Alex. Why me? "

Emma look at her softly and gave her a small smile.

" Because.... I trust you. "

She said in a low voice making Maggie's face soften." Well, of course I do trust Alex , but I am pretty sure that they will tell this to cable so.... yeah. I choose to tell you the truth because I know I can lean on you and I know you will understand me. "

She said in a low voice and smile softly at her.

" I know you understand me, Maggie. So please... I beg you. Don't tell this to anyone. "

She beg her as Maggie stare at her in shock and in disbelief.

" B-But Emma.. we can't hide this forever. Time will come, they will know the truth. "

Maggie said in a calm voice as she sigh and look away.

She can't let anyone find out the truth.

" But I can't let them know about this. Especially to Dad. I know he will get mad at me and tell me that I am such an embarrassing to our family. I've already disappoint him once, and I won't do it again. "

" If you don't want to tell them the truth, how sure are you that you can hide this? And how sure are you no one will know about this? "

Emma took a deep breath and look straight into her eyes.

She needs to tell Maggie. She's leaving anyway" I will leave this country in 2 weeks from now. "

Maggie widen her eyes in shock.

" W-what?? "

She asked in shock. Emma just smile softly at her.

" I can leave everything behind, Maggie , just to protect my baby. I know dad will force me to abort my child once he finds out the truth. So I have to do something before he finds out. It's the best for me and for my baby. I have to cut all my connection to everyone, including my relatives so that I can live in peace with my baby. "

" But Emma... "

" Please, don't say something that will change my mind. Please. "

Emma beg her while staring deep into her eyes." Emma, you can leave everything behind. Time will come, everyone will know about this. "

Maggie said calmly.

" If you want to leave this country then at least tell this to your baby's father. "

Emma sigh sadly and look away.

" He doesn't care about me nor our baby. I don't need to tell him about my pregnancy. He doesn't want me. "

Maggie frown a little. Slightly angry at the fact why would someone dump a pregnant woman? That's too cruel.

" Emma, who's the father? "

Emma closes her eyes tight before she took a deep breath and face her.

" I-It's cable.... "

Maggie's eyes widen in shock.

" ca-cable?? "

She asked in shock. Emma nodded.

" Yeah.... "

" He's your ex right? I mean, cable wouldn't dump you both if you tell him the truth. "

Emma shook her head and smile bitterly." After the night that we shared. He said he just used me and he wants closure. He just used me..... "

Emma said and her voice cracked at the end of her sentence. Her eyes is getting teary as well.

" H-He just u-used me a-and throw me l-like a toy. H-He is so cruel.. "

Emma said and burst into tears. Maggie felt pity to Emma.This is too much for Emma. Cable is her friend so is Emma. She felt disappointed and angry to cable.

If Alex will find out the truth, she is pretty sure that he will punch and torture cable for hurting Emma.

Maggie sigh and hug Emma as she hug her back and cry harder.

" It's okay, Emma. Just let it out. If it's your decision to hide it from cable I won't stop you anymore. Just remember that I am always here for you, Okay? "

Emma nodded and hug her tighter.Now that Emma explain everything, she couldn't blame her if she wants to hide it all. She now understand Emma.

And for cable? She hope that he will realize his mistake.

After a couple of minutes. Emma finally stopped crying and smile softly at her.

" Thank you so much, Maggie-ah. Thank you for everything. "

Emma said in full of gratitude. Maggie smile at her.

" If you want to leave everything then where are you going? "

" I'm sorry I can't tell you. "

She nodded in understanding." I understand. Please be safe and take care of your baby and yourself too. "

Emma smile ans held her stomach.

" Of course. Once I will leave this country. I will cut all my connection to everyone. I know everyone will be worried and get mad at me but I am doing this for my baby. "

" What?! Baby??! "

Maggie and Emma flinched when they heard a voice of a man out of nowhere.Maggie look at the door and she widen her eyes when she saw Alex standing there with a shock expression.

" A-Alex? S-since when did you get there? "

Maggie asked in shock and stood up, she went to Alex and grab his arm. Emma stood up as well and she got nervous suddenly.

Alex shock expression slowly turn into an angry one. He glare at Maggie and then to Emma.

" Who's the father? "

He asked in a firm voice.

" A-Alex.. "

" Shut up, Maggie. Don't make me mad at you. "

He said in an angry tone as Maggie look down and look at Emma who got pale.

" Answer me, Emma! "

Alex raises his voice making them flinched.

" P-Please, Alex... I-I don't want to talk about it. "

" Don't f*cking try me right now and tell me! "

Alex raises his voice again making Emma shake in fear and nervous. Maggie knew how scary Alex is when he get mad.With a teary eyes, Emma answered him.

" I-It's t-cable.. "

After she answered. Alex dashed out of the room making them shock and followed Alex.

" Alex wait! "

Maggie shouted while trying to reach Alex who is walking fast.

They both didn't make it when Alex went inside the elevator and it closed.

She look at Emma in worry.

" Emma.. "

Emma looked at her in fear.

" Maggie.. What should I do now? "

She asked in worry while tears is flowing down her eyes.

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