Love in the wrong time

Chapter 079 List

Back home, only her mother-in-law at home, she looked at some old books in the study, I said hello to her after looking for food in the kitchen, see a table with seafood fried rice and a bowl of soup. Touched the temperature is just right, I went to the study asked her mother-in-law:" mom, the table of the meal is mine?" "

She put down the book and said impatiently," it's not shameful to go home so late every day and have adults leave food for you." Go make me a cup of chrysanthemum tea. I'm going to get sick from your anger. "

Well, I turned to the kitchen and made her a cup of chrysanthemum tea. Just as I was about to come out, my mother-in-law asked me," when are they leaving?" "

No, my father-in-law did not tell her the specific time they went abroad, I leaned against the door frame said:" tomorrow morning, the specific time I do not know, grandma told me not to go to the airport." "

She picked up the cup and blew on it. Then, she put it down again and said with an indifferent smile," it seems that the fang family has something to hide. "

I did not answer, but gently shook my head. My mother-in-law looked out of the window and said," hurry up and eat, lest yao sheng come back to see you didn't eat the dinner he specially prepared for you, and his heart would ache again. "

Knowing that her mother-in-law was angry with her father-in-law again, I went out to open the lid, seafood meal smell, instant saliva filled the whole mouth. As I eat, I want to sing" only the public is good."

After eating, she took a hot shower and fell asleep in bed in less than ten seconds. The next day, she woke up with a sore body and felt that her hands and feet were not hers. She walked slowly to the living room and saw that the door of her mother-in-law's room was open. When she walked in, she found that she was not in the room. She looked around the house but could not find her. She wondered where she would go so early. Suddenly thought she would not run to the airport to see the father-in-law, I sighed, went to the kitchen to bring what to chen zhongqi to eat?

Well, I made him a potato, eggs, pancakes and oatmeal milk, and I made myself one. I arrived ten minutes early because I didn't want to be seen bringing breakfast to chen. I put breakfast on his desk and casually took a photo to send him and attached: breakfast has been delivered, remember to eat oh!

When she returned to the office, she found that chen wen's coat was missing. George sent me a wechat message: chairman chen and I are on a business trip. If you need anything, please contact vice president chen. Thinking of what chen zhongqi said yesterday about the grass-roots level, the yuanshan group's industries were distributed all over the seemed that they would not be back in less than ten days and a half months.

As long as chen wen and George business trip I will work less than half, silently pray chen zhongqi do not come to me, let me live a few days idle days. Today, I plan to organize the reimbursement vouchers for this month, these vouchers are chen zhongqi, dry cleaning clothes go out for dinner refueling fees, etc., each time I am very embarrassed to take to the finance department.

I saw in the system administration issued the company collective travel announcement, opened the company wechat group exploded, this trip is to the northeast snow mountain ski. They left in two batches. I looked at the list. It was obvious that 80 % of the first batch of names were girls. Because the executive department was the administrative department, the two batches of names were all on the second batch. Chen wen and chen zhongqi were all on the second batch, and everyone in the administrative department was on the second batch.

Xiao fang of the personnel department in the group ai special administrative department manager zheng, asked her to explain the two groups of men and women ratio why the disparity. Manager zheng replied to her," according to the floor, all the singular floors are one batch, and even floors are two batches."

Zheng also said: the company's annual travel as long as a family can be brought with the family, so that the ratio of men and women is balanced.

Xiao fang replied: most of the girls in the company are single. How to bring their families? It's not fun for men and women to ski unbalanced.

After xiao fang said that, all the girls in the group except the administrative department and the planning department replied in unison: the imbalance between men and women was not fun at all, so the two bosses had to separate.

I can see that they all want to be with chen wen and chen zhongqi. I shook my head and got up to think of a cup of coffee in the pantry. I opened the door and passed by the administration department.

I made a cup of coffee and quickly hid back in the office. Suddenly, someone was in the group. I saw that it was the manager of the finance department. She asked me, assistant lin, this list is obviously unreasonable, because the company's group travel is to enhance collective cohesion and team spirit. As the company's leader, chairman chen and vice president chen, each have to bring a batch to ensure that they are consistent from top to bottom. If the leader of the company appears in the same group, it loses the significance of collective travel.

The manager of the finance department shot me, and most of the girls were ait. I am a first two big, I was just watching the people, did not expect the instant become the people in the play. How could I let this whole distribution thing go? I had to take over watching so many aits. God! I don't want to offend any department.

After pondering for a long time, I forced myself to call George. His tone was not very good. Assistant lin, you have to learn how to handle this kind of thing. If you can't handle it, you can leave it to vice president chen.

I apologized a few times and hung up the phone. I hesitated for ten minutes and replied in the group: chairman chen and vice president chen's itinerary is usually a business trip, one must stay in the headquarters, so they can not go out at the same time. I will arrange who will be in the first batch and who will be in the second batch according to their itinerary.

The pr official replied immediately: yes.

After that, every girl replied," okay, everything is according to chairman chen's arrangement."

