Love in the wrong time

Chapter 052 Pick up

On the way to work, I got a call from George, who asked me to pick up a heavyweight guest at the airport, Huang Ming, the son of the company. If yuanshan hotel chain and xiankuan group in the hotel industry said the second no one dare to say the first. When he heard me, he was stunned." Qiao secret is such an important guest, can I do it?" "

"Assistant lin, you represent the yuanshan group, not you, so there's no way you can win. Yuanshan group and xiankuan group in china's industry is parallel. You don't have to worry. Take the guests to the hotel. I've booked the suite. Vice president huang and I will be there after a short rest. "

"All right. As I answered, I turned my head to the airport, and as soon as I arrived at the airport I received photos and flight information from George on Huang Ming road, and I waited for him in the vip corridor. Suddenly, she saw roddy. At this moment, she was not as arrogant as usual. Her face was dark and her eyes were gloomy. Walking on the empty vip corridor made people feel desolate, and suddenly a crowd burst out from the fork in the corridor. The person in the middle was the famous celebrity corbel. The crowd rushed past roddy and she continued to walk lonely as if she was completely separated from the outside world. I nodded deeply, looking at her far away, the corner left me is a trance of the back. Her heart skipped a beat. Seeing that luo di must have been emotionally involved, she suddenly thought of chen zhongqi.

As soon as the text message rang, it was the airline's flight to Huang Ming road on time that pulled me back from my thoughts. I patted my face and stared at the passage for fear of missing it.

Several more groups of people passed through the vip corridor, and Huang Ming road appeared at the end of the line. Huang Ming road is long face sword eyebrow, age and chen zhongqi are similar, have a look of the king of the weather. I walked to him and reached out to take the luggage, saying," hello, Mr. Huang. I am lin yinmei of yuanshan group. It's nice to meet you. It's been hard all the way." "

Huang Ming daoxuan raised his eyebrows and looked up and down at me curiously." You are the assistant lin that George mentioned. Have you been waiting for a long time?" "

Wan and I smiled and said," the flight was on time, so it didn't take long. So president huang, should we go back to the hotel first? "

Huang Ming said with a faint but distant smile," I have an appointment with your vice president chen to the hotel first." "I nodded and guided him to the underground parking lot. He sat in the back and shut his eyes as soon as he got in the car. He called George in the car and told me he was waiting for us in the presidential suite.

Sitting in the presidential suite exclusive elevator, Huang Ming looked at me meaningfully, reached out his hand and said:" just got off the plane has not properly introduced himself, I am Huang Ming road is also a student of archie university." I think you're archie's girlfriend who's been hiding for years. "

I looked at him in horror. Huang Ming looked at me doubtfully and said," I guess so. Don't be surprised. I'm good friends with archie. I know better than him what kind of girl he likes. "

I snatched his words and said:" president huang is not, I am not his girlfriend, I am his assistant." "Then he raised his right hand and shook it:" I am married, and the child is five years old. Vice president chen's girlfriend is someone else. "

Huang Ming blinked and said incredulously," impossible, impossible. "Susu, as if not convinced, thought for a moment and looked at me again. She nodded and said," I made a mistake. I'm sorry. "

I smiled and said softly," it's all right, as long as his real girlfriend doesn't make a mistake. "

The elevator opened and we walked into the suite side by side. Chen zhongqi took the luggage from me. Huang Ming patted chen zhongqi's chest and said," if you have time to wait here, you won't have time to pick it up at the airport. It seems that you are really a vengeful person." In the future, she had to be careful with young master chen. "

Chen zhongqi snorted," each other, each other. "

Huang Ming laughed, chen zhongqi from the coffee table took a bag of handmade coffee for me:" our young master huang sometimes made a cup of Lanshan for him, this is my mother's treasure." "

Huang Ming said with a twinkle in her eyes," auntie is in flower city. She has to listen to her instruction at night. It just so happens that she has no place to worry about recently." "

Chen zhongqi said disdainfully," don't always go to my mother to relieve her worries. She has been very busy recently." You have to learn to heal at this age. "

Huang Ming shook his head and said," in this life, I have decided that auntie is my spiritual leader. "

George smiled gently and said," president huang, are we talking about business or are we talking about your brotherhood first? "

Huang Ming laughed heartily." I don't have a rational partner like George around me. I only talk about my career and not my feelings. George's been with your dad for years, and now he's staying with your brother. This is also the place that envies your source mountain, the core personnel of the whole source mountain are loyal, one generation training generation does not have fault. With that said, my eyes swept over my face with warmth, and I lowered my head to pick up the coffee.

George's eyes sparkled and he looked at chen zhongqi with a smile. Then he returned to his usual self and said calmly," yuanshan is my place to settle down. Vice president chen is my boss. What I do is nothing but my duty. Thank you Mr. Huang for your praise of yuanshan. "Then he took out a document from his handbag and gave it to Huang Ming.

