There is an unwritten rule at the Xingwu base.

Any contradiction that cannot be resolved can be resolved by fighting!

After both sides have sent a certain number of people, and said that the rules of victory are good, they can fight by force!

It's just that in this fighting, no one is allowed to use abilities, that is, Saint Artifact. They must compete with their own strength, and if not necessary, they must not hurt their opponent's life.

After all, every Martial Artist has made little achievements after years of hard training. In the martial arts base, dying on the hands of aliens is far more important than dying on the hands of humans. Martial Artist value, this can be considered The only gathering place that cherishes life in the wasteland.

Qin Feng and his party of six came to Zhou's dojo, they were asked by the opponent for a martial arts competition.

Qin Feng naturally doesn't matter.

After all, he has been training with Master Devil for a full ten years, and his martial skill is not inferior to anyone. It's just that the contestants on his side feel a little weak?

Yang Ping, April, 01, early summer, Liu Ying, plus Qin Feng …

Good guys, six people, two minors, one and a half hanging Yang Ping, plus one robot.

April's strength can be considered, after all, April is also a mutant. Although it is an initial mutant, in theory, the strength should be higher than the ordinary person.

Moreover, Qin Feng can't find anyone else to compete, so I can only deal with it like this...

Can you win? Probably...

The other party also sent six people. In addition to Zhou Hall Master, I heard that the other five people are also Zhou's Five Outstanding Talents, and their strength is also extraordinary.

To be honest, Hall Master this week reminded Qin Feng of his master inexplicably. Both have a very similar imposing manner. This imposing manner is absolute confidence in his own strength. After many years, little by little has been accumulated.

After the contestants have been selected, the rules are explained next.

The rules of fighting are simple!

A palm-size bamboo joint will be tied to each participant’s body. As long as the opponent’s bamboo joint is broken or broken, it will be considered eliminated until all the members of one party have a bamboo joint. After being destroyed, the fighting will end, and the venue for the game is this huge dojo of Zhou's.

"The rules are clear, right?"

"The rules of the military base are that there must be no casualties in the military fight. Please choose and prepare, and the military fight will officially begin!"

The two sides of the fighting, at first, will not be together.

On the contrary, it is necessary to search in the dojo field. The offensive personnel of both sides can choose sneak attack and other means, in short, as long as they do not harm their lives and do not use their abilities.

Looking around, Qin Feng and the others decided to act separately.

At this moment, Chuxia is acting with 01.

I saw Chu Xia holding the bamboo joint in his hand and was studying where to tie it. Suddenly, a bowl was shot from the house beside him. The goal was the bamboo joint in Chu Xia's hand!

A crisp sound of "Pa"!

The bowl was directly smashed by the early summer backhand, and then winked at 01, and the two immediately rushed into the house!

"It’s really mean to use hidden weapon this kind of trick!"

As soon as he and 01 rushed into the house, Chuxia met one of the other five greats, and faced Chuxia. The other man suddenly said with a smile lightly.

"little girl, this is a battle. Any method is for victory, so even if it is not compromised, only the winner has the right to speak. I will not show because you are a little child. Mercy!"

After the man said, he rushed up with a wooden knife, and immediately fought with Chuxia and 01.

After banning the use of abilities, Chuxia had no advantage other than being strong, and there was no way to deal with it, but Chuxia only thought about one thing.

Just one hit is enough. With one hit, early summer can knock down the man in an instant!

"Ha, a random attack like you, do you think you can really beat me? You guys, and you look down on us Martial Artists too much!"

The man can do his job with ease. Yes, parrying the attack of the two girls, and at the same time mocking said with a smile.

The attack from the two women once again set off, while the man was in a neutral position, the wooden knife in the man’s hand directly stabs Chuxia’s left shoulder.

"Remove your arm first!"

The wooden knife stabbed, and the early summer suddenly used his arm to block it. Suddenly, there was a "Pa", and the pain came, and early summer hurried back. To the side, he found that his left arm was suddenly bruised and swollen.

On the 01 side, seeing that early summer was injured, he immediately launched an attack on the man, but was again opened with a wooden knife by the opponent, and then he was hit in the chest with a "bang"!


01 was blasted back a few steps, and once again raised the wooden knife to confront the man, but the other party shook the wooden knife in his hand with a look of confusion Tao.

"Weird blow, you are still wearing armor on your body?"

Looked towards 01's maid outfit, no matter how men look at it, they don’t think it can be stuffed into armor. Look like.

"Forget it, anyway, just hit the bamboo joints!"

"Just now, it was a small lesson, don't underestimate our Martial Artist!"

The wooden knife came forward again, Chuxia and 01's expressions were obviously a bit solemn this time.

If you can use your abilities, it is easy for Chuxia and 01 to kill a man, but now if you talk about pure fighting skills, the two women are not men’s opponents.

Faced with the oppression of the man, the two women can only retreat continuously.

Maybe it was a waste of time to continue the confrontation, the man grinned and then raised the wooden knife in his hand and slashed it.

However, the wooden knife that was about to fall was suddenly blocked by the eaves overhead.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xia suddenly laughed.

"Could it be that!" The man had an incredible expression on his face, and he was about to retreat quickly.

Early summer, who sensed the man's movements, stretched out his right hand directly, grabbed 01's ankle beside him, and then angrily roared.

"It's too late! Look at the hidden weapon!!!"

The sound of "sou"!

In the early summer when he grabbed 01's ankle, he directly lifted 01's whole person up, then turned a half circle in midair, and threw it at the man!

The 01 I saw directly drew a straight arc and ran into the man full of emotions. The powerful force of the early summer flew the two directly until it hit the wall behind him. Going on, I just stopped.

The bamboo knots tied around the man's waist have long been shattered, and the whole person has fainted.

On the contrary, 01 swayed up, and the dust on his body was immediately looked towards Early Summer.

"Don’t be angry, I will ask you to drink gasoline later!"

In early summer, when he solved an opponent, Qin Feng encountered the biggest one in history. crisis!

Originally, after separating from Chuxia and the others, Qin Feng looked for the enemy's traces in the dojo.

But I don’t know if it was the reason that the octopus was not fresh in the morning. In short, Qin Feng suddenly had a stomachache...

Fortunately, Qin Feng found the bathroom.

After Qin Feng finally got rid of the "worries" in his body, he found himself in the compartment.

No paper! ! !


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