At the same time, she received a private letter from the financial director: it's really good that assistant lin has you. If it's possible, arrange chairman chen in our first batch. You have no idea how much the girls in our finance department like chen dong. We heard that chen dong's skiing skills can be compared with the athletes. We want to take this opportunity to let him teach them by hand.

No way, he even said it out loud. It seemed like he was going to get it. But I don't even know if the two brothers have time to go?

At the same time, manager zheng from the administrative department also sent a private message: assistant lin, can you arrange vice president chen for our second batch? No matter what, we need vice president chen.

I was relieved to see their wechat messages. Fortunately, they didn' t want to be alone. It would be easier if they had time to talk. I sent them the same message: I tried to arrange it.

After returning, I began to check the chen brothers itinerary, chen dong business trip, if he is in the first batch then he had to interrupt the trip back to snow mountain to meet his colleagues. Vice president chen stayed in the second batch, when chairman chen also ended the visit of the national subsidiary almost back to huacheng. It seemed that the first batch of chairman chen, vice president chen's second batch was the most reasonable.

With this decision, I thought about how to tell them. Thinking that chen zhongqi could face each other in flower city, it was easier to communicate. Chen wen, on the other hand, could only communicate by phone during his business trip.

Wondering if I should go out first to comfort the girls outside, I gently opened the door to the direction of the administration, found that the other departments are scattered. There were only a few girls in the administration department whispering and I hurried back to the office.

Because the company can't order takeout, I don't want to go to the canteen. I am afraid that I will meet the finance department and the administration department, with the array just now will be surrounded by them. But now I'm starving. After thinking about it, she could only call the pr department and ask old fang to bring me a work meal.

Half an hour later, old fang showed up in my office with chen's roast goose rice. The first sentence was: I know you didn't go to the canteen because you were afraid that you would hurt them in the morning, right? In fact, you don't have to worry, remember that your current position is the chairman's assistant, your decision is chairman chen's decision. No one in yuanshan dare to point fingers at you, you must pick up the chairman's assistant this fan.

I took the roast goose rice gratefully looked at old fang and said:" thank you, I remember." "

Old fang said," your heart is sometimes too simple. Fortunately, with George's guidance, you can do different things for different people." Before I just touch you, always think that your pure is a façade, but a long time to find that your pure is really pure natural non-polluting. "He went on, with a smile in his eyes," I hope you will always keep this precious heart in your heart. "

When I heard that my face was red, I chuckled in a low voice." Thank you, manager fang. Why did you buy roast goose rice?" We have to line up at this hour. "

Old fang said gently like a cigarette," you call me, I just happen to be in chen ji and I, so I also bring you a copy." "

I opened the lunch box and said with a smile," I haven't eaten for a long time. I really miss the taste of chen ji." It suddenly occurred to me why chen had to go to chen to eat roast goose rice every time. So I asked old fang," manager fang, why does vice president chen have to go to chen ji to eat, and our hotel is doing very well?" "

Old fang was stunned and replied to me," in the future, if you have the chance to let archie tell you, the story is very long, you eat first." I went to his office for coffee. "Then he left the office.

I picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat first small mouth to eat up, feel this piece of meat and yuanshan how different, eat the whole box of rice is not different. After eating for fifteen minutes, I took the medicine prescribed by dr. Zheng. It worked so well that I fell asleep in less than a minute. For the rest of the day I slept through the afternoons.

When I finally woke up and looked at my cell phone and found it was 16: 50, no way. I slept until I got off work. I sat up on the sofa and picked up my cell phone to call dr. Zheng's assistant. She told me that it was good to be able to sleep immediately after taking the medicine. She also told me not to force myself not to go to sleep. Sleep as long as you want. It would be best to do as you wish.

No way, I hung up the phone in confusion, wondering what it was and what it was. I sat on the sofa with my head down and tried to think if I had some work to finish in the afternoon. I suddenly thought of how to tell chen about going to snow-white mountain. The thought of talking to him on the phone made her feel a sense of unease. She lowered her head and frowned in deep thought. Still unable to pick up the phone, she could only get up and make a cup of coffee on the sofa.finally, she decided to send him a wechat message: chairman chen, the group winter tour has decided to go to snow mountain in two batches. You will lead everyone to snow mountain from november 9 to november 11. Vice president chen will lead the second batch to snow mountain from november 16 to 18. Is this a good time for you?

After sending, he stared at his phone and replied to me in less than one minute: yes, send the relevant information to George.

I heaved a sigh of relief and finally settled chen wen. I immediately opened up the travel plan and sent some key information to George in color.

George replied: copy that.

Now there is only chen zhongqi left, I opened wechat to send chen text message to him, but finally delete thought or face to face to tell him.

I walked out of the office and found that all my colleagues on the twelfth floor were off work. I went to chen's office and knocked on the door. No one responded. I had to leave and go back to pick up my bag and go home. In the elevator, he changed the wechat to chen wen and sent it to chen zhongqi. Chen zhongqi replied to me in a second," got it." Finally settled the chen brothers, happy to go home.

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