I went to the suite's water table to make coffee, the glass of a clear porcelain lotus cup, which is in line with chen's clothes today. He wore a navy blue suit today, looking noble and steady. I served the three of them coffee, and George asked me to sit next to them. Huang Ming put down the paper and took a sip of coffee. He looked at me with a look of treasure and said," this Lanshan coffee has to be cooked to be so mellow. After that, he sighed and looked at chen zhongqi. Chen zhongqi held the coffee in his left hand and flipped through the documents in his right.

I lowered my head and hurriedly picked up the coffee and took a small sip. The acidity of the coffee hit me in the head and made me want to wake up. I had a jolt and took another big gulp. George was silent for a moment and smiled." President huang, this proposal is based on the revision I made last time. These food street data are personally obtained by vice president chen. The previous work is laid down by our source mountain, after all, the source mountain to do data this still has the absolute advantage. "

Huang Ming bowed slightly, his expression calm." Investing in food street is our two newly expanded businesses. The data is the most important thing for us. Huacheng and yuzhou first do our demonstration point, food street driven by too many industries, we do not step too fast. He paused, took a sip of coffee, and looked at chen zhongqi. Last time I spoke to him, he was more ambitious than my dad. "

Chen shook his head and said:" he is not in the food street, he is looking at the global market, recently oversea hotel acquisition enough for his headache." "

Huang Ming sneered and drank the coffee. He showed me the empty cup and said," please give me another cup of tea, assistant lin." I got up and took his empty cup and went to the water table. I could feel Huang Ming dow and chen juqi staring at my back, back inexplicably cold. As soon as I got to the water table, I quickly turned around and saw the two of them exchanging secrets with each other with eyes that I did not know. George looked at them thoughtfully. I sighed and gave a faint smile. I made a pot of Longjing and put the three of them into Longjing. George took a sip and said," assistant lin, the legal department of the company will send you the contract of cooperation with xiankuan group later. You can send it to president huang's secretary. I' ve already sent it to you on wechat. Just answer the contract. "

I opened my laptop and sent the contract to Huang Ming road's secretary. I skimmed the contract a little and saw that the food street was going to be built in Chunxi Road, yuzhou. The surprise couldn' t hide its joy and said happily," that's great. Building such a big special food street in yuzhou is just for me. My wish since I was young is to eat it all the way to the end in yuzhou." "

Huang Ming said suddenly with a cold expression, and a hint of dejection looked at him and said," are you from yuzhou?" "I don't know. I nodded and said," I am a native of yuzhou. President huang, do you like yuzhou so much? Otherwise, why would you choose yuzhou for your first stop?" "

Huang Ming said as if he thought of something. He wanted to say something but stopped. He only smiled and said," yuzhou has my brother and the investment environment is good, so I chose it at the first stop." "

I nodded and said," that's great. I can go back to yuzhou and finish eating at one stop." It suddenly occurred to me that I could apply for a business trip to yuzhou as soon as the food street project started. I rubbed my face embarrassedly and looked at chen zhongqi, saying," vice president chen, can you take me with you when you go to yuzhou for business?" "My eyes were full of hope. Chen zhongqi smiled slightly and said," depending on the situation, not all business trips can take you." "His eyes were still cold.

I sighed lightly and said," it's okay. You think it's appropriate to take me with you." Chen zhongqi lowered his hair and sent a wechat message. Huang Ming looked out of the window and George was revising a document with my notebook. The whole living room was quiet, with a dull feeling of glue pressing against my chest. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Chen zhongqi looked up at me, then busy with wechat. Time passed quietly, and I made jasmine tea, looking at a jasmine floating in the water, and fragrance, mood with the jasmine aroma slowly spread out. Looking at the jasmine in the water, she smiled and shook her head.

Both parties' legal affairs were confirmed and George asked me to print out the document just now. After chen zhongqi and Huang Ming road signed their names, I put them in envelopes and huang daoming asked me to send the contract back to the broad group. After that, Huang Ming said, stretching his back," archie is a perpetual workaholic. I haven't eaten a bite since morning. "

Chen zhongqi put away his phone and sipped a mouthful of tea, saying," such a classy jasmine tea also said harsh, it seems that the next time you come here you may only have boiled water." "

George nodded." Vice president chen knows you' re coming. He asked uncle chen to prepare a table of your favorite dishes a few days ago. "

Huang Ming drooled as if she was about to spill out. She smiled and said," my heart is yearning for uncle chen's cooking skills. What are we waiting for? Let's go. "Then he got up and pulled chen zhongqi up and pushed him forward. George and I smiled as we watched them leave.

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