The battle of the beast tide is gradually coming to an end.

Many people are willing to do it, so that it can sell well in front of the Black Tortoise official.

And Black Eel 3 finally escaped.

The second beam energy cannon, calibrating the speed of the muzzle, couldn't keep up with the speed of the black eel 3's escape. In the end, it was helpless and had no choice but to give up.

Of course, it's not the idea that nobody went to fight the black eel 3, the dog in the water.

However, when the opponent's thick arc fell and killed hundreds of people in an instant, no one dared to pursue it anymore.

As soon as the natural disasters fled, the remaining scattered alien forms were of little threat value. Finally, under the joint efforts of everyone, they were completely cleaned up, and the beast tide finally came to an end.

For the next period of time, the Black Tortoise base was caught in a busy repair work.

A total of 130,000 people died in the Battle of the Beast Tide at the Black Tortoise base.

Of course, this is just some public data.

In fact, the casualties may be even more serious.

The two defensive city walls are basically in a state of being scrapped. The Black Tortoise base can only temporarily set up a cordon outside the city, dispatch troops, and guard them in turn.

Compared with casualties.

The Black Tortoise base has gained a lot.

Every time a wave of beasts strikes, it is a period for some large bases to store food.

According to a rough estimate, there are hundreds of thousands of corpses of land alien units alone. If the ocean aliens are added, there are probably more than a million!

With so much food in reserve, coupled with the armed scales on the alien body, the battle of the Black Tortoise base can actually be regarded as a steady profit. After all, the wasteland implements the survival of the fittest.

For the performance of Qin Feng and the others, those high-level personnel were completely impressed.

Afterwards, Qin Feng also met Jin Qiuyue’s father, the manager of the Black Tortoise base.

How do you say?

It’s a middle-aged uncle...

But because the aliens rushed into the city to wreak havoc, the Black Tortoise base also made corresponding compensation. As for the civilians killed by the aliens , The senior staff can only express their regret.

While handling the corpse, the staff discovered that there was actually the corpse of Ding Zheng and his backer inside.

Both died in front of the Central Technology Building.

The corpse showed signs of alien bites, but this was not a fatal injury. To be more precise, the two died before they encountered the alien.

The most obvious scar is the mark on the chest, which was scratched by a sharp weapon. The bone is almost visible, and the murderer even dragged the two from the science and technology building outside before killing them.

But at this time, he was finally suppressed.

Although many high-level officials asked for a thorough investigation of this matter, Jin Qiuyue’s father, on the grounds that the monitoring of the Science and Technology Building was broken at the time, pushed all the crimes of the matter to Alien.

This matter is still not over.

Qin Feng was injured in his abdomen and should not be bumped, so he stayed at the Black Tortoise base for a few days and healed.

Except for Cang Qiangwei who still needs to take care of the Alfalfa base camp, leaving alone, the other women all stayed with Qin Feng.

It's just that they are with Qin Feng, but in fact they haven't played enough at the Black Tortoise base.

The Black Tortoise base, which has obtained a large amount of food reserves, has drastically reduced the price of food, so that in recent days, many civilians can eat animal meat.

After the reduction of meat and seafood, many shops have also started barbecue business...

At this moment, Bai Ying is walking along Black Tortoise with a bunch of grilled squid in her hand. The park at the base is very leisurely.

This so-called park is actually the amusement park where Jin Qiuyue was a child.

There are many children’s toy items.

For example, the animal board...

Now, Bai Ying is standing in front of the animal board in a daze, muttering to herself.

"What is this? Alien?"

This animal board is a large wooden board commonly seen in parks. There are small animals painted on the board, and the small animal’s The head position is it's empty, and people only need to drill in.

In front of Bai Ying, there is a panda and a giraffe...

" cute."

I saw Bai Ying's ghosts and gods. Behind the drawing board, after studying for a while, I put my head into the panda's head below...

"Ah...I can't pull it out..."

Bai Ying, who is the owner of her head card , Kept twisting his body, trying to get his head out of the hole.

However, it was in vain...

In the end, I could only be stunned, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Chuxia and 01 suddenly appeared. They were holding a novel in one hand and grilled squid in the other. They slowly walked over. Chuxia is still from time to time. With emotion.

"Very exciting! I don't know when the protagonist will soar, Sword Controlling Art, the best!"

The two chatted and passed by Bai Ying.

At this time, as if the encounter of fate, Chu Xia’s sight suddenly fixed on Bai Ying...

Chu Xia: "Huh?"

Bai Ying : "..."

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds before Chu Xia asked with a face of confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm stuck, can't you see it? Hurry up and help me out!"

"This pattern is What? It’s cute."

"It should be some kind of alien, right? Leave this alone, hurry up and save me first!"

"Huh? Put your head in like this Is it all right?"

Five minutes later...

Early summer: "I'm so tired...this height is so tired, I have to stand on tiptoe all the time."

Bai Ying said without expression: "Do you think I am relaxed? I have been bent over!"

"Don't you say I asked you to save me? Why are you? Put your head in! Are you stupid?"

Early summer: "I'm just curious, why can't I get out but I can stick in?"

Bai Ying: "Then what to do now!!"

Early summer: "It's okay! There is still 01!"

The two immediately looked towards 01...

01: "..."

Five minutes later...

"It hurts! It hurts! It broke! Don’t pull it! Uh... I’m stuck in my throat... I’m going to die..."

At this moment, 01 stands behind Bai Ying, like pulling a carrot, raising Bai Ying's body, pulling it out.

But it still doesn't work.

After putting Bai Ying down, Bai Ying breathed in loudly, and said with a lingering fear on her face.

"Very risky! I almost suffocated to death just now! And in my mind, even began to flash, the past of my childhood!"

Chu Xia on the side couldn't help but show off: "I know! I have seen it in the book! This is a revolving lantern! It's a flashback!!"

The second girl fell silent...

Bai Ying: "Damn it! If it doesn’t work, you can only break this thing!"

Early summer: "I heard that this is Jin Qiuyue’s private domain. If it is broken, you won’t lose money? Do you have money?"

Bai Ying: "I have no money..."

Early summer: "Neither do I..."


At this moment, Bai Ying suddenly had an idea!

"Yes! Let's take down this board, and then go to Qin Feng to help us?"

At the beginning of summer, this method is feasible!

So the second woman commanded 01 and began to pull the plank out of the ground!

After a long time, the board can finally move!

So, the two daughters were nodded separately, and they had a sharp heart, and everything said nothing!

"One, two, three! Get up!"

Bai Ying: "Uh!"

Early summer: "Uh!"

With a sound of "dong!", the board fell to the ground again, and Bai Ying said angrily.

"Go left! What are you doing to the right!"

Early summer: "Fuck, why should I listen to a fool? Stupid mortal!"

Bai Ying: "What did you say?!!!"

Early summer: "You actually kicked me!!"

01 on the side: "..."


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