Love in the wrong time

Chapter 037 Marie

If two women share the secret of love, it is always easy to get close. Marie was extremely enthusiastic about me because my soup made chen juqi stick to her even more. She put her arm around me and said," may, why do you think he likes your soup? "I looked at her with a smile and said," the young master of a rich family has a new taste of what we usually eat. Vice president chen has a unique vision. Otherwise, how could our Marie love him so much? She gave me a gentle nudge and said shyly," he told me the other day on a business trip that he wanted to take me to france next month, but I heard that old Mr. And Mrs. Chen were in france recently. Do you think we'll meet them? "

I smiled and said," isn't it better to meet them? So your relationship can be made public. "

Marie circled me around like a butterfly in high spirits. I took her hand and said," it's best for me to announce your relationship. "He sighed softly at the thought of what chen had asked me to do.

Marie shook his head sadly and looked at me." Speaking of which, I probably don't know him as well as you do. After all, he asked you to do everything in his life. May, although he will contact me during this time, do you know that we used to meet at the hotel?" Now change the hotel to my home, but we met will not do much communication, every time I lie in his arms always feel he is thinking of another woman. I am more and more inseparable from him, very afraid if one day lost him what I will do, so you must help me. "

I patted her on the shoulder, thinking what I could do to help her, just to tell her some of chen's habits in life and how to make soup, as the saying goes: to keep a man's heart, first to keep his stomach.

She hesitated for a moment and leaned against me." May, can you help me find out if there are other women outside?" I could feel someone else in his heart. "

I suddenly think of roddy, afraid that Marie see my strange then gently turned away, but then I think, roddy such a girl, chen zhongqi will not like, I know he is related to the girl is roddy. So I looked at Marie and said," I haven't seen any other girls come to the company to see him for the past two months. "

But I don't know what other women he has out there besides roddy. Chen wen is like an insulator in the company, but there are so many women out there. I shook my head and took a sip of coffee. I looked at Marie and said," you treat him so sincerely, and he can repay you with his heart. Don't worry. "

Marie breathed a silent sigh of relief and said slowly," I hope so. "

Looking at Marie such a brilliant person to talk about chen zhongqi would be so sad and lost, heart a kind of indescribable desolation. I patted her on the shoulder and said," he grew up in england and has just returned to china. You talk a lot, you'll get along. "

Marie nodded and a smile appeared on his lips. It was as gentle as the spring breeze. This kind of smile can only appear in love girls, I turned the phone, she shyly pointed to her hand said:" can I see what he usually with you wechat?" "Startled, I gently nodded, unlocked my phone, opened wechat, and pointed out chen zhongqi to Marie.

She excitedly took over the phone and slowly scrolled through it. She looked at the corners of her eyes, which were filled with smiles and giggles. At the end of the row, Marie said with a smile," looking at your conversation, I realized that he has the appearance of an overbearing ceo. He loves to tell you what to do, and I find that if you say one thing, he'll answer you ten. May I envy you a little, really these two months he said to me less than he said a day to you. "After that, Marie's smiling eyes showed a hint of sadness.

I sighed helplessly and said:" he is really very uncertain, one second can still speak properly, the next second is a tyrannical president possessed." I would ask for ten times as much criticism as I could for his orders. I can't figure out why he's so hard on me that he won't allow me to make any mistakes. When you meet him tonight, please say something nice to me in front of your boyfriend for the sake of me teaching you how to cook soup. With that, he made a gesture of entreaty, and Marie smiled, his expression relaxed, and he took my hand.

