Love in the wrong time

Chapter 076 Assault

Chen wen asked me to go with him to the yuanshan hotel for a surprise inspection, just to the hotel chen zhongqi and George immediately arrived. I walked up to George and whispered to him what was going on. He waved at me and I followed him.

We went to the western restaurant and went straight to the kitchen in the surprise of all the employees. When the chefs saw chen wen, they had the same expression: they were stunned and at a loss. They stopped their work one after another. The chief executive chef ran over and rubbed his hands together with a smile." Good morning, chairman chen." I didn't know you'd be here today, and I wasn't prepared for anything. "

Chen wen looked at his calm face and said," it's okay. We' ll just take a look. You can just stay by the side." Then he went to the dishwasher, and the chief executive looked at me doubtfully, and I shrugged and walked past him.

The team leader of the dishwasher walked over with trepidation. George said," it's okay. I'm busy with you." Let's take a walk. "

The team leader seemed relieved and returned to his post. The rest of the staff could tell from their eyes that they were very nervous.

Chen wen walked around the kitchen, then went to all the private rooms in the western restaurant. He walked down the corridor to the main hall and asked me coldly," assistant lin, what do you suggest?" All the people looked at me inquiringly. My eyelids jumped and I could not help but laugh bitterly in my heart, what does chen wen want to do? I cast a doubtful glance at George, who raised his eyebrows as if to signal me to say what I had to say. I yawned a little and said softly," I saw the staff on the line in the sink in the dishwasher just now wearing anti-skid shoes, but they were still moving the heavy things carefully, proving that the floor there must be very slippery. I had just taken a few steps on the interview, skidding more than anywhere else in the dishwasher, and I suggested putting a mat on the floor to prevent slipping at work. George cast me a look of approval, and chen wen looked solemn and solemn." The humanity of yuanshan is people-oriented. The core of it is respect for people, respect for people's character and nature." As leaders, we should always create a safe and pleasant environment for our employees. Safety is the first. "The chief executive nodded desperately." At 10 o 'clock sharp, I will hold a security meeting in the kitchen to eliminate the hidden dangers in the kitchen. "

Chen wen nodded and glanced at George. George looked at the chief executive chef knowingly and said," after you have finished cooking in the kitchen, prepare a report for president liu and ask him to start a comprehensive work area security hidden danger elimination activity in the entire store." Not only do we provide a safe and comfortable home environment for our guests, but we also have to do the same for our yuanshan staff area. "

I thought to myself what had happened. What had happened to the grand hotel?

Coming out of the western restaurant, I saw the head of yuanshan hotel, who was sweating profusely, liu zong, running towards us. Apparently just found out about our arrival.

President liu panted and said," chairman chen, you are here." Just discussed marketing plans for next year in the office and in the sales department. "

Chen wen looked at him with interest and said," old liu, you have to work harder. You' re panting like this from the office. We don' t have a gym in our hotel. We have to work out more after work. And my dad specifically reminded me yesterday to tell you to drink less. "

President liu smiled foolishly." Thank you for your concern, old chairman chen. I have been abstaining from alcohol recently." "

When I heard and looked at president liu's round figure, I couldn't help but laugh a few times, then chen raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud.

With such a smile, the air suddenly seemed much more relaxed. Before that, the atmosphere was serious and tense. Mr. Liu accompanied us to the chinese restaurant engineering department finally arrived at the guest room department. Chen wen was most concerned about the guest room department. He went to other departments to have a feeling of looking at flowers. Li Mei explained to chen in great detail with a notebook.

After listening to Li Mei's report, chen wen asked president liu to gather the managers of various departments to the conference room and let them do a summary of their work.

We have just arrived in the conference room, the managers of various departments have a pile of information has been waiting for us, Mr. Liu entered his assistant gave him a document. After sitting down, George made a brief speech, president liu took that information to chen wen to report the management of the hotel in the first three quarters of this year, followed by the deputy general manager to report the hotel project improvement and the hotel market situation and the next year's market situation analysis and strategy, financial director reported the operation of the hotel funds. After listening to the report of each department, I lamented that every department knew that chen wen was coming to inspect the work today, and the report was clear and clear.

Chen wen finally made a summary: the hotel management team and all the managers of sincere unity and dedication to work, hard work, dutiful duty, holiday, no time to rest dedication to give affirmation.

