love Forever

34 Part 35

Emma opened her eyes and found herself in a fancy wooden cabin . it smelled nature and deafening silence made my tensed nerves settle in tranquillity. She looked confused as she stood up and walked out of her room . it was a breath-taking place . everything was clearly seen from the huge glass windows .

Emma POV

The beautiful nature and in middle a beautiful sweet house. but what am I doing here, who brought me here , the question surround her and a little scared feeling interrupt within her . Did I got kidnapped , the last thing I remember was my wedding , WHAT THE HELL . !! I immediately made my way out but got pulled back from door in bone cursing hug. "I missed you " he spoke making my heart to run fasted . I recognise the voice but what is he doing here , what was he doing in my wedding ??? why am I here with him ??? lot of question flooded in my mind . he turn me around as he stare in my eyes , I saw lot of emotions in his eyes ,, it was new feeling as if he was in very much grief or guilt , he wasn't looking ok , he looked dead . AND with out knowing the word slipped out of my mouth ."Are you ok ??" I asked him he looked surprised and happy "I am not ok " he replied giving me sad smile . I opened my mouth to question him but he placed his finger on my lips "shhh, don't talk , don't ask anything, I will explain everything to you just enjoy this time with me , I will explain everything to you from start to end , don't take stress and forget everything about past just trust me this ones please . " he spoke making my heart go crazy , why he is having such effect on me why can't I avoid him . I really wanted to forget everything but we "can we ??" I asked him . he looked sad " I am not saying you to forget it forever just for sometime ,just for time being " I just nodded I am tired of all this , my life is like a toy ones some one play with it and throw it away and if he needs it he will search for it . smiling at my thought I nodded at him . He pick me up and sat me down on his lap .Cable POV

Without wasting a minute , i kissed her , i gently squeezed her cheeks so she could open her mouth for me . as i thrust my toung in her mouth and she didn't know what to do . she was frozen , the kiss was full of love , and passionate as i was showing my love and care to her through the kiss . breaking the kiss i slowly outstretch my arms and she came to me . without saying anything she cuddled in my arm . it felt good , just both of us being silent watching morning sunshine glisten in between tree leaves and branches , right outside my huge glass windows . I smile remembering our days together before . I pulled her closer to me . and she didn't protest, her soft body against mine, I closed my eyes and felt a little sleepy , she was pretty silent and steady that I assumed , she felt the same way too , but our sweet moment interrupted my a loud growl . "I think someone is hungry. "I spoke. she quickly sit and straighten her position. I made food for both of us and ate it in silence .we finished our food and she stood up but I stopped her . kneeling down I placed my hand on her stomach . "is my little baby ok , " I spoke in baby voice , she was frozen in her place and tried to back off but I stopped her "h-how did you " she spoke but cut off "Alex came in my office and he beat me up and told me about it . " I spoke looking at her . "why ?? why did not you inform me about it Emma " I spoke her tears roll down my eyes and her too as she looked me in eyes . "how can I tell you when you insulted me and kicked me out of your life . " she spoke I looked down it was all my fault I know it .

"I know what i did was terrible , I was out of my mind that time but I will show you how much I love you I will apologized by my action so you can trust me again , I will win your trust back , I am sorry for whatever I did . but you trust me or not but I love you my love was never less never decrease for you I was just blinded by my revenge and anger but I love you still , and I will love you forever weather you accept me or not . " he spoke hugging emma . kissing her forehead . "you know I was really happily am going to become father we will be family again as family of three , but it upto you if you want to accept me or not I will try my best winning you over again . " he kissed her forehead , her nose and a little peck on her lip

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