Love in the wrong time

Chapter 015 Difficult

I saw my grandmother walk all morning. She must be tired. She took her grandmother to the food square on the top floor and found a cafe to sit down and rest. She ordered a cup of grapefruit tea for her, and I asked for a latte. I told my grandmother about the new things that happened to me this week at work, when I said the bus the company gave me was worth more than eight million dollars. Grandma looked at me in surprise and said," yuanshan group is so concerned about image. You are an assistant driving such a luxurious car. The boss's car must not be limited edition." "

I muttered to myself," I don't know what kind of car the boss drives. I haven't seen him come to work yet." But my boss was driving over five million dollars. I'm so embarrassed. "

Grandma touched my shoulder and said," the luxury car is different!" "

"Grandma," I said confidently," I prefer my own car to mine. "

"Yes, if it was arlo who bought it for you, it would be more secure. Grandma took a sip of tea and looked at me and said," didn't su yu give you any face after you went to work? "

I laughed and said:" no, it is dad to take care of the small tree will be more difficult." "

"If su yu says something unpleasant to you, don' t take it to heart. She was a greedy person who wanted everything. She was still not satisfied with it. She had such a well-behaved and sensible daughter-in-law like you. She had given birth to a fat grandson within a year of marriage, and outsiders were envious of her. But she's always picking three or four on you, man! Then she picked up her handkerchief and wiped the corner of her eyes. I could clearly see tears in her eyes.

"Grandmother, why do you always look so polite to mom and dad? It doesn't look like an old married couple at all. I finally asked my grandmother the question that had troubled me for so many years.

Grandma sighed, turned her head to the door, stared ahead, and fell silent. I also followed the silence, about 15 minutes after the grandmother said:" are the fate of sin ah!" I can't even talk about her. Grandma's face disappeared in a flash with a smile. She finished the grapefruit tea in her glass and said she was tired and wanted to go home. Grandma asked me to help her up, we took the elevator to the first floor, just the elevator door with a poster, the poster said to buy 10000 yuan can draw two prizes. I pulled grandma, pointed to the direction of the poster, grandma looked at a pat on the back of my hand followed me to the first floor of the service desk, I took out the invoice to the staff, I found the prize is very rich: air conditioning by the soymilk machine bike hot water pot, and so on.

The staff took out the lottery box to let us smoke, I and grandma smoke once, grandma actually smoked the first prize is air conditioning quilt. I smoked a hot kettle. The staff said we were lucky enough to hit the jackpot. I said to the staff:" of course, my grandmother is our family's lucky star, there is no good reason." When I said this, the staff and grandmother laughed, and my heart was relieved to see my grandmother's smile.

Grandma took my arm, I proposed to eat lunch with grandma outside, she said aunt recently not let her eat outside, said that the food outside of the oil and salt are beyond the standard. Her aunt made a strict diet for her grandmother every day, and she was very cooperative with her. Compared to her mother-in-law, her aunt really had to do a great job. Her mother-in-law couldn' t figure out how she could take care of her grandmother. Perhaps it was at this point that her grandmother was staying at her aunt's house.

I sent my grandmother to my aunt's house and said goodbye to her without even entering the door. I am in a hurry to go home, because during this period my mother-in-law calls me three times, grandma won't let me answer. Thinking that my mother-in-law should have something to contend with me, a door into the mother-in-law immediately took her big bag of small bags, one by one to look out.

I looked at her guiltily and said," mom, is it urgent that you called me? "My mother-in-law rolled her eyes at me and said," nothing, I just want to know what you are doing. "I sighed and went into the room. Just as I was about to change, my mother-in-law came in with the three dresses and said angrily," you just went to work and didn't even get your salary. You have the cheek to buy such an expensive dress. Do you think it's easy for arlo to earn money? "Yes, in her eyes I was only fit for a cheap dress, not the three dresses in her hands. I took a deep breath before saying," these three dresses and the clothes outside are bought for me by grandma. If you don't believe me, you can ask grandma." "My mother-in-law went out doubtfully with her skirt. I bit my lower lip and lay on the bed without moving. I fell asleep in a daze. My father-in-law woke me up.