At the same time, the hotel put forward some hope and requirements. First, we should strive to do a good job in the business operation, and the annual business tasks and targets should not be shaken; second, we must ask all hotel managers and employees to speak in unity, carefully, modestly and morally; third, all managers should still strengthen their sense of responsibility, continue to sum up their experience and develop their respective potentials, use the work platform provided by the hotel, expand their grand plans, and do all kinds of work better and more solid; fourth, we should strengthen all kinds of management, such as strengthening safety management, and building up the first concept of safety; and finally, we must strengthen the enterprise culture; If you want to keep innovating, you can make the hotel more competitive. To build a world-class hotel.

I thought it was a very official statement. I have never seen an official statement. So I kept staring at chen wen, but I always felt that chen zhongqi, who was sitting opposite me, had been staring at me. Chen zhongqi responded to me with a teasing look. I didn't want to go back to him. I could only lower my head and pretend to take notes. He threw a cap at me, and I held it in my hand, ignoring him.

After the meeting, Li Mei went to chen and said that he had prepared lunch for the four of us in the staff restaurant. Chen said happily," that's great, but assistant lin has to go to chen to buy me a roast goose rice." "

Li Mei smiled and said," I'll go buy it. You guys go ahead and eat it. "

Chen zhongqi shook his head and said," the food that assistant lin bought is better. She knows which part I like to eat. Then he nudged my hand with his elbow.

I don't know what he wants to do, but it takes at least an hour for chen to line up at this time. I squeeze out a smile and say," ok, vice president chen, I'll go buy it now, but maybe not so soon. I don't know if you're hungry. "

Chen zhongqi smiled slightly and said disdainfully," if you know that I have to queue up and know that I' ll be hungry and talk nonsense, then hurry up and go!" "

I was in the same spot for a moment, when chen wen came over and put his arm around my shoulder to walk to the door:" ah qi, manager li is on duty, what else to eat roast goose rice, next time I will accompany you." "

Li Mei took the opportunity to make a" please" to chen juqi, he gave me a sidelong look, the kind of eyes is clearly: with me endless. But he followed us to the staff restaurant.

At the corner of the corridor I walked to the side of George, so I and chen wen separated George, chen zhongqi and Li Mei walk in the back.

I don't want to have too much contact with chen wen, so follow George. We're going through the employees' passage. We don't want to be talked about. George seemed to be able to sense my mood has been deliberately separated from me and chen wen, I looked at him gratefully.

We a group of people to the staff restaurant, the whole restaurant was boiling, everyone stood up and said in unison: hello, chairman chen, vice president chen. Chen wen waved his hand and said," everyone, sit down. I' m not here to inspect the restaurant. I' m just here for a work meal. Everyone can do whatever you want." "With Li Mei leading us to the far right corner of the restaurant, Li Mei and I brought up four dishes and a soup.

After chen moved his chopsticks, I scanned the entire restaurant in Discovery Inn Hotel before eating. I picked up a piece of tofu and smiled at chen wen and said," chairman chen, you should stop eating in the canteen. The whole canteen doesn't dare to eat when you come." "

Chen wen peeled a shrimp and put it in my bowl. Just as he was about to say something, Li Mei snatched the initiative." Chairman chen, vice president chen, the girls at our hotel secretly sent me wechat just now. They want to take photos with you. I think you should satisfy their request. How many girls come to our hotel for work because of you two. "

George quickly put down his chopsticks and added," yes, our yuanshan has had this fine tradition since ancient times. The boss often interacts with his employees." "

Chen and chen said in sync," no way. "With an expression of hopelessness, I lowered my head and stirred the soup with a laugh.

Li Mei stood up and waved to the girls in the hall. All the girls automatically lined up in two groups and walked towards us. It was impossible to finish filming in less than half an hour. George and I put some chopsticks into the bowl and sat down at the next table. As I ate, I watched how the girls tortured the chen brothers: each girl took a photo with chen wen, and chen zhongqi took a photo, and finally with chen brothers take a photo. A few bold girls even reached out to touch the chen brothers' abs. Seeing this scene, my legs almost cramped from laughing. Seeing chen zhongqi glaring at me, I stopped smiling and whispered to George," secretary qiao, the medicine I have to take every afternoon is in the office. I have to go back first. "George nodded.

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