Love in the wrong time

Chapter 023 Fight (2)

I got up and said," no, little tree can't leave me. "

Chen wen sighed and smiled." You eat this bowl of porridge first. You can' t go home hungry!" "

I looked at chen wen, smiling eyes full of love, I lowered my head from his hands took the bowl, tasted a mouthful, this porridge sweet, very sticky, a mother's taste. He looked at me quietly and smiled." Uncle lee would be so happy to see you eating. "

"Uncle li made this porridge? I could not help but be stunned.

Chen wen smiled gently and said," yes, I can' t cook porridge, so I asked him to cook it. "

I let out a long sigh:" can buy outside, how troublesome!" "

Chen wenshen said for a moment," when I was young, I had to eat uncle li's porridge when I was sick." She hadn' t eaten any better porridge than uncle li in so many years, so she wanted you to try it. "

I looked down at his warm eyes. Tell him I'm going home anyway. He got up and went out to check me out.

Sitting in his car, the light of the streetlights cast a bright and dark glow on the car in the driving. From the angle of my passenger's seat, he looked cold and handsome, with sharp edges and sharp nose, thin lips, and no one could not help but show his nobility and grace. Such a good man actually likes me, every time I think of this I feel incredible. As a young girl, I often daydreamed about the day when such a prince charming would come to pick me up for school. Let the surrounding female students all envy me, did not think that now realized, but I have been the mother of the child. The fantasies of teenage girls can't help but feel ridiculous and funny. Chen wen slowly turned his head to look at me and said," I was frowning just now. How can I smile secretly now?" "

I immediately stopped smiling and leaned back without saying a word. It was nine o 'clock when I got home, and my father-in-law was bathing little tree. As soon as I got to the room, my mother-in-law followed me in. She looked at me with a cold smile and said," now that my wings are hard, I don't want to go home and call us. Is it because I don't want to serve my sick mother-in-law?" "

I took a home coat out of the closet and said," mom, no, it's just something today. I did not want to tell her about the fainting, lest she should make a fuss again.

My mother-in-law looked at me expressionlessly and said," don't make excuses. If you don't want to say it, I can ask someone else to take care of me." "

"There's really something I don't care for you. I can't help it if you insist. ' I said patiently. Her mother-in-law said a lot of words. It was nothing more than that I had been blessed to marry ah luo for several lifetimes. She told me not to be too greedy. If I continue to be so greedy, everything I have now might be lost in the near future. She could even say such words. Could it be that she prayed every day that ah luo and I would go our separate ways? I leaned against the door of the closet and watched her chatter until the father-in-law came in with little tree in his arms before she stopped firing at me.

The style of painting is almost 365 degrees of change, I can not react for a moment, instinctively took over the tree, the father-in-law asked me to eat, if not, there are some food, dishes hot can eat. I told him he had eaten, and he and his mother-in-law came out of my room together.

Looking at the back of the two of them going out, I suddenly felt a sad feeling from the bottom of my heart overflowing, I wanted to stop the source, but did not start. Holding the small tree as if to grasp the life-saving straw kissed, suddenly found that in the past five years if there is no father-in-law from the mediation, I and ah luo are already running things. I can't stop crying at the thought. Little tree with his chubby little hands on my face wipe, but also said: mom, why do you shed tears, is grandma not let you eat again?

I shook my head and told him he was crying because of his heartache. He asked why the heartache, I have no words to embrace him, tears can not stop. Little tree in my arms said: mom, when I grow up, I give you a lot of money and a lot of toys, you don't cry. I love your mom. Little tree said very seriously, the eyes of baba, looked at me with a look of hope. My heart warmed and I hugged him and said," mommy loves you too. "

The two of us just like this embrace, small tree fell asleep, I habitually called aloe, want him to hug small tree. I just remembered that ah luo hadn' t returned home yet and didn' t call me today. Leaning on the edge of the bed looking out the window thinking about he chunalo and I. At eleven o 'clock, he returned. Ah luo pushed open the door and walked in, kissing the sleeping tree. Then turned to me, and I dodged him. He took my hand and said," honey, it was my fault last night. I shouldn't have said those things to you. It's all my fault. "

When we argue, arlo says," it's all my fault. "I am tired of hearing this for so many years, and I am very angry to hear it again tonight. Because this sentence seems magnanimous tolerance, actually put me in the unreasonable unreasonable position. I gave him a sidelong glance and snorted, ignoring him.