Chen zhongqi has ignored me even more since uncle li's birthday. He always used a playful tone when talking to me in person. It was as if I were a man who had no joy or sorrow, waiting for him whenever and wherever he wanted, and I had to complete every command he gave me. Marie pointed to the information on my desk and said," no way. Ever since you took over George's job, your desk has been filled with information. "

I nodded helplessly and said," in three days, he asked me to organize into electronic files and classification. A piece of paper and an electronic file. George was always so thorough. "

Marie patted the information and sighed," so much, it seems that George wants to cultivate you into a second' he'." "

When I heard Marie's words, my expression darkened, but then I said with a smile," I can't even compare to a little finger of George. Don't say that. People will gossip when they hear it." Besides, George's cultivation level was more than anyone in the entire yuan mountain. "

Marie's eyes turned slightly disdainfully." The most gossipy person in our headquarters is the public relations department on the first floor. Every time we see them whispering in the staff canteen, we don't know what they're chewing on. Why are they so idle?" "

In fact, I am talking about the 12 th floor of the planning department of the female colleagues, they are really good at speech and argument. I had not been in contact with the public relations department that Marie had mentioned, and I had been in frequent contact with George after taking over. They found that the entire public relations department was very united, and all of them were capable cadres. I had the illusion that I'd become smart after spending too much time with them.

So I don't agree with what Marie said about them. I shook my head with a smile and said," they are all capable of handling emergencies in our group. "

Marie said coldly," may, don't be fooled by their beautiful appearance. They are bad. Last time I saw them in the lobby openly hook up chen juqi! "

I was still thinking about how the good department of yuanshan group would be held accountable in the new year. So, Marie was jealous in the public relations department. I smiled and said," I thought they were all unmarried, but I didn't expect to know after contact that most of them are married, last time in the public relations department also talk about their parenting." Just two or three new grads who haven't fallen in love yet. From what I know about them, I don't think they'd like someone like chen juqi, so just relax a hundred times. "

I can guarantee this, chen zhongqi often with me to the public relations department, every time he is sitting in the reception room to make tea. No one from the public relations department would come forward to talk to him. Sometimes he would ask his little sister to help him pour water but no one would answer. He even blamed me for this, saying that I must have spoken ill of him in front of them so that he changed from an adult fan of the company to an invisible person. I looked at him in a daze and shook my head in response.

Marie pathetically shook her head, picked up her cell phone, and showed it to me. It was manager fang from the public relations department. She pointed to manager fang on the cell phone and said," this old man is in his forties and is not married yet. He tried to woo me when I first entered the mountain of origin." "

I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say, because I personally think manager fang is a very charming, responsible, talented man. If it was not for the comparison between manager fang and chen zhongqi, he would definitely win over chen zhongqi. Marie really put such a good man not to love, but with chen zhongqi what underground love.

Marie thought I didn't believe her, so she simply showed me her wechat chat records. I looked at it briefly, and it was all about words of concern. Although Marie rejected him very clearly, he sent a greeting message every day.

As I thought about what she had done for chen zhongqi, I looked at manager fang's wechat. It could be said that manager fang's wechat day after day did not touch Marie but touched me. After reading it, I looked up and said," manager fang is really nice to you. He has sent you wechat every day for so many years. No matter how cold you are, he still keeps asking about you." Did you really not want to fall in love with manager fang because of this? "

Marie was angry and annoyed." It's harassment. Sometimes I don't even look at him when I meet him in the lobby. He's so thick-skinned. I've rejected him a hundred times, and he won't give up." Then he picked up my coffee and took a sip, saying," without talking about him, he got angry at me. Sometimes I wonder if he saw me with chen zhongqi, so he asked the public relations department to come down and seduce chen zhongqi. All his men know that he was chasing me. "

Well, it seems that Marie's manager has a lot of prejudice. He doesn't like him and doesn't like his entire department.

I looked at Marie with an incredulous look. She nodded and shrugged, as if she had thought of something. She took her phone and hurried out of my office.

As soon as she left I had no time to pay attention to what she had just said. So much information had no clue. In the midst of the chaos, chen zhongqi's call came in. He asked me to drive the car to the bank opposite the company in ten minutes and wait for him. Hanging up the phone I casually scolded: bastard, I do not know what to let me do, today I am not free. But I dare not refuse him, very impatient to take the bag out.

He showed up in front of him at the appointed time. As soon as he got in the car, he asked me to take him to guanghui food street, the most famous food street in huacheng. Actually, guanghui food street was only ten minutes away from our company.

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