Love in the wrong time

Chapter 009 Yuanxiao

It was past eight o 'clock in the evening when I returned to huacheng. When I got home, I found that my father-in-law was not at home. My mother-in-law told me that my father-in-law had gone to my sister-in-law's house and would not come back until tomorrow. Also every time I and alo returned to yuzhou, the father-in-law must go to the aunt's home to accompany her grandmother, this year is no exception. I always feel that my father-in-law doesn't like to be alone with my mother-in-law. When my mother-in-law sees me, she says," you guys have fun after going there for so many days. I'm the only one at home. Fortunately, he chun came over to help me these days. Otherwise, I don't feel the excitement and festivity of the spring festival." "This he chun is really very troublesome, why I have her in my life.

I washed the house in and out, and found that it was past twelve o 'clock, and both aloe and little tree were asleep. I packed my bags before going to bed. She was so tired that she should have fallen asleep as soon as she laid on the bed, but when she closed her eyes, she thought of the warmth at home, and then she thought of he chun. She couldn' t fall asleep after tossing and turning, so she simply got up and went to the study to read a book for a while to prevent her imagination from running wild. In the study, I could find the sense of security of home. The books in this study were collected by my father-in-law from young to old. There were countless books in the study. I always took out a book that I had originally read. The next time I wanted to read it again, I couldn't find the last one. Every time I have to ask my father-in-law, he seems to have some magic power in a short time to find the book I said. I'm amazed that books recognize people. My father-in-law once told me that these books were all his possessions. When he gave them all to me after a hundred years, he would not give them to arlo. And I promised him.

The next day early in the morning, I and alo tree to my aunt's house to nod off for the new year to grandma, grandma and the same as in the past gave us three big red packets. It was really good to have a grandmother, but she felt bad about accepting the money she had given her frequently, thinking that she must treat her better. I brought home a dried fish for my aunt, who likes to eat dried fish in the rain state. Grandma asked what we played in yuzhou? My grandparents' health? I answered her. Grandma looked at me and held my shoulder and said," I told yao sheng yesterday that I would let you go out to work after the spring festival. "

There was nothing more pleasant than the news. I hugged my grandmother and said," great, thank you, grandma! "

Grandma let go of me and said," yao sheng said that little tree will be handed over to him. You should be responsible for buying food and making breakfast and dinner." I can't. I'll get you a babysitter. "

I said," just let me go out to work and do whatever I want, grandma. "

Grandma sighed softly and said," seeing you so happy, I should have let you go out to work a long time ago." "

I did not answer grandmother's words, stood up for grandma to make a cup of tea jujube, and tell the good news aloe. Ah luo took the tea and handed it to grandma. Grandma held our hands and said," you two are better than anything. Tell grandma what you want and I will agree to it as long as it is reasonable." Grandma put out her hands and hugged us.

When I got back from my grandma's, I started working on my resume. I have not received any interview calls from any recruiter in the past week.

The lantern festival arrived, and all the parks in huacheng hung lanterns to guess the lantern riddles. Since I didn't get the interview call I was a little sad in the heart of the dark, do anything can not lift the spirit, the father-in-law took the hand of the tree gently said to me:" our family to the north sea park lantern!" "

Little tree was so excited that she danced and her mother-in-law nodded as she went to the room to change. Although I am depressed but there is no reason not to go, father-in-law and mother-in-law holding the hand of the tree in front, I and alo followed them. Such a scene is really rare, in the past five years I have not seen father-in-law and mother-in-law together to the park, father-in-law also rarely asked his friends to come home. I come back these days mother-in-law every day at home treat, either students or friends. The father-in-law greeted his mother-in-law's guests with a smile, and when the guests left, they became a kind of respectful relationship.

There were many people in the park today. It could be said that there were a sea of people. Every path in the park was covered with various lanterns. From afar, it looked like a fire dragon. The father-in-law seemed to be very good at guessing puzzles, so he guessed several of them in one go. The father-in-law was very excited to guess the mother-in-law clapped, her expression as if to tell the whole park, her husband is the best. I do not know puzzles can only look at the lantern and give the father-in-law applause, the people around the father-in-law guessing the ability to draw over, they do not understand the lantern riddle to him to guess. There was a prize for guessing lantern riddles that day. My mother-in-law and I took the prize and got it. Our whole family found a stone table and sat down. I poured a glass of water from the thermos and handed it to my father-in-law. He took a sip and looked at the moon. "My mother-in-law was busy answering the phone, and my father-in-law told arlo some interesting things about watching fireworks.

The moon is very round today, but it's a bit cold. It's a bit cold sitting on the stone chair for a long time. The father-in-law told us some legends about the lantern festival, today's father-in-law seems to be in a good mood, all the way with us are talking and laughing. Even little tree felt grandpa's joy, little tree holding grandpa's hand said:" grandpa, you are a little different today!" "

The father-in-law squatted down to look at little tree and said," so you like that grandpa?" "

Little tree looked at grandpa and said," I like grandpa now." "The father-in-law took the little tree and walked a few steps before putting him down. The little tree ran to arlo's side. At this time, her mother-in-law finally answered the phone. She did not need to guess that this call must be from he chun. She put the phone in her handbag and told me that he chun had just gone to the house and found no one. She thought we were going somewhere, so she called. Actually, I am not interested in he chun at all, but my mother-in-law always likes to talk about he chun in front of me.

