Leave aside the ability of the eyes, this thing is not what Qin Feng can afford now, unless the eyes can regenerate infinitely, otherwise Qin Feng will definitely not use it lightly.

Immediately, Qin Feng took out three more things from the package!

They are: a pile of clay pots, a handwritten note, and a strange talisman portrayed in human blood...

These three things are from the original classical women’s lying What he got in his coffin is likely to be the other's relics during his lifetime.

In view of the quirky abilities of the classical female, Qin Feng did not dare to move at will, but first picked up the handwritten notes and read it...

With Qin Feng Like guessing, this is a diary...

And the first recording time of the diary is the day it got the system.

From the line between the lines of the other party, Qin Feng can see that the other party at first is very confused. The other party seems to be living in ancient times, with a very conservative personality. After acquiring the system, the other party is not only not excited but more Most are not knowing what to do, passive, and imitation.

But with the ebbing of time, the other party gradually became aware of the power and benefits of the system, and gradually began to accept the system, and tried to improve their lives.

The result was naturally a smooth journey. With the help of system, the other party not only helped the family get rid of the predicament, but also caused quite a sensation at the time. She was hailed as a rarely seen woman in a century.

Opened up trading company, shipping and many other shops, it can be described as the existence of the rich side.

Just because of the different living environment, no matter how good she is, she is always a woman, and the other party's parents have been urging her to marry, which makes the woman very distressed.

Moreover, after having the system, this woman has always believed that these people in her world are not suitable for her at all, and she doesn't understand her at all.

So, the woman left a book and resolutely left home.

With system, where can the world go?

In fact, just as the woman thought, without the bondage of her home, this woman lived happily and happily, and she also saw a lot of things she had never known before.

There is just one problem that has always plagued the woman.

That is the facilitator that the system arranges for itself.

Due to the different concepts of the times, this woman has always been unable to accept that she has so many men. In her opinion, her relationship should be loyal, and she has entanglements with multiple men at the same time, which is easy to be criticized. One person, one life, one pair, is the woman's most yearning.

So this woman actually made a very incomprehensible operation!

She "disbanded" all the facilitators...


The original words of this woman's diary are "It is a passerby who meets from now on."

In other words, she drove all the facilitators away, where do you like to go, everyone lives their own lives, of course they will still gather together when Land of Primal Chaos is opened .

This operation directly confuses Qin Feng!

I can't understand the other party's brain circuit at all!

May I ask a group of strangers, how can they be together and overcome difficulties together?

However, what Qin Feng did not expect is that even so, this woman is doing well, and her strength is getting stronger!

Different from Qin Feng’s ability to learn anything, this woman has always been specializing in darkness, Gu Insect, spiritual skills, and even Qin Feng’s masterpiece is also the masterpiece of this woman. .

And by virtue of the ghost flag, this woman in the game copy is basically if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!

The ghost flag flicked, covering the heavens, shielding the sun's soul, even in the face of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, without any fear. The speed of clearance is like a divine help.

Moreover, the progress of the other party's Land of Primal Chaos has even come to the Sixth Layer, and the progress is quite fast!

Qin Feng really admires him, and of course he is extremely speechless.

I thought that a woman would continue like this, but as a human, it is inevitable that there will be Seven Emotions and Six Desires. Feelings are sometimes beyond their control.

So, in one instance, the woman encountered the "True Fated Son of Heaven" she hit.

It’s just astonishing that the man this woman is fond of is actually the big boss of the opposing camp! !

The difficulty of this strategy must be imaginable!

However, this woman is also fierce. Now that she has taken a fancy to the other party, she is reluctant to give up anything easily. She has almost exhausted all kinds of methods, and even forcibly abducts the other party to achieve her goal. After both soft and hard.

In the end, the woman really succeeded...

It's just that the two sides are in a hostile relationship, and there are some compelling elements in it, but the other's favorability towards the woman Always not high, even if the two have already had a relationship.

Moreover, this woman doesn't know about hiding goodwill.

This situation will definitely become a disaster in the future!

Sure enough, with the passage of time, when the woman pushed the Land of Primal Chaos to the Seventh Layer, the man's behavior became more and more weird.

First, the unfathomable mystery and the woman became angry, and then began to ask the woman for some peculiar items, even Divine Items, etc., and every time they entered the Land of Primal Chaos, they often suddenly disappeared.

It stands to reason that this man's abnormal behavior should have aroused the woman's suspicion long ago, but this woman just didn't believe that the man would betray her, and she still trusted the other person without reservation.

I even spent a lot of money in the mall to purchase the "Equality Contract". From then on, no matter which game copy, or even the reward copy, I will bring the other party. It can be described as infatuation!

However, in the end the woman died in the hands of the other party.

The diary stays here forever. The moment the woman enters the reward dungeon, then it should be Gremonka's narration.

After the two entered the reward copy, the man attacked the woman. After killing her, he also made the woman's body into a mummy and sealed it in an obsidian coffin.

After reading these, Qin Feng didn't know how to express his emotions for a while.

First of all, this is the typical twisted melon is not sweet!

Secondly, this woman believes in this man too much, knowing the other side's whereabouts is weird, and still believing that the other side will not betray her, she is really naive.

In addition, this man is definitely bewitched!

As for who bewitched it, this is not known.

Moreover, men have planned for a long time to make women into mummy. According to Qin Feng, I am afraid that the real purpose of men is to turn women into unconscious puppets to achieve manipulation, even Get system ideas!

Unfortunately, the system has criteria for judging. When a woman dies, the man also perishes with it.

And the evidence is the man's roar before his death, and the strange talisman in front of Qin Feng!

Talisman is portrayed by human blood, with the words grotesquely shaped written on it, which is probably the eight characters of a woman’s birthday!


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