Using the teleport ability, Qin Feng easily left the Azure Dragon base. The process went smoothly, even Qin Feng himself was somewhat unexpected.

After leaving the Azure Dragon base, Qin Feng and the others drove directly back to the Alfalfa base camp, and Qin Feng heard what happened to the Azure Dragon base afterwards.

After Li Hongtu died, his father was very angry.

It is said that even his son's men were killed by his father that day.

And when I learned that Li Hongtu was having a holiday with the Red Lady mercenary and the others, Li Hongtu’s father actually sent troops to retaliate against the Red Lady and the others.

Qin Feng absolutely didn't expect this.

In addition, Qin Feng was surprised that Qin Feng and the others who returned to the Alfalfa base camp discovered many new faces. After inquiring, they learned that these people were from other rebel organizations. People, because they were suppressed by the Templar arbitration team, joined the clover.

This is several years earlier than in the previous life, and there are more people.

There is another news, also from the Templar Arbitration Chamber.

The Templar Arbitration Group, which carries five ten thousand sects, is gradually intensifying its efforts to clean up the rebel organizations in the human survival circle on a large scale.

According to Cang Qiangwei's information and the course of action of the Templar Arbitration Army, it is very likely that the opponent will pass through the base camp of her and the others and destroy them smoothly.

This is very different from the situation in the previous life.

In the previous life, the opponent did not put Alfalfa in their eyes, but destroyed some of the more threatening resistance organizations. In this way, Alfalfa can absorb a large number of remaining personnel and expand the scale.

Furthermore, when the opponent attacked himself and the others in the previous life, the logistics force was manipulated by the Peace House, resulting in insufficient supply of the army, which led to a disastrous defeat.

Now the opponent's soldiers are strong, and the logistical support is perfect. If this fights, I am afraid that the people on one's side are not enough for others to stuff their teeth.

"I think the reason why the other party chose to attack us is because we were a bit too active most recently."

Cang Qiangwei handed Qin Feng a list of rewards. .

Qin Feng took a look and finally understood.

On the list, many members of Alfalfa are already on the list. The natural disaster at the Black Tortoise base, coupled with the action to rescue mutants, like Yanwu and Leiwu, two famous Leiyan twins from previous generations, are now Wanted by the Peace House for a reward of 2 million Gold Coins, currently ranked 62nd and 63rd on the reward list.

It may be due to mutants.

The bounty in early summer is slightly higher. The current bounty is 3 million, ranking 49th on the reward list.

The bounty of Liuying is relatively low. The current bounty is 1.5 million, ranking 81st on the bounty list.

At present, Alfalfa and the others offer the highest reward, not Qin Feng, not Cang Qiangwei, but 01...

This household type, cleaning robot, with a reward of 6.5 million , Ranking ninth in the reward list, really went beyond Qin Feng's expectation. It may be because of the result of 01, Hard Black Eel 3, that the bounty was so high.

And Qin Feng has been turning around for a long time, but he did not find his bounty...

This is impossible!

I was also the man who delayed the black eel for 30 minutes at any rate. What's more, I'm still a Clover Second Boss, and I have the Saint Artifact of the space department. The top 100, there is no name of his own? ?

The reward list was almost ripped up by Qin Feng, and finally Cang Qiangwei reminded him that Qin Feng found his name...

The 375th place...reward Golden Eighty Thousand Gold Coin …

This group of people’s eyes are simply blinded!

Although his bounty in his previous life was the highest, he was only in his early 2 million years, but Qin Feng felt that he had an illusion of being insulted.

"Don't worry about the bounty, it doesn't mean anything."

"And the lower the bounty, the less trouble. It’s not good."

Cang Qiangwei comforted Qin Feng, and then said resolutely.

"According to the current situation, with our current strength, it is difficult to fight against the army of the Templar Arbitration Chamber. After all, in terms of numbers, we no longer have the advantage, not to mention the overall strength. Not as good as others."

Yan Wu: "I'm afraid that I will fight with them!"

Early summer: "Agree!"

Lei Wu: "not equal To me, we collectively went to Black-Turtle City to avoid it for a while?"

When I heard Cang Qiangwei's words, everyone each airs his own views, but they were all rejected by one after another.

Can't fight it, let's not talk about it.

Even if it is to retreat to the Black Tortoise base, it is not realistic.

Although there is a relationship with Jin Qiuyue, the Black Tortoise base has a military background. It is easy to cause criticism for hosting a group of rebels. Moreover, although the Peace House is afraid of the four bases, it may not dare Move them.

If Jin Qiuyue and the others are dragged into the water, who would dare to cooperate with themselves and the others in the future.

Even if these things are aside, the base camp has finally established a base area. It is really unacceptable to give in like this, and it is also a serious blow to our own morale.

"It would be great if there was more buffer time." Qin Feng pinched his chin muttered, but this sentence surprised Cang Qiangwei.


"Even if there is a buffer of time, with our current strength, can we meet force with the other party?"

Cang Qiangwei does not understand the meaning of Qin Feng's words. Of course, Qin Feng is also impossible to say that if time is sufficient, more resistance will be added to Clover.

Seeing Qin Feng's silence, Cang Qiangwei is not asking, but rather calmly said.

"In fact, you don't need to worry about it."

"Because I have long expected this to happen, I have sent people to contact the newly formed army of mutants. If nothing happens, the other party should join hands with us."

"After all, we both have the same interests now."

Cang Qiangwei's words are like a reassurance, if there are counts. The Alliance of Mutants, together with its own 20,000 horses, might really wipe out the army of the Templar Arbitration Chamber, and at the worst, it could cause the other party to suffer heavy losses.

When the meeting is here, the motion is basically finalized.

Contacted by Cang Qiangwei and the mutant army, everyone is waiting for the result. If things are done, the two sides will jointly send troops. If things cannot be done, the clover and the others will consider directly abandoning the base camp base.

Walking out of the meeting room, Qin Feng couldn't help but feel melancholy again.

In the past life, Clover has been developing in secret, and when he fought the Templar Arbitration Group, it was six or seven years later than it is now.

After defeating the Templar Court of Justice, Clover rose to fame.

Many rebels saw the hope of destroying the Peace House, so they joined the Clover, and then after two years of rest and reorganization, they united their troops and fought a final battle with the Peace House.

Now, all this is a full ten years earlier than before.

The next development may be beyond the plot known to Qin Feng.


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