Talking about arlo's ex-girlfriend in front of me, what was her mother-in-law thinking? The more she talked, the more excited I was. I was a little depressed and listened to her talk about he chun, so I replied," mom, why are you telling me this? He chun's business has nothing to do with me. I don't want to hear it." Unexpectedly angered her, she pulled my sleeve and said:" he chun happy, you can be happy." "I heard this and shivered. What is this? Is my mother-in-law's head in water? What does she think of me? How can my happiness be based on he chun's happiness? Why should she be happy? I can be happy.

I don't want to go with her, I quickly catch up with arlo and father-in-law. Alo took my hand and said," why are your hands so cold? "

I did not say a word, I thought my heart is colder than these hands tens of thousands of times! His hands to rub, and then with the mouth breath and then hold my hand, alo hands warm gradually reached my heart, I looked at alo that concerned eyes, heart warm and wronged.

Seeing that I was in a bad mood, arlo suggested going home early because the wind was blowing. We didn't talk on the way home. We were silent all the way. It was a 360-degree contrast to when we came. The whole family's doping tree fell asleep on arlo's shoulder.

Once yuan xiao passed, everyone had to go to work in an orderly manner. They should go to school and xiao shu went to kindergarten. I searched the talent net in huacheng every day, at least 34 resumes every day, but it was all a disaster. My hand is holding the forehead is aimlessly looking at the recruitment information of talent network, the mobile phone rang, I thought it was the employer called, very excited to pick up, did not expect it was li yue, she asked me to go out for dinner. My voice immediately became weak. As soon as she heard my voice change, she asked," your mother-in-law is angry with you again. I'll give you a lift. You'll feel better. "

I said," no, I've been looking for a job for days, and I haven't been able to find one, so I'm a little down. "

"No way, you really have to go out to work. "

"Yes, I lied to you. "

"If you really want to work, liu ziheng's company has a civil class. Do you want to try it. "

"Your husband is a bit far away. I want to find a company near my home. It won' t be too late for work. "It's not because it's a long journey, it's because I think it sounds a bit weird to work at my friend's husband's company. And I want to get a job on my own.

Li yue knew that I was not in the mood to go out, said some did not have to hang up the phone. I was in a state of shock, but the phone rang again. I received a call from an employer asking me to come to the 5th floor of friendship building at 9 o 'clock tomorrow for an interview. I was so happy when I answered the phone that someone finally called me and I could finally go out for an interview.

The next day, I put on a specially prepared professional suit and high heels, wearing a light makeup. I put my resume and all the certificates in my handbag, and arlo specifically took me to the interview. I sat in the car very nervous, palms have been sweating, get out of the car when alo gave me a big hug, and in the ear said to me:" baby, don't be nervous you are the best." My body trembled a little, and arlo wanted to go in with me for an interview, but I stopped him. So I kept cheering myself up in my heart, waved a hand to alo and walked into the friendship building immediately.

I am applying for the administrative assistant of the trading company today, so there are a lot of interviewees, and the girls are all the same. I stood in the back and looked at the girls in front of me with confidence and laughter, and the television executive assistant is very similar, suddenly feel no bottom. The girl behind me looks like she just graduated from college. She puts her hands together and says something. It was as if he was asking all the immortals to help her succeed in her interview. I listened to the heart instead of nervous, quietly waiting. The people in front of them went in one after another, and the interview time for each of them was less than ten minutes. When I went in, the interviewees were all tired.

One of the permed female executives looked through my resume and spoke." Did you know my company before?" She asked. "I was relieved to hear that, because I went online to cram all the information about the company as soon as I got the interview call yesterday. I explained the history of the trading company in three minutes. I looked at the woman who had a perm and nodded with a smile. Then she asked," why haven't you worked for five years after college? I knew I would ask such a question, so I adjusted my sitting position and said," I haven't been out of work for five years because I got married as soon as I graduated and had children. Although I have no work experience, I believe I can do the job. "

After I finished speaking, everyone looked at me in unison, or the perm executive said," you are so young to be a mother, how do you evaluate yourself?" "

"I am willing to help others and have a more gentle disposition. The job of an administrative assistant is very cumbersome. The person who can do this job should be gentle. I always think it is my best character.

"How is the office software? "Asked another flatheaded man.

"I type very fast. "

"Office software not only requires typing fast, but also mastering the various software word processing forms processing slide processing and simple data processing functions, can you do this?" "

In the past five years, apart from typing, I don't know how to deal with this and that, so I started to get a little confused and nodded again. I don't even know what I'm trying to say, let alone an interview with a supervisor. Finally, the man with a flat head said," alright, I know. You can go back first. If you have a job, you will be notified within three days." "

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