When I got up, I found that my father-in-law had already made lunch. As soon as I was on the table, my mother-in-law gave me a sharp look and looked at me. She never gave me any presents, which is great for you. "Then he peeled a shrimp and put it in the father-in-law's bowl. He gave it to me. The mother-in-law frowned and said:" it is always so no family education, let the elders for you to peel shrimp." I took the prawn back to my mother-in-law and looked down at her, stuffing it into my mouth with my chopsticks and swallowing it before I could finish it. Use all your strength to eat, afraid that there is still a bit of strength will" wow" crying. The father-in-law coughs a little, the mother-in-law knew to stop, I can eat well.

On monday, I got a call from chen, who asked me to book a one-way ticket from london to Seattle and a hotel in Seattle. It was really hard for me to book a hotel, so I asked George for advice, and George told me in great detail how to book a hotel in Seattle. He knew my english so he specifically told me which hotel I should look for. I kept saying thank you to George. He looked at me and said," don't keep saying thank you. Don't end up with chairman chen staying out of a hotel in Seattle, you'll be in trouble. And these days, the phone should be picked up in time. Chairman chen will ask you to book a ticket for him at any time. No matter how late you get up to work for him, a real assistant to the chairman is not that easy. "

I repeatedly spot, thought that must not make a mistake, in fact, opened the hotel's official website I was confused, even guess with a confused or no start. Finally, with the help of George, the task was completed. George said," is your english taught by the history teacher?" Usually, when you have time to practice english, our yuanshan group is an international enterprise. As an assistant, you actually have less vocabulary than a primary school student. "Then he left. After I posted the hotel information, I decided to go to the bookstore after work and buy some business english to practice at home.

Go home and finish the housework as soon as possible, then go to the study to learn english. During the period, her mother-in-law looked at me with curiosity, half leaning against the door frame. When she knew that I was hiding in the study to learn english, she said in a very disdainful tone," if you speak english, the water in the Yellow River must be against the current." I could only smile and recite the words, and she closed the door in a dull way. At ten o 'clock arlo came home and saw me learning english. He sat down beside me and asked me what had happened. Why did he suddenly learn english?

I told him roughly what happened today. And let him teach me, alo said the best way to learn english is to watch american blockbusters, while watching, while saying, do not understand the words immediately look up the dictionary. This way to learn the accent will be accurate, he immediately demonstrated to me, let me follow. It was a bit difficult, but the thought of George's cold tone when he spoke to me today and the words of his mother-in-law just now came to mind. He studied hard for fifteen minutes and barely memorized ten words before he went to sleep in peace.

As soon as I went to work, I went straight to George's office. I wanted to ask him if he could learn english at work. He glanced at the book in my hand and said," I don't know how to say hello. You ask me such silly questions. The company is a place to work, not a school. If everyone is like you, is it still like the company? I told you yesterday that strengthening english is not for you to use your working hours to study. Is there something wrong with your comprehension, or is there something wrong with my presentation? "

When George said that, I really thought I was an idiot. I was too naive to ask questions. I think I have a lot of free time at work. Anyway, I am free. It seems reasonable to remember english words.

I keep my head down like a kid who did something wrong and I don't know what to say for a moment. All I heard was George saying," forget it, don't ask such a schoolboy question next time. From this point you can also see that you really want to do a good job, after work to learn. At this time, he immediately booked a ticket from Seattle to huacheng. "

I said:" chen dong didn't just arrived in Seattle last night, how to go back to huacheng." "

George shot me a cold light, and I knew I was wrong again. George said," just do it and don't ask why. You shouldn' t have asked about the boss' whereabouts. Do you want chairman chen to explain to you why he returned to hua city so soon? "

I was at a loss and kept saying I was sorry. I'm sorry. George didn't say a word. He sat back in his chair and motioned me out. I went back to my office to book a ticket for chen. I sent the message to chen wen and sent it to George. Every time chen receives my message, he replies me with two words: ok.

After doing this, I had nothing to do, so I sent George a wechat message asking if he had anything to do with me. He told me to drive the company car and wait for him at the gate for ten minutes.

I went out with my bag in my hand. As soon as the girl from the planning department came out, she surrounded me and asked," assistant lin, when will chairman chen go back to huacheng?" "

I shook my head in confusion and they walked away.

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