Arlo went on," honey, I've been missing you all day. Did you eat out in the morning and eat out in the street?" "

I just looked at him calmly. The fire in my heart flared up at the mention of it. I sat up and said," you said you missed me so much, and I didn't even make a call. You never really cared about me, and you never knew what I was really thinking. "

Arlo panicked. He said," I didn't care about you? I don't know what you're thinking, okay? Who often accompany you to watch silly korean drama and give up the blue ball game? Who often accompany you to go shopping and give up the reunion? Who is working so hard to make time to go shopping with you? I think you're the one who never cared about me! "

A great battle was about to begin. At this time, the mother-in-law rushed in and pointed to my nose, saying:" good you lin yinmei, ah luo for you to work overtime until now to go home, you can not stop." Don't think you have a hard working wing. I can ask chen wen to fire you anytime and anywhere. Don't forget who gave you that job. "

There was a surge of anger in my heart and I said," call him right away and tell him to fire me. "

Her mother-in-law was so angry that her whole body trembled and she said," ah luo, why didn't you listen to my mother back then? Why did you have to marry such a unreasonable woman who doesn't know how to be grateful?" Now you know. "

Five thunders thundered, her mother-in-law actually said so. I looked at her angrily and said:" yes, your son and that shameless he chunduo." "

A slap came from her mother-in-law. I was instantly stunned and instinctively covered my face in fear. A slap was not as cruel as my mother-in-law's. She grabbed my hand and said," shameless person is you, right? Originally, she and luo got along well. Luo luo went to college and you seduced ah luo. You said that you were only three months pregnant when you graduated from university. I am not ashamed, I am a kind heart to marry you, you a foreigner can marry ah luo has been a blessing of several lifetimes, you are not grateful still give ah luo face everywhere. "

I covered my face with tears, helplessly looking at alo, he lowered his head silent. What a joke, was a quarrel between husband and wife, did not expect to evolve into a war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law turned over the old account, husband in front of her mother-in-law is always so weak.

I took another look at the sleeping tree, fortunately did not wake him, I picked up the phone and walked to the door. Her mother-in-law said behind her," don't come back out of this house. "

In fact, I do not want to go out, I just want to study quiet, because I do not want to be alone with her quarrel. I actually opened the door and walked out.

Out of the door, I could not help but inhale the air after the rain, the air is so fresh. The fresh air rushed through my body and smothered my broken heart.

I stood quietly on the bus stop not far from home, watching the flower city center at 1 am still as busy as the day. Looking back on these years, really ups and downs, today's big noise, like a clear blue sky passing through a piece of dark clouds, finally converged into a rainstorm, rainstorm hit my heart's final line of defense.

I turned on my phone and scrolled up and down the bulletin board, but couldn't find a number to call. The sadness in my heart flowed through my body inch by inch, and I bit my lip. I lifted my head and forced back the tears that were rolling in my eyes.

At this time, I really want to go back to the rain state, back to my mother's arms, crying in pain. Yuzhou is nearly 2000 kilometers away from huacheng. When I was going to marry arlo, no one in my family agreed. My mother said that she would know how lonely it is to marry a strange city. After being wronged, I don't know who to talk to. It was arlo who knelt in front of my parents and vowed that he would treat me well. Plus, I was pregnant again, so my parents had no choice but to agree to let me marry far away.

Just like that, standing, breathing fresh air, the heart has calmed down a lot, the mind can gradually think. I was afraid of what my mother-in-law had said to me, and I could not help but shiver, and arlo's behavior is as cowardly as before, I ran out in the middle of the night he did not follow. He knew I had no friends or relatives in flower city, and I didn't even bring my wallet when I went out. Wasn't he worried about me?

Thinking about it, she kept circling the blind alley of her mother-in-law, he chunalo. I felt there was no way to go when I suddenly thought of the little tree, I did not listen to the change to go home, at this moment I just want to hug the little tree. When she reached the door, she stopped again. Her thoughts fell into the dead end of the alley just now. She bent down and squatted beside the flower bed. After a long time, the neighbors came to me late and whispered," why are you here? Are you sick?" "

I quickly looked up at them and said:" nothing, just a little stomachache, I wanted to buy medicine, now seems to be good, I will go back later." "

They want to help me pull up, I waved a hand and smiled and said:" nothing, you go back." "

They gave me an uneasy look and slowly opened the door and went in. I also got up and took out the key to open the door, and found it locked. My heart fell into the abyss and I sat down on the steps against the wall. After sitting dejected for four hours, my father-in-law went out to practice in the morning and saw me with tears all over my face. He was shocked and pulled me up." Why are you locked outside? What happened?" Arlo, arlo. ' He said, walking towards my room. I followed my father-in-law into the door, when the room door was opened by the father-in-law, found that aloe was sleeping. At that moment I feel he is so distant and unfamiliar, his heart is how ruthless, his wife did not come back all night he can sleep that good. I shudder.

Ah luo, who was awakened by his father, looked at me sleepily and said," ah mei, why are you at the door? Didn't you come back last night?" Didn't mom say you'd be back in an hour? "

At this time, the mother-in-law also followed me in, coldly looked at me and said:" also know to come back!" Never come back if you can. "

The father-in-law dragged his mother-in-law's hand to their room, and the door was flung heavily by the father-in-law. I see little tree is still sleeping, no liarlo got up to take clothes to the bathroom to take a bath. From her mother-in-law's room came the voice of her father-in-law." Enough, enough. "

I curled up in the corner of the bathroom and cried quietly, pouring cold water from my head with my hands, running down my face. I could not feel my tears, the air was moist.

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